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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'll call the church prayer hotline, MsGaStorm.
  2. Mine, too! Bless his bitty heart. And all the worried adults' hearts, too. I'm glad the Scottish Rite dr. was so upbeat. That is very helpful.
  3. Oh, a nice excuse for...
  4. I'm a conservative, not a Republican - and I want guns even where I park my sorry butt! Just kidding - but I am a BIG believer in the 2nd Amendment.
  5. Yeppers. Just had the lid switch fixed on ours...was prepared to go with a Speed Queen if it was something major. Momof3 got one and she LOVES IT. Top loading. I've just heard too many bad things about the front loaders.
  6. Something I read earlier said Cagle's expected to run for gov. in 2016. He'd fit right in. :sigh:
  7. You said it, sister. The one at Crossroads does even more bidness than the one at Brookstone.
  8. Wow. Sounds like East Paulding got the memo about how to do things in Paulding. :rollingmyeyes: Ye gods - the situation you have stated sounds truly awful, I know nothing about EPHS except that our subdivision was redistricted to EPMS and then the kids go back to NPHS. Or they can school choice to go to McClure MS, which most of them do. :smh: And $900K for a field house??? SAY WHAT?!?!? :smhagain: Oh, and welcome to pcom.
  9. Ditto here. I even forget sites have ads because I never ever see them.
  10. Good purnt, sweetie. I actually realize why I put Carpenter instead of Carmichael - the Braves have a pitcher named David Carpenter, and my brother and I have been discussing possible roster changes for next year they might make. So there was a method to the brain glitch.
  11. What state agency is he head of? And of course it wouldn't play into it. :sigh:
  12. What does he do besides getting someone not his wife to diddle him under his desk, you mean? That's why he doesn't want to run for governor. Came out a couple of years ago...he said it was about the back surgery he had about that time, but yeah...it was the other thing. Found a linky - more than a couple of years ago, duh. Nice story - starts off with our old buddy Glenn Richardson and then moves to Cagle about 2/3 of the way into the piece. http://www.redstate.com/diary/Erick/2009/12/07/when-breaking-out-the-guillotine-it-is-best-to-chop-off-all-heads-at-once-the-costs-of-cleanup-are-
  13. Wow...you made me cry with this post. You are a precious person. Excellent purnt.
  14. I done whooped stradial and cmorg this week...I don't mind addin' you to the list. (And yes, Google is still the debil. But I swear their maps and Google Earth just cannot be beat at this time.)
  15. Google is the debil. Except for Google Maps.
  16. Amen and amen, twin. I am still so heartsick over this. Finding Guinness is the only happy news I have heard out of this whole mess. And double amen to this.
  17. Thank you, Jesus. I was worried about to the silly vegan.
  18. I'd tell her what I'd tell any man griping about the same thing - a) it's for the support of the child, and 2) you picked him.
  19. I don't like her...never have. That 4-month marriage to Kenny Chesney (who I also don't like) was just plain silly, and her acting isn't all that. It's been rumored for a good while that she's had work done. Guess the rumors were true.
  20. I was wondering when somebody would notice it's from The Onion. Also, Pubby said something about surepip's infected chicken stories...gag a maggot. that is a grody mental picture.
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