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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yeah, I wouldn't be too happy about that, either. Esp. since word of who the kid is will get around and then she'll catch hell from all sides. No way would I leave this kid in that school even if I left her in publik skule.
  2. I feel your pain, sister - up $498 here (18%). GAH!!! This is the highest ours has ever been by far.
  3. True story all the way around! But God bless 'em...I am so UNengineering-minded that anybody depending on me for such needs would be in bad shape, indeed. You people know things. Kudos.
  4. That was the last I heard as well. The approval that could have already been done except for King Jerry sat on the paperwork as he was leaving office and the first chance expired and they had to resubmit. :smh:
  5. I did confirm with the Paulding County School District that a little girl was indeed threatened with rape by another student at Austin Middle School and the mother was upset and trying to get in touch with Paulding County School Superintendent, Cliff Cole. And although the school district is aware of the situation and there is definitely a protocol for notifying parents in place in the school manuals, no information was provided about what actions have been taken regarding the administrators at the school or how to prevent a parent not being notified in the future. I'm sorry - threatened w
  6. Hey, hon - I hijack enough...I sure don't mind if somebody hijacks me! TSG - THANK YOU!!! I looked all over the dadgum place and never saw that. Thank you!
  7. Y'all done REAL good. Basement captives residents can order their own menus?
  8. :wub: I love y'all's pictures! Mo's picture about made me cry...bless his heart!
  9. When I go to attach a photo, I get a message saying, "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments." I've looked all over, and I cannot find ANYWHERE I can delete attachments. Help?
  10. Grady is FANTASTIC in emergency care, ICU, and NICU care. If I had a severe head injury, I'd want to be taken there for the best chance of survival. After I was downgraded some and looked like I would survive, then I would ask to be transferred to Piedmont. I have a new hero. Dude, you ROCK!!! :wub: Well, duh. Even every vet clinic in the country would beat the VA.
  11. True story. I've heard that some instances occur where the shooter actually believes in his mind that he is doing everyone a favor by killing them. Good point.
  12. It's so prevalent now. What ever happened to self-respect? I'm guessing (not knowing anything about this situation) that she said she wanted a divorce (she loved him, but she wasn't IN love with him anymore...oh, gag me...), and he couldn't bear the thought of not having her and kid in his life, and so if he couldn't have them, nobody would. Holy cow. I'm not a parent, but if a man said he didn't want me, I'd be out the door so fast it'd make his head spin. I do NOT stay where I am not wanted. I'm too valuable a person for that crap. (And yes, DVbP, I would let him see his kid all he co
  13. Sexual abuse and physical abuse are against the law. That's black-letter law. The first paragraph in your initial post implies that if I (a bystander) see someone alienating their cihld from the other parent, then if I don't speak up, that child becomes a burden on society and that is my fault. I'm just not seeing it. This area is very gray. I completely understand what you are talking about; however, there are so many variables here that it boggles the mind. What if the alienating parent slaps me? What if the alienating parent knows the other party is a sex offender and has a court ord
  14. mei lan


    Where are you going? Are your kidlets out of high school?
  15. Well, damn. How I wish he would have started with himself... Ye gods. How awful. :cray: :cray: :cray:
  16. She did remarry, but her second (very nice) husband died last year from cancer. She is also drop-dead gorgeous. I'll put a word in for you if you want. :snicker:
  17. OK, I get what you're saying, and I'm sympathetic. However, even if I were a close personal friend or relative of someone who was doing this, how much do you think a parent who is deliberately alienating their child from the other parent would listen to me? I don't see how blaming bystanders like me is part of the solution. So, so true. Yeppers. I know a woman whose kid was gone for 10 years or so because her wealthy ex and his family knew how to hide. They have since been reunited. Fortunately for her, her family is also wealthy and could afford very good private inv
  18. Amen. I know they will each feel so much better when they are feeling better. heh
  19. My hip is the part of me that hurts most often and most severely when my back is acting up.
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