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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. The Daily Mail is sensationalistic and picture-heavy, but they dang sure pay attention to American news. If you'll notice, you're on the American home page...there's a different home page for GB. Edited to add that I didn't see anything new in this article except that she's hired an attorney. Everything else was just rehash.
  2. HEY!!! I have nephews, so you shut up!!!
  3. The good news is it's only a 6' pool, which will be something like 5'8" when it's full. You could just float around on a float and feel safe. Blondie - is that a light at the bottom post of the step? NIIIICE!!! Also - we discovered these last year. WAAAAAY effective. WAY. http://www.amazon.com/Thera-Band-Aquatic-Exercise-Dumbells-Hand/dp/B00066D6KO/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1405036125&sr=8-3&keywords=pool+weights http://www.amazon.com/Aqua-Fitness-Exercise-Set-Assorted/dp/B003O85UXW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1405036125&sr=8-2&keywords=pool+weights
  4. I second this. I have been where you are (as have others here). I'll try to think of ideas for meals, but know that you are doing the Lord's work in caring for your father. More in a PM, but it'll have to be later...
  5. And that's when the fight started. (Sorry - I couldn't resist.)
  6. No surprise to moi. Some singers, like Pink, can actually sing and write their own stuff. BRITney was a media creation start to finish. (And her mother can thank her own self for the disaster that BRITney has become.) There's a fantastic iCarly episode where a pop star's manager hires the gang to "fix" his client, Ginger Fox...apparently she is a real singer who parodies BRITney. It is a PERFECT view of how shows are staged. The girl is beyond awful, in EVERY way. Here is a video of the actual song (performed on an awards show which was designed to bring her career back to life). S
  7. That was my exact thought as I was reading your post! I'm so happy to see you regaining...you. Happy napping!
  8. Dang it! Right as I'm moving away. But I'd prolly get fired after a couple of days, though, on account of I'd keep forgetting to work because I'd get lost in some book or other.
  9. True story. We had chickens when I was a kid. I'm still skeered of 'em.
  10. How precious of them. Welcome home, dude. Love on the babies (Camilla and the animules) and be happy.
  11. DUH? Terminator Sarah Connor, of course.
  12. Being the daughter of a farmer who did his own minor veterinary work and a mother who is a retired microbiologist, I'm pretty darn hard to gross out. Odd things will do it, though, like what comes out of my head when I have a terrible head cold. :BLECH: Another thing I find gross is the little white thingies attached to the yolk of an egg. Somebody told me they were tiny chicken embryos, but I just now read they are not. (I'm sure surepip knows tihs.) They are perfectly safe to eat, so I guess I will stop trying to get them off my egg yolk, which is very hard to do. Edited to add
  13. Trying to confront your fear of emoticons?
  14. I know, right?!? I admire her confidence. I'd pick Sarah Connor. She'd kick some arse.
  15. Oh, my goodness - my heart just breaks for tiny babies to have difficulties, and for their parents as well. OP, I will keep you precious treasure in my prayers.
  16. That cartoon is hilarous, Miss Sophie. Surepip, I am so thankful to know you're doing better. Our family is still praying for you, and I'll be so glad when you get to go home and be with your animules and family (although they've been there with you). You'll feel 110% better just by being home.
  17. Ain't got no ipod thingy. But in the CD player is Glenn Miller's Greatest Hits. Talk about nice...
  18. Just now seeing this, but praise the Lord! I will keep praying for him and for y'all as well. Great news. I've been where you are (as have others here), and it's just tough to watch someone you've known to be strong and tough all your life to be struggling. I'm also really happy y'all are back here safe and sound.
  19. Oh, bless your sweet little trusting heart. I wanted to believe that, too. But with everything that's come out - the backing into the parking spot when he would have had to look over hte car seat, the rear-facing car seat, the too-small car seat, the strapped in tightly-as-they-would-go kid in the car seat, the smell in the car even two hours later after he pulled him out, the father never calling 911 but rather calling other people after someone else came to help with the kid, the visit to the car in hte middle of the day, the mile-drive from Chick-fil-A to his workplace/daycare facility, t
  20. Which is your prerogative, which is why I've never had a problem with passing on the right. Theoretically. Because I have never gone over the speed limit in all my driving years. :runningbeforelightningstrikes:
  21. I'd have done the same, except when you stopped and got out with your gun, I'd have kept going till I got to a public place or police station. Miss Chicken here don't want to get into no shootin' war with idiots.
  22. I've never understood the problem with slow left-lane drivers. I just breeze by 'em on the right.
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