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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. My beef was with the BoC, and that was to whom I addressed it. Since I won't own property here much longer (Lord willing), I don't feel it's my place to go for larger coverage. I just felt I needed to let them know how I felt, and to make a public stand on the issue. FTR, while this was prompted by the eviction, that was just the prompt. I've been thinking of writing this for a long time, but just kept putting it off. My issue is not with the foreclosure; it's with the underlying issue of the actions of the BoC in this entire matter. Entirely possible. However, if they can
  2. Oh, dear Lord - SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Cuteness coma fer shure!!! Aw...they loved her warmth! And when those kittens popped up way on into the video...awwwwwwwwww!!! :wub:
  3. Below is the text of a letter I sent to the Paulding BoC this morning (format changed slightly and personal information redacted): ************************************************************************* 0000 Xxxxx Xxxx Drive Acworth, GA 30101 October 15, 2014 Open Letter to the Paulding County Board of Commissioners Mr. David Austin, Commission Chairman Mr. Dave Carpenter, Post I Commissioner Mr. Todd Pownall, Post II Commissioner Mr. Tommie Graham, Post III Commissioner Mr. David Barnett, Post IV Commissioner 240 Co
  4. Srsly? I don't think there would have been many dates with that dude.
  5. It's been reported that the corpses of many of the Kurdish fighters show evidence that ISIS/L has used chemical weapons in the current conflict as well. I'm guessing they got them from Syria. It was believed that Saddam Hussein moved his WMDs to Syria.
  6. Good heavens - I would give you 1,000 likes if I could.
  7. Are you TRYING to make stradial fall in love with you? Actually, there is a third option to this dilemma (which is my case) - some of us just don't have a detail-oriented mind, and just flat out don't remember things from the past like other people. For example, a couple of weeks ago when Mother smashed her upper arm bone, we got the EMTs to come because she could tell it was badly broken and she didn't want to take a chance of making things worse by us moving her without knowing what we were doing. So we get to the ER and we're waiting on the ortho guy to come in, and one of
  8. :dialingrockymountaingirl'snumber:
  9. Yeah, but didja make him cry? I always like to make people cry. Also, hind parts. :beavisbuttheadsnicker:
  10. Ooh, baby doll - I'm always ready for some storms! I LOVE storms. I do, however, realize I am in the extreme minority. But I'm also with MsGaStorm - good HEAVENS, but I'm ready for this hot weather to be out of here. Geez Louise!
  11. I think that's marvelous, and my mother loved her career as well. I've never felt that way.
  12. IDK...I should think so. After all, the suit is about what happened, no matter who the property belongs to now. But I'm not a legal expert. The part that has always infuriated me the most is the water contamination.
  13. Hey, bud - I'm praying fervently for you and Melissa (and the kids and grandkidlet). You are loved.
  14. I'd like to know the answer to this as well. But it's kinda hard to fight a court fight without a lawyer.
  15. AHHAHAHAHAHA (I thought for sure this would be a video by a certain brunette. )
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