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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm serious! I think if I saw him, I'd just bust out laughing. Quietly, of course.
  2. Yeah, I get that, but I still don't wanna wind up on the floor.
  3. Ditto. I've never seen the appeal of sleeping on satin sheets (I'd slide right off), and flannel mostly doesn't appeal to me, either. However, if I lived in a cabin in a cold clime, I can see the need for flannel sheets in winter. (This is more interesting than the original topic. )
  4. Excellent point. Horrible for the restaurant, I should think. My special favorites are those obnoxious relatives who take pictures of you and post them to FB even after you ask them not to. Needless to say, I do not make a habit of socializing with said relatives unless absolutely necessary.
  5. First, hey, baby doll!!! Good to see you! Second, Citizen Cain, it's a private company and (as of right now) a mostly-free country. Deal.
  6. Yeah, my give-a-damn's busted on this one, and similar ones. Oh, boo hoo - he gasped for air while he was unconscious. That's a hell of a lot better than his victims got, and he lived a hell of a lot longer than they did as well. I have my problems with the death penalty as applied in the US currently (way too long between sentencing and execution, too many innocents convicted, etc.), but this is not one of them.
  7. MsGaStorm - how about a pic or three? I LOVE Mustangs. My dream car is a fire engine red 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible in good shape. :swoon:
  8. Thank you. Every time I hear one of these sad sack my-woman-done-me-wrong stories, I always wonder what the backstory is. I.e., as Paul Harvey would say, the REST of the story. According to God via I Corinthians 13, love is: patient kind does not envy does not boast is not proud does not dishonor others is not self-seeking is not easily angered keeps no record of wrongs does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres never fails Take a LONG look at that lis
  9. I'm guessing if ebola-infected peeps started flooding the border*, we'd dispatch mondo resources to Mexico and parts south to teach/help enforce cleanliness standards. * Considering the debilitating symptoms, I'm guessing symptomatic people wouldn't be rushing across the border. That's not to say people exposed but not yet symptomatic would be rushing across the border. Very helpful that this is not transmittede via air as a normal virus. You have to be physically exposed to the fluids/infected meat.
  10. I wasn't offended, either, but thought the post QUITE inappropriate. QUITE.
  11. Mother is a retired microbiologist; she says ebola is THE most hemorrhagic virus in existence. Extremely contagious, but only via transmission of bodily fluids or eating infected animal flesh (not properly cooked). Transmission only occurs when person has symptoms. As Danaerys alluded to, the people with highest risk factors are those who care for the sick or prepare bodies for burial. Proper hand washing, wearing masks and gloves, and cooking meat at a high enough temperature/long enough to kill it are the best remedies. Good overview from Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/disea
  12. Pure frickin' evil. That poor, precious baby. Hey, dirtbag - pick on somebody your own size, why doncha? Ooohh...look at the big woman, able to kill a 4yo tiny kid. Rot in hell, chick. Rot. In. Hell.
  13. mei lan

    The End

    I'm the rare bird who never liked the Beatles. But somehow, I like Ringo Starr and liked George Harrison. Ringo Starr did a fabu narration of the earliest Thomas the Tank Engine videos. True story.
  14. J - Did you go to the pound to help pick her out? I couldn't do it. I'd have to have someone else do it.
  15. Baby doll, I can't top this one. Praise the Lord. Wonderful news!!! Imma say that what makes me happy today is that life is boring. After the decade I've had, boring is GOOOOOD.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! How did I miss that your precious baby died? I knew of the seizures, but that's all. I am so, so sorry. I know your heart still hurts so badly. I know nothing could ever compare to your children, but honestly, our animules really are members of our family. :cray: :cray: :cray: Please know you are in my prayers. However, I am so thrilled to know you have given this new baby a home. And a grand home it will be. She looks absolutely adorable. :wub: :cray:
  17. Welcome back, dude! Glad to hear all is well. Not much has changed around here...pcom is kinda like a soap opera...don't check in for awhile, then come back, and pick up right where you left off.
  18. True story, friend (the part in red). I heard they'll be back late October through Christmas-ish. Gag. A. Maggot. I know people who buy extras to freeze. Mother eats nearly one a day when they're here. And yes, I remembered that about you, Weird Jenilyn, but I still love you. I still love Mother, too. Talk about unconditional love.
  19. Dang. That was cute. I didn't know them little creachtures wuz so fiesty! One of my favorite little animals. The cat's expression is like..."Wha???" hahahahaaa
  20. I'm hearing the market is about ready for a 30% correction. 30% is a lot of per cent.
  21. RE: stradial - True. Story. He is hilarious. I love him. (Of course, being his twin, I would. ) RE: happy pet stories - I am ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS up for a happy pet story/video. I can't even click on topics that mention negative pet things, much less the actual story. Yes, I am a sap. About defenseless creatures, anyway.
  22. I bet so...that would be hard to get used to (having it feel good after feeling so bad). She's a precious puppeh!
  23. Me likey Alejandro. Perhaps the next pool boy we have will be named that.
  24. We named our robot Pablo...he's the best pool boy ever.
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