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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I am a recovering Southern Baptist. Basically, I am an evangelical Christian with a heavy Presbyterian bent. Like Momof3, I do love the beauty of the RC service.
  2. I've had it in a shoulder...DANG, it hurts. FWIW, use it as little as possible (other than gentle ROM exercises as S&D's Nana says)...the bursa needs time to become less irritated/inflamed. I'm so sorry.
  3. And that reminds me of when Briscoe Darling declared for Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith Show, and after she whacked his hand with a wood spoon one time too many, he said to Andy, "Go on, arrest me! I'm breach-o-promisin'! I'll put up with cleanin', and I'll put up with usin' table manners, but I ain't about to be beat to death with no spoon!" (Sadly, I could not find a clip.)
  4. hahahahaa I thought the same thing.
  5. Didn't this already come up about a month or two ago? It was just as ludicrous then as it is now. Geez, people.
  6. He's being facetious. He loves tormenting his poor mother with crap like this. Bless her heart. But she's known him longer than we have, so I reckon she's not surprised...
  7. Wow. Two encouraging things this morning!
  8. Oh, wow - that would be awesome. I have a special place in my heart for special needs kids and their parents. This would be such a tremendous thing if proven to help. Godspeed, Dr. Pillai!
  9. Good point. If she's not who she says she is, then is stradial who he says he is? And as his twin, am I who I say I am? :sittingincornerrockingandsuckingmythumb:
  10. Do you like fruits and vegetables*? I do. I reckon I like just about everything that's out there, and most every way it can be prepared. The only thing I really can't deal with is green olives. IDK why, but I can't even tolerate a dish with them in it. My favorite fruits are apples (Fuji, esp.), pears, plums, blackberries, blueberries, apricots, peaches (OH EM GEE - Georgia peaches cannot compare to the fantastic peaches we had in western Colorado), grapes. I like oranges, tangerines, clementines, strawberries. My favorite vegetables are potatoes, green beans, rutabaga, spinach, c
  11. The first time I saw that, I laughed so hard I had to stop the tape so I could calm down enough to breathe properly before continuing. Truly one of the all-time funniest things I have ever seen.
  12. But hey, if you'd been burned, you coulda got like $90 million! But I think the interesting thing about this story is that Starbucks is working with you on it! I have heard good things about the company, and I'm glad to hear they're helping you. Bless your heart...what a mess.
  13. Well, if you find yourself in such a place, if you're uncomfortable, yeah, I'd say leave. I think what you describe sounds more like a hipster/biker bar beer joint, but whatever. I dine out a GOOD BIT and have never seen a rifle in a restaurant, and only rarely have I seen a gun (in fact, I'm pretty sure the only guns I've ever seen are on LE types).
  14. Excellent point. And pay attention to your gut feelings/intuition. If something seems off, assume it is off and amscray.
  15. Yeah, that witness thing sounded hinky to me, too. But OTOH, it is good to have a missing white girl to obsess over. (Not referring to you...just to national media.)
  16. El Al has stayed safe for years because they profile. I believe what you're describing is called "situational awareness", and it's recommended by all the emergency planning sites and orgs. I try to keep an eye on exits and how I could easily get to them, what route I could take to most quickly get to the car, etc.
  17. Very interesting interview with Dr. Kent Brantly, the dr. who was flown home from Africa to Emory to be treated for ebola. He says the ebola isolation ward was the safest part of the hospital, and he suspects they were infected in the ER. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/infected-doctor-the-ebola-isolation-ward-wasnt-the-dangerous-part-of-the-hospital/2014/09/18/e12b3a78-3f52-11e4-9587-5dafd96295f0_story.html
  18. I agree with both these things. I have altered some of my actions in response to how I now think a terrorist might attack (such as at large sporting events, etc.). I mean, I still get on planes when necessary, and I go to hockey games in Gwinnett, but I still do think about things. As momof3 and I are forever saying, IT ONLY TAKES ONE TIME. I don't wanna be near that one time.
  19. Stop doing that!!! Just when I think I have the conspiracy beast in me quelled, you pipe up with another thing!
  20. Ah, here it is - we do have an alert system which did replace the color-coded system DHS initially used after its formation. There are currently no active alerts. http://www.dhs.gov/national-terrorism-advisory-system
  21. Do we even have terror threat levels anymore? I thought Homeland Security did away with them early on after Obama took office.
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