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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


    I've never been there, but best I've been able to understand, it's greasy biscuits, etc. One of those places you either love or hate.
  2. Satellite, you are my hero. You have done a yeoman's job on this, and I pray God's greatest blessings on you for it. THIS is what true love is. I am in awe. IN. AWE.
  3. Well, I have some idears ruminatin' in my brain. I need to think some more before I post anything.
  4. I voted undecided because I don't know if we have grounds for recall. I mean, in my mind, I'd like the bums to be gone yesterday, but I don't know if that's reason enough.
  5. I could not agree with you two fine ladies more. I am still just sick over this. Absolutely sick.
  6. WHOA!!! True words were never spoken, my dear!!! Honestly, I just have to shake my head every day at the animosity I see here, and I don't even go anywhere other than the Internet Cafe!
  7. The vegan cat used to live with their son/DIL in California, and the DIL only let it eat vegan stuff. So now he won't eat meat. He's an outside cat a lot, so he may have been too spooked to come around with all the hubbub. I hope he's ok.
  8. I posted this in the other thread before I saw your separate topic: GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!! I have been pondering that very thing for months, but esp. since this came up Friday. One issue is that the official news organ for the county is the Dallas New Era, which is published once a week, and includes obituaries, legal notices, 10yo kids who shoot their first deer, and not much else. Without a news outlet, there is no way to let the people of the county know en masse what is going on. I have told scores of people about paulding.com, but don't know if any of them read here. Will th
  9. GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!! I have been pondering that very thing for months, but esp. since this came up Friday. One issue is that the official news organ for the county is the Dallas New Era, which is published once a week, and includes obituaries, legal notices, 10yo kids who shoot their first deer, and not much else. Without a news outlet, there is no way to let the people of the county know en masse what is going on. I have told scores of people about paulding.com, but don't know if any of them read here. Will think more on this topic.
  10. What about the funny vegan cat that used to belong to son/DIL in California? Is he taken care of?
  11. You are correct, sir. Oh, your naivete is just so cute, CC. a) What makes you think that they would ever allow a question from peons like us, and 2) why on earth do you think that even if they did allow questions that they would deign to answer to little ol' us? We just need to get it through our thick little skulls that THEY KNOW BEST and we just need to sit back and let them rule the county as they see fit. Capice?
  12. Oh, Lord - STILL??? I swear, this whole thing has me so riled up I feel like I'll be clutching my chest in a minute saying, "It's the big one, Elizabeth! I'm comin' to see you, honey!" :angry:
  13. Y'all are sweet...I appreciate the sentiment. I am still just heartsick over this whole thing. HEART. SICK.
  14. I cannot give on account of my penury, and I cannot help move on account of I'm already helping three other people who are immediate family and sick. But I will be praying. I would just like to say that you folks are beating back the cynic in me with your sweet attitudes and genuine offers of help. God bless you every one.
  15. Amen, sweetie. I can't give money, and I can't help move. But I can pray, and prayer moves the very hand of God. I will pray for them nonstop. I am still so furious that it has come to this.
  16. OH MY GOD. I am mortally fit to be frickin' tied. I can't even form words to say what I want to say because I am so livid.
  17. I love you. I seriously do. Amen, sister...AMEN. Lord, I wish I knew somebody who knew somebody who could shine a spotlight on the cockroach nest that is this county. GAH!!!
  18. I still wanna go there. Imma go to Chernobyl with justgettingby and she's gonna go to Antarctica with me. We have to wait till the whole Ukraine thing dies down. And till I get some money.
  19. I saw a thing on TV about that a couple of years ago, CC...very interesting.
  20. Aw, I'm happy you found a great home for her! Let us know what you decide. I know nothing about miagi or whatever.
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