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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I just thought of something else I do that helps my back almost every time. The first part of it is that I stretch daily...I'm so not into exercise ( ) but I start stretching even before I get out of bed. I stretch every way I can think of. I do a lot of stretching and holding...I stretch one leg out and put the hand from that same side on my foot, and hold for 20-30 seconds. Then I do it with the other side and so on. I can touch my palms to the floor now that I've been doing it so long. Another stretch I do is when I'm standing up, I bend my knees slightly and then bend over...I can
  2. Mother's dr. told her the same thing; he said the movement back and forth helps align everything correctly. I've also heard the same about horseback riding.
  3. I second the idea of seeing someone. They may not be able to cure it, but you may gain some insight into helping things feel better. Mother's dr. told her not to let the numbness go because that could become permanent if not treated. When hers is really bad, he prescribes a low-dose steroid - you take them for five or six days in descending quantities. Has worked like a charm every time she's used them. Gets rid of the inflammation and gives the area time to get better. You can only take them once every six months, but she hasn't needed them more than that.
  4. I agree with raising cain - hosp. administrator, charge nurse, dir. of nursing, social worker, patient advocate...whoever it takes to get the job done. When Daddy first first started getting sick, he nearly died from a staph infection. Mother took him to the ER at an excellent hospital...I don't know what was going on at the time, but they were there SEVEN HOURS before they saw a dr. Believe me when I say that wasn't the worst of it. After everything had calmed down and his dr. had him transferred to another hospital, I wrote a two-page typed single-spaced letter to the first hospital's
  5. GAH!!! I hate people. Let me know if you need me to pay her a visit. I could be in a butt-kickin' mood without a lot of effort.
  6. Bless your heart. I'm glad you went to get it checked...strep is no fun.
  7. At some point, the entire road will be widened to four lanes, and the curve at the YMCA soccer thingy will be improved. IDK timeline, though. Ah...here it is from paulding.gov: - Cedarcrest Road Curve Realignment at the Old YMCA This project consists of realigning the curve on Cedarcrest Road both horizontally and vertically to improve the sight distance and safety. This project is scheduled to begin construction of Summer of 2014. http://paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=767
  8. GAH!!! I hate that. Several years ago, my then-16yo nephew in Tennessee had an acute brain injury from a car crash. I stayed with him overnight so SIL could get some sleep (after sitting at the hospital for three weeks straight) before going with him to Shepherd Center the following day. He recovered great, but that was when he was still in a coma, and he was storming (wild behavior) and trying to pull out his feeding tube, etc. I wrestled with him all night, and by morning rounds, he had worked himself almost all the way off the bed and I hadn't seen a nurse for hours. This bad-attitude
  9. Well, dang it! Hasn't your daughter had this issue before, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, it's draining to go through all this. Still praying for you.
  10. I'll tell Mr. Wilson the same thing I told George Zimmerman (but he ignored me): Leave NOW and move to a country without an extradition treaty with the US. Pickin's are slim, but I think I could survive the rest of my life in Vanuatu quite nicely. From Wiki: The United States maintains diplomatic relations but, according to the above-mentioned list, does not have extradition treaties with the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central Af
  11. Well. You tell her I want to know why she didn't make 110 on that Spanish test! She is GROUNDED from cheering till she brings up that grade!
  12. Please keep us posted, as always. We don't know him, but we loves him.
  13. I'm sure that is correct; however, by not appointing anyone, it's pretty much guaranteed that actions taken won't be focused on the child, but rather who has the best attorney, etc. At least this way, there's a chance the kid might be front and center.
  14. I'm sorry - I will never oppose the appointment of a person (guardian ad litem, counsel, whatever) who acts solely in the best interests of the child.
  15. Hey, at least he's an equal opportunity offender...warrants in four counties!
  16. Back in 2004, when I was in South Dakota, I believe Cabela's only had two stores and the large catalog operation. We were near one of the two stores, and I was blown away. I'm so happy they're expanding.
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