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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I knew I sensed an upheaval in the universe this morning!
  2. I LOVE Cabela's (way more than Bass Pro Shop). (Which, btw, wasn't that supposed to open in 2014 in Emerson? I haven't seen anything about it lately.) Cabela's wildlife displays are AMAZING. But I just like all their products and displays. I could spend a happy few days just wandering around the store.
  3. I wasn't offended by it...it is a military thing. Also, cmorg will be along shortly to kick your butt.
  4. You gon' be in trouble now! :dialingblondie'sphone:
  5. Incredibly well-said, sir. And depressing as all heck. :sigh:
  6. Radley Balko and Reason Magazine have some great stuff about photographing/videoing police. Yes, it's legal. No, not all policepersons realize it. Yeah, see, here's where me and my twin stradial disagree with you - we don't think there's any turning this thing around. The ship is sinking, as he likes to say.
  7. Apples and oranges. That one was different...duh - that was caused by that video. /s
  8. You need insurance for anything you cannot afford to replace out of pocket.
  9. I'm always amused/amazed when people make blanket statements that this should or this should not or whatever WAY BEFORE an investigation is finished. Any conclusions drawn before an investigation is finished are not conclusions...they are speculations. They may be proven to be correct, but one doesn't know until the investigation is finished. That's why I always laugh when gubment sources say right after some incident or other, "We are beginning our investigation, but we are certain it is not terrorism-related." Ohhh-kay.
  10. Hey, my thoughts on people with said behaviors is how could they NOT be STD-positive? (I have no knowledge of this handsome young man, so he may be as clean as the driven snow. :ahem: )
  11. Agreed. It is indeed constitutional as long as the video/photographer isn't interfering with the police action. I kinda figured that was the issue.
  12. I know...I didn't mean to imply the local authorities should have called them out. But anybody with two brain cells to rub together should have known after a day that that situation was getting WAY out of hand and that it needed to be addressed pronto, and in a major way.
  13. This dovetails with tundra's post above nicely. I completely agree.
  14. That thought did cross my mind. :shudder: Surely not. Nah. Never happen. /s
  15. Not from me. My issue isn't with the NG having military equipment and being called out in times of dire need in a state (and IMHO they should have been called into this situation about five days ago), but the militarization of civilian popo. Edited to add: Ooh, ooh - I just found this story...excellent (IMHO) about the militarization thing. BTW, the author is conservative. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/17/opinion/sunday/ross-douthat-playing-soldier-in-the-suburbs.html?_r=0
  16. My brother is an ins. broker in TN. His sweet sister-in-law's arrogant arse of a husband told him he didn't need no insurance, 'cause he was gonna make sure he wasn't worth more to her dead than alive. :smh: But she has been married seven times, and this is the best of the lot, so what can you say? :smhagain:
  17. Agree with you both. I love things like that, rm...makes you feel all happy-like inside.
  18. Not sure I know how to do that, and I'm not big into that whole ribbon/challenge thing anyway, but I'll do it for Spencer. I consider things like not having heard the words "my kid" and "oncologist" together in the same sentence to be a supreme blessing. Praying for Spence's MRI today.
  19. At the bottom of that page, you can click the link to Shipp's page. For a good laugh, please do! (Anybody know if he still has any t-shirts for sale? And yowsa...hot pic of him and "sweet Luci" behind bars. ) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zack-Shipp/132884546773586
  20. Ditto here!!! Please do let us know as soon as you know something. God has big plans for that boy.
  21. GAH!!! Who would ever want to go to Rockmart? :duckingforcover: Yeppers. Also coinciding with Cedarcrest being 4-laned all the way (Paulding and Cobb project). http://paulding.gov/index.aspx?nid=769
  22. I'd say because conservatives are too busy earning a living and living their lives with their families, but that would be raaaaaaacist. And for the record, that really IS NOT a racist statement. Rioters of any stripe are idiots, absent a tyrannical government. Also for the record, I also am troubled by the increasing militarization of LEO in America.
  23. Happy, happy birthday to one of my favoritest persons EVER!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  24. I saw that...SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Aren't they precious?!?!? For all I don't like about them (government), China is being aggressive in protecting and increasing the panda population. They have fantastic facilities and programs there. The babies are about the size of a stick of butter at birth and the mother has to kind of scoop them up in her great big paws and hold them close to keep them warm and nurse them. She doesn't eat or drink or anything else for like two weeks after the birth. When my mother, Lun Lun, had me in 2006, she let out this huge bewildered roar and it was
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