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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Brooks is such a classic. Boldly going where no one else dares.
  2. Ya think? :bangingmyhead: Homey does not do Dougtown. :shudder: I had to go twice earlier this year, and I am still traumatized. :cryingandsuckingmythumb:
  3. Most of us weren't ok with that...King Jerry was voted out something like 70-30 in the next election. But the damage was done.
  4. I believe stem cell research is alive and well. The quibble has been over embryonic stem cell research. According to NIH, some embryonic stem cell research is ongoing: http://stemcells.nih.gov/Pages/Default.aspx
  5. I'm sure TCM will do a tribute day to her, and possibly for Robin Williams (some of his older stuff - Dead Poets Society - is old enough to be used, I should think). One of my favorite lines from To Have and Have Not is where Bogart is griping about the behavior of this other woman, and Bacall says, "Don't be too hard on her; she's not herself." Bogart says, "Who is she, then?"
  6. Hey, you know what's funny about that? Some years back, they added a Fire Tax item to the ballot, saying we'd be able to fund a paid, nice fire dept. Only tax I ever voted for. And sure as I'm sitting here, King Jerry deleted the fire dept. from the county budget and they operate on that fire tax, leaving them with less funding than they said they'd have.
  7. This...whatever it is...culture of police against regular citizens* has been coming on for awhile. I'm sure there are several causes, but I put a lot of it down to the militarization of police depts. via Homeland Security. Oh, look...we got an armored personnel carrier...better use it. Etc. I'm sure a lot of it is due to violent elements becoming more hostile to the police as well, leavin them feeling defensive, etc. I'm just noticing a lot more of the things you mention, as well as things like arresting people for photographing them (which is legal if the person isn't interfering with po
  8. You make an excellent point. I do not condone this looting business, but I will agree that we who grew up in an environment of love and security (and being wanted) really cannot comprehend the emptiness and despair of those who grew up the opposite way in an entire culture of darkness and despair.
  9. Someone elsewhere posted this, and I found it incredibly insightful: http://www.aholyexperience.com/2014/08/what-the-church-christians-need-to-know-about-suicide-mental-health/
  10. Wow. God bless you, dude, for sharing all that. I'm one of those who knows from darkness. People who have never experience deep depression (or been close to someone who has) should get down on their knees and thank God. It is brutal for all involved.
  11. What a classic. They were electric together...To Have and Have Not is one of my top five favorite movies of all time.
  12. Thump her on the ear. Silly animals.
  13. You are correct...I didn't include that part. But it really makes me think that he felt no one knew the real him. They knew nad loved the "persona" but not the real him.
  14. Mebbe he'll wander down to the SCT and our roving perimenopausal pissy woman patrol will kick his arse. Hey, I could add you to the team - me, momof3, rocky's mom, and jenilyn so far. Cleaning out scummy criminals one street (or butt) at a time.
  15. I found this nugget in today's CNN story: But one-on-one, Zmuda said, Williams "had no social skills. He couldn't handle it. ... I knew this man for 35 years and yet it was like I was in an elevator with a stranger."
  16. I read today that he's actually been racing since he was 4 (go carts and such)...graduating to Sprint cars four years ago.
  17. Ah...I knew it was something like that.
  18. I read he'd been racing for 13 years. Long enough to know the ways of the track. But yes - sad all the way around.
  19. I had read fairly recently that he had re-entered rehab to get himself clean again (or as a refresher, or however he put it). I feel so badly for him, and for his family. Such talent. Gone way too soon.
  20. Agree with you both. I imagine Stewart wishes he had stopped racing Sprint cars when his friend was killed last year. Then he broke his leg, and famously said both times he would continue to race them. And he may still. IDK. I do not see from the videos I've seen that it was intentional. The first time I saw the video, I thought the car before Tony must have hit the guy, because he was so close to it. The guy just should have stayed in his car, period. I hate it, and I'm sure Tony does.
  21. I should think the professional cleaner types would be used to work like this and send out a crew to do the work as necessary. Worth every penny, if'n ye ask me.
  22. I completely agree. Aside from not blabbing everything he knows to the media, I haven't seen much to make me think he's super-experienced in this area. He could be...IDK. AGREED that no forced entry means nothing. Somebody sophisticated enough to plan and execute (pun intended) this crime is certainly savvy enough to figure out how to get in. But you are also right - this is a little country community and I'd not be a bit surprised if they just opened the door to them. I'm pretty sure he did call in the FBI profilers sometime soon after the discovery...maybe a week later? I don't
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