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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, I don't know you, blue eyes, but any friend of Blondie's is a friend of mine. Happy Birthday!
  2. I think it's getting close to time for an intervention.
  3. Oh, no, you did not just equate a mother's selfishness with pedophilia! Ye gods. My point was specific to this situation...it seems to me the mother is in the wrong. However, the father was making some pretty silly and emotional statements, IMHO. So be the bigger guy and talk to the new husband. Who cares in the long run? Also, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...do like I say I would do with the IRS - grovel. Yeah, she's in the wrong. She also has more control. Deal with it so you can see your kids. Get another job where you can be there on time for every visitation. Or
  4. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. She was a hoot. RIP, Joan.
  5. I have no suggestions other than they all sound good (and are all pretty much on my list), but I think it'll be great for you to do this. I love your husband. In a strictly platonic never-met-him kinda way, of course.
  6. Happy Birthday, precious person!!!
  7. OK, what idiot asked who G&O is? :gnashingteeth:
  8. IDK - maybe you could call them Tuesday if you wish? The only other thing on their web site regarding Dallas-Acworth Highway is the reworking of the intersection of Mt. Tabor Church/Frey/Dallas-Acworth so that all the roads align and form a proper intersection.
  9. God bless you!!! That is awesome news. My own precious mother is 17 years cancer-free and counting. Woo hoo!!! Me, either. It can be a bit uncomfortable, but it's never really bothered me.
  10. I've always said that if prostate cancer were detected by such a method as mammograms, there would be a magical Dr. McCoy-like (Star Trek) device that you could wave over the patient for diagnosis created and on the market within days.
  11. Triplets R We!!! I love that song (and her)!
  12. I just stopped in to see the status of this silly thread that has lasted yea, these many days, and 9 pages. But it was so worth it for this!!!
  13. You da MAN!!! (Or WOMAN, as the case may be. )
  14. Must not have been; he says later in the dialogue that she didn't have it that weekend.
  15. Been to Rome, have you? (I was born there...I can attest to the lack of common sense.) Edited to add that Rome has a very large river advocacy group, and they have been involved in lawsuits, etc., in an effort to stop the Paulding Reservoir. It's a big ol' mess.
  16. I'll take cats and owls any day of the week and twice on Sunday over toads and goats. :shudder:
  17. My advice to these two? GROW THE HELL UP and behave like adults. Damnation!!! You don't like the ex? Well, look in the mirror, honey, 'cause you picked him/her. I'd be ashamed. I really would. These kids did not ask to be brought into the world, but they are asked to pay the price for grown idiots' mistakes/bad judgment. PUT THE KIDS FIRST. PERIOD.
  18. I know it's not all GOPers. But it seems more and more the differences between the two parties are negligible. :sigh:
  19. There's a reason the GOP is called the Party of Stupid. I swear, crap like this just makes me want to spit nails.
  20. Couldn't they come up with a better name than Ice Pick Headache??? That sounds all manner of creepy and skeery! :shudder: However, I am indeed glad you are feeling better, and glad your experience there was a good one.
  21. Happy Birthday (late), precious person!!!
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