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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. What did he say? AJC just briefly mentions that he said Ross loved his kid. Fox5's web site didn't even mention him (although they were streaming live, but I wasn't watching at that time).
  2. Bond denied. Judge mentioned hte possibility of it turning into a death penalty case.
  3. I was wondering if they'd gone ahead with the second surgery. Any time all that icky crap (literally) in your guts is released into the body, it's not good. But he's strong, and he's got a will to live. That helps tremendously. Still praying.
  4. I did see that, and meant to comment on it as well. OK - she knows he's being unfaithful. She knows they're having money problems. She knows he's planning this (and perhaps helped him plan it). Shades of Susan Smith, who pushed her kids into a lake to die in their car seats because she wanted to be with a man who had broken up with her because he didn't want children. Every halfway-decent mother I know would be completely hysterical/catatonic over the death of a child, and once recovered enough to speak logical words, would be begging the police to release the husbande so they could ki
  5. That's ever the way, isn't it, D? DAMNATION, but I hate people. And not only did he suffer physically, but the sense of betrayal and abandonment and fear and confusion would be as overwhelming as the physical suffering. The people responsible for caring for and protecting this child left him to die. How many times did he call for Daddy? I am absolutely sick every time I think about this.
  6. A couple of other thoughts: a) Leanna did not ask to see her son; just her husband. Showed no emotion, to the point where even her mother questioned her on it. Put me on that jury. Please, put me on that jury. 2) RE: sexting - I know people do this all the time, but I hear about it mostly vis a vis teenagers/idiot young people. Do adults really think this is cool? I mean, if I got a text from some married guy showing his erect penis, after I got over the revulsion, I'd forward it to his wife and tell her to tell him to keep it in his pants. Do people really think this is cool?
  7. OHDEARGODINHEAVEN. This is beyond sickening. BEYOND. SICKENING. Throw them both in prison and leave them in gen. pop. Of course, I advocate locking them in a hot car and letting them suffer for seven hours until they die.
  8. I know. That was an affectionate poke at all those who love Miracle Whip and hate mayonnaise.
  9. DANG SKIPPY!!! Miracle Whip is NOT mayonnaise - it is a salad dressing. And an insult to real mayonnaise. I do this one, only without the pimientos and with chopped onions regular mustard. I think I'll try a recipe with pimientos and celery (not at the same time) to see how I like them.
  10. Ooh - a new word to be added to Oxford's dictionary this year!
  11. Classics, all of them. BTW, Tim Conway is the voice of Barnacle Boy on SpongeBob SquarePants. Ernest Borgnine was the voice of Mermaid Man.
  12. What about kid midgets? Wouldn't that make them little midgets?
  13. I'm guessing you're right. If I lived in Habersham County, I'd be raising cain. I saw early on that the Sheriff had instructed Grady to forward all medical bills to the county. And I'm sure there will be a legal settlement. If it were my kid, they'd rue the day they ever thought about doing a no-knock warrant.
  14. My friends and I have conversations like this and it drives my family nuts. When we want to introduce a new topic, we say, "Sidebar," like in a courtroom, but the funny thing is, no matter how rambly the conversation, we always back out of our sidebars in a logical order (last sidebar back to first sidebar), and get back to the original topic. It might be three hours later, but we do get back to it. Cranemec - that is hilarious. Imma do that hte next time I go to the beach. HAHAHAHAA Which reminds me - I love Blondie. :wub:
  15. I was very happy to read that last night. Apparently he's doing much better (as opposed to barely being there), because he walked out of the hospital. I hate that he will have to have further surgeries, but I'm guessing the family won't have to worry about money when all is said and done. As it should be. The entire thing is just a travesty. I just hope they can get back on their feet after all this and have a good life. Bless his tiny heart.
  16. That is THE TRUTH. Hacks me right off, but I read every single page of every download screen. Dang sneaky b******s.
  17. Beautiful news. Still praying, and will continue to until he's out of the woods.
  18. I am continually amazed at what people post about their children online. 7yo nephew went to Shorter University's baseball camp a couple of weeks ago, and they did pitching and hitting videos for each kid and put them on YouTube. I was so happy to see they set them private so that the info could only be accessed by those we chose to share it with. I know people should be free to share information without anything bad happening, but in this day and age of evil and mass media, I am just too cautious/paranoid. As with many other things that most people deem ok but I won't do, IT ONLY TAKES
  19. I believe that is correct. The complaint was against being required to pay for bc that some consider to be abortifacients (morning after pill, etc.).
  20. Agree with all you say. I just brought up the L&O episode to show that in that case, the mother did it, and the father covered for her. I am definitely waiting to read she's been arrested.
  21. Agreed. I've read that with these spree killers (Adam Lanza, et al), that their primary motive is FAME, and that they research it to the nth degree, studying others who've gone before them, etc.
  22. There is a CLASSIC Law & Order episode where a baby dies. Attention first turns to the father, but turns out he was covering for the mother, who killed the baby (and two or three others before it) and claimed SIDS in order to get sympathy and attention - Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. It's rare, but it does happen, and in this day and age of media out the wazoo, I should think it would bring out the crazy big-time. NOT saying this is the case here, but rather pointing to the fact that I believe momof3 to be correct - something is way fishy in Denmark, and who knows what the complete t
  23. Honestly, I've been coming to the same conclusion. Something about her just does not feel right. Even in the pics...I can't explain it, and laugh at me if you will. The whole thing is just sick and creepy.
  24. I've always said there's a special place in hell for a lot of preachers, and ain't they gonna be surprised when they get there.
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