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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I've heard the same. I hate when that happens...somebody who is funny/good/whatever, and then you find out they're a jerk. Colors how I see them ever after.
  2. Same tenant or different tenants for the five years? Let us know what you find.
  3. Seven. It was awful in so many ways. I do not do dark movies well.
  4. I found Zero Hour, the serious and horrible original movie upon which Airplane! is based, to be hilarious, as I saw it after I saw Airplane!
  5. I love duct tape, and I love Red Green...win-win for me, eh? I always say if it cain't be fixed with duct tape, WD-40, vinegar or sweet tea, it cain't be fixed.
  6. Yeah, I get that a lot when I tell people that.
  7. My mom has the Galaxy S4, and it is awesome. I'm picky about things, and it's a great phone. (The only downside we've found is that it's very clunky in...wait for it...actually making calls. )
  8. It does look interesting. I've heard good things about the org that made it.
  9. Those were my thoughts exactly, right down to the timeframe.
  10. I'm sure they asked him to step down because the LAST thing they need is their malpractice carrier dropping them. The latest story I read (about the dr. being asked to step down) said they have life-saving equipment just like a hospital. SO WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY DO A TRACHEOTOMY??? I mean, dang - I'm not a medical person, and even I know you can do one with a pen in an emergency. I'm wondering if perhaps they were perhaps not exactly paying attention and she had already gone without oxygen by the time they realized it? Whatever. Either which way, it's a crying shame she's dead. An
  11. I haven't read it or seen the movie...we can sit in the dunce corner together, Chester. There's a whole batch of classics I haven't read that I was assigned to read. I've always been good at knowing what a teacher was looking for, and I just skimmed them and was able to write whatever report. Also, I don't like dark/negative stuff much of the time, so that affected whether I read something as well (ex: Count of Monte Cristo). I do, however, LOVE Shakespeare, and can read him for days on end. So I'm not a complete dunce.
  12. IDK about Penn and Teller, but Popular Mechanics didn't just say it out of the blue...they had experts investigate thoroughly and published their conclusions. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1227842 Don't get me wrong: Healthy skepticism is a good thing. Nobody should take everything they hear -- from the government, the media or anybody else -- at face value. But in a culture shaped by Oliver Stone movies and "X-Files" episodes, it is apparently getting harder for simple, hard facts to hold their own against elaborate, shadowy theorizing. Fortunately, fact
  13. Gee, I can't imagine why the guys liked it. But he was a funny guy.
  14. I just ignore people/threads I know I won't like. I do like that we have the freedom to disagree here, and Pubby knows I'm a big fan (even if I do think he's a big poo-poo head some of the time ).
  15. Nay, nay...I LOVE IT. My favorite all-time show is probably Top Gear. But of the fiction series, it'd be hard to beat Keeping Up Appearances. Onslow is one of the greatest characters ever. I find that BBCAmerica goes in phases...a few months I'll find tons of great things to watch. Then they'll go through another few months where I don't like much of anything.
  16. Don't have time to watch the video, but will later. However, EVERY SINGLE structural engineer I know (and I know many) says that what happened was a result of the planes; not a conspiracy.
  17. Oh, thank you!!! Top Gear remains one of my all-time favorite British shows. OH, and if you're familiar with the Hamish Macbeth mystery series of books, the BBC version of same was spectacular. Then there's the whole Monty Python thing...oh, dear Lord...I probably should stop now while I still can. FTR, Patricia Routledge was indeed a fantastic actress. Saw her in a mystery series years ago, and she was just as good.
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