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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan

    Top soil

    I like those people.
  2. Oh, bless your heart (and I mean that in a good way, not in a snarky way). Honey, if you bake cornbread for someone who is ill, as far as I'm concerned, it could taste like cardboard and still be fine. It is SOOOOO the thought that counts, and I promise you, that is just the sweetest thing.
  3. I have it on good authority that we will see a fair amount of snow this winter. My aunt says if for every day there is fog in August, we get a snow; we had 6 or 8 foggy mornings in August. And everybody knows about the persimmon seeds...the inside of the seeds my cousin cut open last weekend all showed spoons (snow). So there you have it. As to snow chains, Hal - nah. If'n it snows, I'm stayin' home.
  4. Ackerman $19.95/month. Wiring or wireless, your install will be specific to your house.
  5. First, I'm guessing we are long past the days of a good moderator. Second, as I said, ain't gonna happen by a candidate of any party. I completely agree with you, but I just don't see it.
  6. First, regular people would never be allowed to ask a question at a debate between Presidential candidates. Any question from the audience would be well-screened and approved and/or planted ahead of time. Second, with the current crop of politicians of all stripes, you would only get smirks as they dodged your question. It's not their problem, if it is even a problem at all (in their minds). Great thinking on your part, but not gonna happen. The ship is sinking.
  7. I do not disagree with you; however, I would not want the child to know of my complaint. If I had to choose between being recompensed and hurting my child vs. not being recompensed and her feeling loved and accepted, I'd have to go with the latter.
  8. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? :keelingoverinadeadfaint:
  9. Thank the Lord they were able to repair the torn artery and the detective is now in stable condition. You think how could this happen, but honestly, the guy was handcuffed, the detective could have turned around to say something to someone else, the guy saw his opportunity and bam. Good for the second detective in making sure he didn't shoot any more.
  10. Hmmm...did your post break the record for likes, momof3?
  11. :SMH: Seriously, they should have to stand in a corner with a dunce cap on their heads.
  12. I personally think what Clark Howard and Delta think are irrelevant to this discussion. I don't mind either of them weighing in, but I do not think their input should outweigh the concerns/opinions of local residents.
  13. Oh, dear - whose offense takes precedence here? The blacks or the lesbians? Me, personally - I think it's completely ridiculous to make a big deal of it. The baby is a treasure. Yes, not what they chose, but not a calamity at any rate. But that's just me. What does my racist heterosexual white self know?
  14. BTW, I wasn't judging anyone when I said you cannot know what it's like - it's just a fact. Sort of like I can appreciate, but cannot know, what Pubby has been through the last 20-odd years (?) with his special needs son. But I did say it to help people learn not to judge caregivers of people with dementia. I've had tons of people to tell me to rest for a weekend and I'll be fine...when I spent THREE YEARS of getting 2-4 hours of sleep a night because both Mother and I were up with Daddy. Dementia patients very often don't sleep well, and believe me - when they're up, you're up. I w
  15. A schoolmate of mine found her son about 10 years after he was taken by his father. Thankfully, her family had lots of money to hire PIs and fight the lots of money the father had.
  16. There are things in this world that those who haven't experienced them simply cannot know, and this is one of them. If you have never lived with a person with dementia, let me assure you that it is an entirely different world. NOTHING about it is normal. I HIGHLY recommend the book The 36-Hour Day, by some folks from Johns Hopkins. It was a tremendous help to me when we were going through this. http://www.amazon.com/36-Hour-Day-Alzheimer-Disease-Dementias/dp/1455521159/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1412194842&sr=1-1&keywords=36-hour+day
  17. I agree, satellite. Some of those T&J cartoons are simply AWESOME.
  18. Yeah, as big a risk-taker as I am, I think that's beyond even me.
  19. Did I start this discussion? Bless your heart.
  20. NO excuse for bad behavior such as this.
  21. All the major grocery stores carry beans now. I used to never drink coffee but Mother uses Folger's and she makes it not bitter. She also uses those new designer creamers like Intl. Delight Almond Joy, etc. Gives great flavor. I only drink a cup in cold weather.
  22. Eh - stradial amused me with this the other day.
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