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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Hang in there, Moonie. Bless your heart for doing the hard-but-right thing for your kidlets.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Oh, that is classic. Yes, I'm sooooo grown up...how is everybody, I'm great, not coming home 'cause I'm on my OWN, oh, and can you send me money? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA You are my new hero, BabeCake. DANG, you done good. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or just vent on, just fire me off a PM. Bless your heart. I really am proud of you. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA Still laughing at idiot 18yos everywhere who think they are sooooooo tough. (Excepting those 18yo heroes who are serving in the military, etc. They ARE so tough. )
  3. Thoroughly debunked. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/plag/5240451.0001.009/--did-the-us-army-distribute-smallpox-blankets-to-indians?rgn=main;view=fulltext
  4. I concur. I think this would really pay looking into. Good luck, SP.
  5. Can't say that I have; however, money in my pocket does appear to be a more pleasant prospect. This is random, but it made me think - Wuz you ever stung by a dead bee? (stradial will get the reference)
  6. Agreed. A husband of an unfaithful woman would view the wife with much sympathy.
  7. Got my $42 check today...better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
  8. My siblings are adopted, and they could not possibly be more my sister and brother if we had the exact same blood and DNA. My parents are awesome.
  9. Oh, come on, dude - he's Marion Barry. He's, like, royalty.
  10. The beating she took to her head was clearly vicious. That's not to say the attacker knew her; that's to say the attacker had no compunction whatsoever about causing such damage to a woman. Creepy. Like you, blondie - I hope the guy is caught pronto.
  11. I'm sure it will...I can't think they wouldn't be monitored. And they'll be gowned and gloved as well, but this is a strict isolation, which is why I'm sure there's no physical contact.
  12. BB - Been where you are, so I know how to pray, and I will. And you are right about OSU - I don't have children, but I believe with my whole heart that the loss of a child is the greatest grief a person could possibly experience here on this earth. The loss of a spouse or a parent - yes, those are deep griefs, but you know they love you and wouldn't leave if they could help it. I put betrayal grief at a deeper grief than either one of those, because it's such a dirty, complicated grief. But I truly believe the grief over the death of a child beats even betrayal grief. It's a loss so pr
  13. Actually, as I'm mulling this over in my mind, the thought occurs to me that crime will be way down on the SCT and all manner of people can roam freely. When mean people get wind of somebody who isn't gonna back down, they generally take their bidness elsewhere. So once we get control of things on the trail, we can have a skeleton patrol crew there, and expand out into the rest of the county. We will be feared. Kinda like an outlaw biker gang, only for good.
  14. We could take different sections, and people could volunteer as to how badly they want to kick some butt on a particular day. I figure me, you, rocky's mom, jenilyn.
  15. Pubster, did you mean this is a children's book? I didn't think so, but whatev. What he said in the book was legit, but I felt like I was wading through mud reading it. I felt like he could have used about 1/3 of the space to tell the same story.
  16. Amen, brother. BabeCake, you sound very level-headed, and your actions to date have been sterling. Please know we're praying for her and for y'all.
  17. Danaerys - would not the patient and/or EMT be in a medical hazmat suit?
  18. Happy birthday, dude! May you have many, many more!
  19. Hey, there's a great idea for SCT patrol - get a bunch of pissy, middle-aged, perimenopausal women to form an armed patrol, and let's see how bold these evil-doers are.
  20. YES to both points!!! Love on those babies, and don't hide your pain from them. Kids don't miss stuff like this, and they will remember your pain. As to learning from her mistakes - I have NEVER understood the thinking of, "I have to make my own mistakes." Well, ok, but I personally like avoiding pain and suffering, so when I can learn from someone else's mistakes, I do it! I am so loving LPPT's and S&D's Nana's advice. Yep, she's all growed up now. Let her see what that feels like.
  21. OK, a lot of peeps here I really like are among those freaking out over this. Ambulances transport people with communicable diseases all the time. Ebola ia not easily transmittable - YOU CAN ONLY CATCH IT THROUGH THE EXCHANGE OF BODILY FLUIDS OR EATING THE IMPROPERLY-COOKED MEAT OF AN INFECTED ANIMAL. Now, considering that we do not drink the blood of our dead, nor eat bat soup, as is the habit in those places where ebola is rampant, nor do we not wash our hands after handling our dead for burial, etc., please give me your version as to how this is going to be a massive epidemic here.
  22. Bless your heart. Geez - what hardships are sometimes visited upon parents. I am so sorry you're going through this. I'll pray for her safe - and emotionally stable and sensible - return quickly. I'm guessing this isn't the first inkling you've had of her attitude? I swear, I just want to throttle kids sometimes for their bizarro thinking. Some friends have an 18/19yo daughter who has ever been a pretty good kid. Goes away to college, comes back all feisty and complainy, and her friends are urging her to completely cut herself off from her evil, controlling parents. I'm thinkin', wh
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