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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I've been in a mean mood for some days now. But yeah - I might could use a hug. Esp. from a baby, puppy, kitten, or baby duck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQB7QRyF4p4
  2. That explains how HE got it; how did I get it? And we're taking their word (the 236 dead peoples) that they followed protocol. Dr. Kent Brantly followed protocol as well, but he contracted it through his work in the ER where they don't suit up. Also, one of the big problems with the protocol is that unsuiting is way complicated and easy to not get right (as in, get a drop of something on you that you didn't realize). My mother the microbiologist says everyone working with such should do a decontamination shower after they disrobe from the suits.
  3. Holy crap. I knew that was gonna be it before I clicked on the link. GAG A MAGGOT!!! :ptui: Love me some Billy Joel, however. Thank you, TJB, for brightening up the thread.
  4. Ditto...I had to go back and see what they were talking about. This is so much more important than his looks. But his expression just reeks of niceness. (You tell him if he ever does anything to make me go back on that, I'll find him and kick his hiney. I've told my nephews the same thing, and their friends as well. I'm an equal opportunity butt-kicker with kids. )
  5. I liked Rio Bravo better than El Dorado, but this one's ok. I'm just a sucker for Dean Martin. LOVE LOVE LOVE this version of The 39 Steps. It really is a must-see. I need to DVR Foreign Correspondent. And who can't like Mel Brooks anything? High Anxiety is one of my faves of his. The Searchers is excellent. I have Ride the High Country and Saboteur on DVR already. (The DirecTV Genie holds like 75-100 movies at a time, depending on if you have multiple TV series also stored.) I also have Bob Hope's Ghost Breakers on DVR...that's the one from which this classic clip is t
  6. Let's assume the friend did indeed acquire it from the dude on the plane. Why would we all have it? Have we been kissing, or spitting on each other, or peeing on each other, or sneezing on each other? Not saying it couldn't happen, but if I hadn't had contact with him in a manner where I would have his bodily fluids on my person, I wouldn't be worried. I would make sure he had food and necessities and if he didn't, I'd make arrangements for him to have them. I'd probably be careful as to what I did and where I went for the three weeks, just in case. Oh, and I wouldn't lay on the dea
  7. Last weekend, about 60 folks who met on the Berry eagle FB page met up at Berry and watched the adults work on the nest, and then attended a seminar by prof. of biology who is Berry's eagle expert. Cool, huh? Berry also moved the location of the new football stadium away from the eagle nest...that was announced in May; construction on that is just beginning. Also, this year they have three cameras, and one of them has sound. Awesome! http://www.northwestgeorgianews.com/rome/lifestyles/local/second-nest-cam-goes-up-above-berry-eagle-nest/article_7d15d7e6-32be-11e4-9aea-0017a43b2370.h
  8. Yes, that was my thinking as well. As long as it takes.
  9. :swoon: I was with #1 till I got to #3. YOWSA. He's lovely in #1, but #3...good heavens. :wub: :wub: :wub:
  10. Much of this is media-driven. If something major happened, ebola would wind up on page 44 of the WaPo and NYT.
  11. Love me some Zell. One of only two Democrats I ever voted for (on a non-local/statewide level). I think he follows his conscience. I also think when he got to Washington, he was absolutely revolted over what he learned about national politics. JMHO. He and Sam Nunn go WAY BACK, so I'm not surprised at his announcement.
  12. Miss Reptile here turned it on several days ago when we had a cold (OK, mildly cool) night.
  13. Geez Louise...you can practically see his whole face, and he's even wearing reading glasses. Plus the jacket. :smh:
  14. You snicker, but I would not be surprised to find out that some pretty restrictive quarantine methods are in the works. As in, easily-abused quarantine methods? This sort of panic is ripe for that kind of thing.
  15. You talkin' about those big blocky plastic ones?
  16. Thanks, tundra. Whitey - knock yourself out, honey. If you or someone else wants to read it at the BoC meeting, that's fine
  17. Mother, is that you? Three weeks ago, Mother fell and shattered the bone in her upper arm (third largest bone in the body, I found out). Thankfully, the ortho dr. on call was in the hospital, so she was admitted and held for surgery to repair. She did her first PT yesterday and they were so impressed. Oh, sweetie - how I hurt for you. I will pray for quick healing, and for you to have peace about everything. It's gonna be ok.
  18. OHMYLORD, who gave him this phone?!?!? Imma hafta have a srs talk with the missus. Geez Louise, but she's created a monster!
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