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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. What about all those peeps departing West Africa going through France, England, etc., and then coming here?
  2. I remember the case. Boy, I kinda wanted to slap that woman while she was talking.
  3. I'm jealous...I want one!!! Maybe when we get settled. They say the new models are way efficient. Ain't nothin' like wood heat.
  4. Yes, but don't spread it around. We don't want party crashers.
  5. I just felt it would be rude to address the letter to Dolt Commissioner for Post I, Dolt Commissioner for Post II, etc.
  6. Book 2 is under construction. http://www.amazon.com/gp/forum/cd/discussion.html/ref=ntt_mus_ep_cd_tft_tp?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx148386CGII3ZI&cdThread=Tx1IJYDVEJ76RFO
  7. I always leave my lights off (Halloween Grinch that I am), but this year, I'll be at the big Costume Ball in the Tunnels - big benefit gala for Children of Tunnel Workers Who Have Contracted Ebola. I'm going as Doris Day in one of her great 50s movies.
  8. Hmmm...I think JV peeps just have to suck it up and deal. Otherwise, you have to move it to Tuesday, and that's just wrong.
  9. I was telling my mother about this, and she reminded me that this is what my sister did to her elbow years ago. A big ol' girl was blocking first base, and my sister (a short but tough cookie) took her down (and was safe). Finished the game, and then went to the ER. Same treatment and prognosis as yours. Easy healing, though.
  10. Oh, dear. Ze brain sometimes does not work as well as it should. My sincerest apologies to Mr. Carmichael for the mistake.
  11. What about Jewish kids? What are they gonna do? That's the beginning of Sabbath. Saturday won't work for them, either, and Sunday's out, natch. Wednesday isn't good for a lot of folks. So... Thursday, Halloween Eve? AKA All Hallows Eve Eve... cmorg and the panda have spoken. Thursday it is.
  12. I'd ask my sister, who works a 2nd job on weekends at a grocery store, what she thinks, but I don't want to hear her rant and rave for six hours about the grocery buggies filled to the brim with all manner of fancy cuts of meat paid for with SNAP money.
  13. Praise the Lord! And no surgery! Excellent news, dearest.
  14. I have never liked this sort of thing. The Bible says in Romans that it is the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance. Doesn't say anything about scaring people to death.
  15. When you get back from the ortho dude, would you or Papi update us on the status of your wrist?
  16. I just realized an entire blockbuster TV series could be made using stradial's real life adventures with his smart phone. Kinda like "Sh*t My Dad Says" but even hysterically funnier. :runningtocallmyfriendjeanwhoisamemberofsag:
  17. Watch out, dude. Some folks don't like being questioned. I have the figurative bruises to prove it.
  18. Coffin liners? Srsly? In a major epidemic (and by epidemic, I mean a real pandemic, the likes of which no one has ever seen, even with teh Black Plague in the Middle Ages), bodies would be buried in mass graves or burned in giant funeral pyres. And if you think it cannot come to that, you have not sat in an emergency planning meeting while working for a state health agency.
  19. OK, I take back the beating. I am somewhat mollified by the Piano Man video. He is awesome. Y'all do know he's a classically-trained pianist? He released an original composition classical album some years back, but with little commercial success.
  20. Kingston is famous for that, but Emerson outdoes even Kingston. I think somebody sued Kingston years ago and they kinda backed off. In my years and years of driving through there, I was only pulled over once, and was only given a warning by the very polite police dude. I've also heard one of those tiny places like Whitesburg or whatever on the way to Newnan is a good speed trap. IDK. I always stay at the speed limit in going through little bitty towns on account of I don't wanna be pulled over for just this thing.
  21. I HEARD THAT!!! :beatingstradialovertheheadwithastick: :runningaftercmorgwithmystick:
  22. No, no - I was talking about how I got it from the friend who plays poker with me. Pay attention! And you don't sound very sorry at all. I don't think I like your tone, mister.
  23. Pubster makes a lot of sense sometimes. Saith the cynic.
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