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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I used to think, "I wish I knew what the hell was going on around here," but now I just blip over stuff and move on to something interesting/pleasant.
  2. You liked your own post? I LOVE Deadliest Catch...it's one of my guilty pleasures (and that dishy Mike Rowe narrating don't hurt it none). I have been known to watch more than a little bit of the DC Uncut footage when they run it. I have a fantasy wherein somehow I make the acquaintance of someone who could engineer me a ride-along on one of those boats (Sig Hansen's, say) on a fishing trip. Strictly in the wheelhouse with the captain, natch. But I would be in Hog Frickin' Heaven. I like Dr. Phil. If you cut through all the theatrics and Jerry-Springer-wannabe-ness of the wh
  3. Support Your Local Sheriff is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It's in my top five favorite movies. Even if you don't like westerns, that one is worth watching. CLASSIC actors in it, and just so dadgum funny. I used to not like Bruce Dern at all till I saw that movie. Have loved him ever since. I should think TCM will do a tribute day to him in the near future. Will be interested to hear what Robert Osborne has to say about him. (I love Robert Osborne.) Garner was a class act. Great guy. Doggone dishy in his younger years, too. Hubba, hubba! RIP, sir.
  4. Wow. Some stunning information here. People for whom I have good regard actually use Bank of America. Things that make you go hmmm... (PS - I ain't dissin' nobody's choices...I'm a big believer in if it works for you and ain't illegal or immoral, it's fine by me. )
  5. As regards denial re: family members/close friends being capable of evil - there's a great classic L&O episode where a guy commits some dreadful crimes (including murder) and frames his own father for them. At the end, the father asks the DA for mercy on the son. The junior ADA asked McCoy about it, and McCoy said, "I remember how I felt when I realized my father was a son of a bitch. I can't imagine what it must feel like to know you raised one." Things to give you pause...
  6. Excellent point, Ugadawgs. My dour opinion of the AJC aside, I just cannot imagine any scenario where he did not do this deliberately, and that she did not know and possibly help plan it. RE: the two sources for the article - I automatically and outright discount anything said by his brother/half-brother/whatever he is. One, duh - if he was planning on killing his kid, OF COURSE he's gonna make motions like planning a cruise to make it look like he adores the kid. Two, if those close to him admit he is monster enough to have done this, they have to admit that they ignored/chose not
  7. I know some folks who know things who are to the point of stashing money in their mattresses.
  8. I don't wonder. There's not a doubt in my mind that she knew. Looking at what we know so far, it is incomprehensible to me that she didn't know.
  9. I'm pretty sure I read earlier they said Cooper was dead before lunch. So that would def. fit with what you're saying, low. Ye gods, but this case is just sickening all the way around.
  10. BAMMO. In spades. And I wouldn't have a problem with increased tax due to increased valuation, either, IF I thought government was being sensible and judicious in how it spends the money coming in. But it's not. THAT is what torques me about taxes.
  11. Awww...what a sweetie. He's a keeper. (And he can def. kiss the booboo. )
  12. Thank the Lord! I really didn't wanna put you on suicide watch.
  13. It's my understanding that the hair removal laser stuff only works on lighter skin with dark hair. Does not work on blonde or gray hair, or dark skin.
  14. I need you to negotiate for me. I love Sirius XM, too, but just can't justify the price right now. Awesome cover of the Statler Brothers' classic...
  15. Beauty! And yea, didja get in? Huh? Huh? Didja?
  16. I had a marvelous trip to Hilton Head today...found a classic country station out of Warner Robins and sang all the way down 16. http://youtube.com/?#/watch?v=JA644rSZX1A
  17. New Orleans has long been called a Chocolate City, as has Atlanta. I called him School Bus Ray because he let a gazillion school buses sit and be flooded rather than use them to evacuate people. He and the lady governor at the time (Blanco?) refused federal help until after things got so bad.
  18. Barring some catastrophe, I do not watch news on any channel ever. National news is sensationalistic, biased (either way), and tailored for ratings. Local news is just depressing. I get my news from the interwebz, and I stay away from most news sites on the interwebz.
  19. Back away from him if you know what's good for you. He's MY boyfriend!
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