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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I dunno, but it's been on my mind for days now. I do think something will happen in the UK (and probably elsewhere in Europe), but David Cameron (for all his faults) does seem to be taking this seriously. I'm not so optimistic about here. I can see something really, really big happening tomorrow. This ISIL group (or ISIS, as the US government insists on calling them) have too much publicity not to try something tomorrow. Sounds like a good day to hide under the covers to me. :sigh: Bless your heart...you have way more faith in our government in keeping secrets than I do. Besides
  2. Saw that. Very, very sad. Sounds like a tragedy of errors. First, why did a clinic allow somebody not employed there to operate? Second, from what I hear, biopsies are done in a hospital setting because of reasons such as this. Third, why on God's green earth didn't they do an emergency trach? Fourth, her not signing off on the biopsy will be what buries them. Ye gods.
  3. If it's the rodeo thing at Paulding Meadows, there was a rodeo there. It was sad. I've been to rodeos at small venues, and they are fantastic. This one...wasn't. Not sure if they ever had another.
  4. Sarcasm? Moi? Surely you jest! I'll have you know I am a good little party apparatchik. Hrmph.
  5. Hey - of the people I love most in this world, none is in the ICU. I've never seen the inside of St. Jude Hospital, and my experience with The Shepherd Center (several years back with then-16yo nephew) was fantastic. So life is good.
  6. Oh, bless your heart. I know to an 18yo, three weeks is just insurmountable. But we know better. I will pray that he makes it just fine, and that he is so proud of himself for sticking with it that he will not look back. Praying for you and for him...
  7. I like you, CC. The air show sounds fun. Esp. the part about the BBQ.
  8. I don't know what y'all are griping about. Everybody knows they know better than us little people, so why don't we just let them do what they think best?
  9. RIP, sir. A good man, indeed. His children's homes (nine of them, I believe, housing a dozen kids each, with all expenses paid) are just so close to my heart. Mr. Cathy provides housing/food, clothing, vacations, private school education (I figure this is at least $750K/year), and extracurricular activities for the kids. He buys them a car when they're 16 and get a job. One of 7yo nephew's classmates' mother is a former resident of one of his homes. The day of her wedding, Mrs. Cathy was dreadfully ill, but Mr. C chartered a helicopter so he could zip in and out of the wedding and ea
  10. Oh, I forgot to mention...I don't eat lamb or veal. Call me a dork, but I just can't.
  11. Ooh - I'll have to check that out. I love stuff like that!!! I've heard of people taking vacations to see every national park, etc....I don't think i'd want to do that, but it is tres interesting!
  12. Bless your heart. Yeah, that's a sickening feeling. But staying on top of things is the way to go...I monitor mine constantly. You done good...you'll be fine.
  13. I'll try most anything except for filter feeders of any kind (I like the taste, but can't get past that whole filter feeder thing). Not big on organ meat, and ditto foie gras. Oh, and I hate caviar. I like most all foods, but I am the quintessential prosaic eater. I am completely happy with a cheeseburger and onion rings. I like my meat well done, and I eat steak with Heinz 57 steak sauce (I grew up on a farm where we raised our own beef, so I know from good beef), I like plain vanilla ice cream as well as the best creme brulee' or tiramisu. I am reminded of the 2000 election, wh
  14. Guard Dad - you have a new avatar!
  15. Oh, how precious! We love ya, Samuel! (Great name, btw. ) Happy Birthday!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyL37iBNJx0
  16. I'm so sorry, OP - both for his death and for whatever else you're going through.
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