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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I hope he's ok, but my spidey senses kicked in there and something seems...odd. A woman I can see talking about somebody following her, etc. A man? Not so much. That's not to say it's not totally true...it may be. Either way, I hope he's found. Nobody needs that worry.
  2. Indeed, I do, sir...indeed, I do. Esp. those whose parents couldn't give a flying flip about what's going on in their lives. Dang skippy, sister.
  3. Also, check with Kennesaw State re: continuing ed - many moons ago, I took such a class at a different school.
  4. mei lan

    Miley Cyrus

    She's doing Joleen because Dolly is her godmother. Which I originally typed dogmother, and snorted tea out of my nose.
  5. OH - I must have been out of it, then. And you're right - WAY lot of people not doing their jobs. Also, only one of the kids was in the proper custody of the SO, according to the blog. So why were the two other kids there? I can guarantee you if that had been my kid(s), Douglas County taxpayers would rue the day they ever learned my name.
  6. Yo ho ho! Today's AJC has legal observers (not connected with the case) stating that the popo are obviously now focusing on Leanna Harris and what she knew/didn't know/etc. One said that knowledge of a crime isn't prosecutable, but cover-up is. I knew the second part, but had never thought about the first part. But the big kicker in the article is this - they can compel her to testify against Ross. FTA: But if, as many increasingly believe, her husband ends up facing more significant murder charges, prosecutors may seek to use Leanna Harris as a witness. In Georgia, the spousal pri
  7. Oh, you are so cute, assuming they would even do a proper headcount at the proper time. However, after I read the article a second time, I realized they were in a holding cell at the COURTHOUSE, which was closed on the weekend. The guards were supposed to check it every hour from 8am to 10pm, but that obviously didn't happen. Article says this happened Friday, June 20th...I don't recall seeing any stories about it in the Atlanta media. Not doubting that it probalby happened, knowing Dougtown...just sayin' it's a little odd that this comes from a blog that sourced another blog/pseudo n
  8. Ditto all y'all, but I'm less surprised...I sometimes agree with CC.
  9. I will say special prayers for your puppeh. We love our babies. I'm so thankful for chindog's words of encouragement.
  10. If it were anybody but a tiny tot who depended on and trusted in his own parents, I'd never consider it. But I'm with Jenilyn, Dana, et al - I just cannot wrap my head around this. That poor child. Bless his tiny heart.
  11. By someone they love and trust to provide for and protect them. And then leave them all alone till they're good and dead.
  12. Thanks for the update. I was wondering how the holiday would affect your knowing the results of the tests. Will keep praying.
  13. Both my siblings are adopted. My parents did the same from the time they came to live with us. So what did I do? I cried because I wasn't chosen and they had to take what they got with me. HAHAHAHA My poor parents. Damned if they did, and damned if they didn't. BTW - I never, EVER think about their being adopted unless the subject comes up. I could not love them more if they were my own flesh and blood. Neither has ever wanted to search for their bio family, although my parents would have been fine with it, and told them so.
  14. Still is...2:00 and it's 81 degrees with a nice breeze. Woo hoo!
  15. They sound awesome!!! stradial and his wife have a running issue re: food - she buys things he doesn't know what they are, like quinoa and spices, and never cooks, and now she's on a paleo diet kick and since his dr. wants him to eat better, she won't let him have good stuff. So I was taking a shameless poke at him. (Also, his back hurts, or so I hear.) Bless his heart.
  16. Double ditto! I missed the original comments, but two great character behaviors illustrated here.
  17. If I threw up every time I felt sick reading this story, I'd be dead by now. That poor, precious child. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for them to arrest the mother egg donor. Right there with you, sister.
  18. Twinsies! I love when they run Christmas in July stuff...you get to watch without all the folderol of the hectic Christmas season.
  19. I'll tell the wife you were reading this and it made you hungry for some quinoa and spices.
  20. I thought about that. People said he talked about how much he loved his son so much it got annoying. And maybe he said to her I feel this need to be with other women because we have him and if he's not here, we could be all happy again. Who knows. Evil. Pure frickin' evil. And based on what came out today, I think she knew everything.
  21. Ditto here. All I can think of when I start feeling sick and getting upset again is that this precious baby is in the arms of Jesus and isn't suffering anymore. And Scripture says that the death of innocents is one of the things that makes God the angriest, so I sure wouldn't want to be these two when they meet Him. Mo - I'm going with psychopath. The det. did say he backed into the parking spot, and would have had to look over the car seat to do it. raclay - Yes, I fully believe the mother could have orchestrated it. Susan Smith. (I still can't believe they didn't fry her arse...
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