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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I did find that part interesting. Esp. the couch from FLW.
  2. Yowsa!!! Y'all have even better imaginations than I do! Heck, yeah, that WalMart in Hiram is one skeeeeeery place!!!
  3. Hey - I could go with! I ain't busy tonight...I'll be there right about dark. Can we go to some really scary places, like Douglasville?
  4. I'm guessing she's about to talk the guy into giving her more money/bigger stake in the company/more security/more flexibility in order for her to come to work for him. She's a tough 'un...my guess is she'll do well.
  5. Yeah, as a daughter, I didn't think too much of the story. So he had six months to live (turned out to be 18 years, but who's counting). Any kid - ANY. KID. - would rather have a father who loves them in their lives instead of a father who abandoned them, no matter the reason. So he built her a castle. Did that heal the hole in her heart left by his abandonment? I think not. Also, when people love each other, they go through things together...good and bad. So he didn't trust them to move to Arizona with him? He didn't think they should have been part of his decision-making process? Ye
  6. I completely agree, CC, and I also had seen that piece where the originators were now against it.
  7. I'm going to the big Halloween party in the tunnels this year. I missed last year, and I ain't missin' it again.
  8. mei lan


    I'm not eligible for it (I have a weirdo eye condition that precludes it), but I personally would only go to a VERY reputable place. Like Emory or somewhere. Yeah, it's gonna cost. So be it. That's just me.
  9. Littering is trashy behavior (pun intended). Rude, crude, uncouth, etc. I have no use for it.
  10. OH - got it. Yes, I do know the Turks would be happy to be rid of the Kurds.
  11. I've never met Pubby. Or most anybody else around here, for that matter. The WitSec people don't let me out much.
  12. And you didn't get a video??? :shakingheadindisappointment:
  13. Huh? I don't get it. I get what y'all are saying about dictators and crap, but I just do not have it in me to wish a monster who fed his enemies into giant plastic shredders was back in power. Edited for spelling/grammar.
  14. SP - would you ever have a chicken coop and raise your own chickens/eggs? Just curious...I don't want one (I's still skeert from gathering eggs as a kid!), but I do know a lot of folks have them. Also, you have discussed the pros/cons of same before, but I would like to hear it again (I've slept since then).
  15. GAH!!! I've gotten to the point where I'm so cynical that I'm never (ok, rarely) shocked or disappointed, but honestly...I just want to slap him. Srsly? :smh:
  16. I do believe it, actually. My mother is a retired microbiologist who worked in a hospital setting for years dealing with highly-infectious diseases. They do have plans and procedure and facilities for dealing with the worst of the worst.
  17. I agree (natch). Except I'm not a paying member on account of I'm severely poor right now. But Lord willing, that will not always be so. Pubby's commitment to the first amendment is one of the reasons I think so highly of him. (Also, he is a true old-style journalist, and he has dealt most admirably with his son's special needs.) He knows that even if we don't agree, I'm a big fan. I am a regular poster on another site, and I do have disagreements with leadership there from time to time over moderation; however, as with here, it is their house, so I try to play by their rules. E
  18. This is an awful, horrible, sad story. That poor child and that poor father.
  19. I haven't heard the name of the company but it fits with who Phoenix is. And I can't see them bringing critically ill patients into Cartersville when they are to go to Emory presumably. I should think PDK or Charlie Brown would be far more logical choices. Or even Hartsfield. Regardless, the patients would be shuttled directly from the plane to a waiting ambulance.
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