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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Meh. Let Zorro do it...he's the one all worked up about it. (FTR, I agree with Zorro on the Sheriff turning it over to the GBI once - and if - he realized he was in over his head. That's what they're there for.)
  2. Agreed, cmorg...there was coverage, because I knew about what was going on.
  3. mei lan

    Hey Papi...

    Happy Birthday, dude!!! :bighug:
  4. I'm not arguing with you. I have no idea how many he's investigated.
  5. I just don't like arguing. Don't get me wrong - I can go to the mattresses with the best of them if the cause is important enough. I just choose to pick my battles, and these days, I just don't want the hassle of the yow-yowing (as Mother is wont to say) about just stuff. A clear-headed discussion between people who differ in opinion, fine. Debate/arguing/whatever, not so much.
  6. You are correct, sir...Edmund Burke (a fine conservative of old and father of modern conservatism) is credited with having said that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Burke
  7. Thanks...hadn't seen the story. LOVE the funny face!!!
  8. Possibly surprising ot you, Pubster, I do read Salon probably about once a week. It's not all bad. And I kinda agree with the article, except for Rick Perry.and Scott Walker. Not saying they're perfect, but no person (or Democrat governor) is perfect. Deal is a complete embarrassment to Georgia and the Republican party.
  9. Does not count. Any episodes not in b/w (also with Barney Fife), they are not legitimate episodes of TAGS. They are sad, anemic imposters. Just sayin'. Hrmph.
  10. IIRC, he's been Sheriff for 18 or so years, and has been to the FBI Academy (which is how he knows the FL Sheriff). They're being awfully close-mouthed about the entire thing, which a) always impresses me that they're not running around blabbing everything they know, and 2) makes me think they actually know how to investigate things.
  11. The only two I'd want to see in person have walked on ahead - Barney Fife (Don Knotts) and Ernest T. Bass (Howard Morris). Briscoe Darling (Denver Pyle) would be next on my list.
  12. FTA (quote from son): "The techniques they have of uncovering evidence and stuff like that," Keith Dermond said, "it's almost hard to believe that somebody could be that good a criminal that they didn't leave behind anything." The Sheriff said long ago that different items (DNA, prints, and other things he wouldn't identify) were recovered from the scene. Same son made a snide remark (IMHO) about the Sheriff still investigating because of his own reputation. This was way personal, in one way or the other. I've wondered about the two sons in Florida, as to whether some of their b
  13. True story. This would also include a good many other parts of the world. :sigh:
  14. IIRC, they moved to somewhere MUCH easier to get to...down off Camp Creek (past I-20) if memory serves. Check out the state web site...that should give the directions, etc.
  15. Hmmm...I'll mull on that one awhile and get back to you.
  16. Hey, don't be bustin' on my girl. She be da mama of the dumbestbabyintheworld, a sweetie pie, for sure. What was the incident at Red Top of which you speak, DGITW?
  17. I'd say you're not serious, but I'm afraid you are. The man fed his enemies into giant shredding machines, used rape and rampant murder as intimidation, cut off water to the entire Marsh Arab population which just about killed off the entire culture, used chemical weapons on his enemies, and God only knows what else. Yes, these folks are bad. Maybe just as bad. But SH was in a league of his own, matched only by people like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, et al. My heart breaks for the Iraqis. Yet again, America abandons them in their hour of need. We should have allowed the country to be
  18. ^^^ THIS. Bless your heart...we do get that it was horrendous for you. Heroes are people who do the right thing even at great personal cost.
  19. Will do. Bless their hearts, all of them.
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