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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. HAHAHAHA Made me think of this (sound quality is very bad...may have to crank it up): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caXFrcOjIao
  2. Hal - you forgot snake-handling. Marvin - I'm just messin' with you. I have heard good things about your church. I don't live near there, but if I did, I would give it a try.
  3. The wife deserves whatever she gets on account of her getting you that stupid phone. :smh: That George Benson track is a CLASSIC, btw.
  4. I'll save stradial the trouble. The Ship is Sinking.
  5. Rome/Floyd consolidation has been pushed by the PTB for YEARS and they're still not consolidated. The closest anyone has come is consolidating all the city schools into one giganto high school. People just do not trust the consolidation. Here, anyway. Milton, Johns Creek, and Sandy Springs did so well (ESP. Sandy Springs, which started this whole trend), because their taxes were outrageous, and they had practically no services. I don't think N. Paulding is there yet, and I can't see anybody in the north getting worked up enough about it to vote for a separate city. JMHO. NE Paulding
  6. Perhaps he meant it as a terror attack, but he picked the wrong crowd to pull that on if he thought he was gonna inspire terror. NYCers are a tough bunch. And she's right about people in the subway. :shudder:
  7. I think it's more of a refusal to integrate by people who come here than the fact that people are defined by groups. Years ago, Jews, Italians, Chinese, et al, were clearly defined (and defined themselves) by group and lived in neighborhoods of people like them. But these days, it seems that so many are looking for a reason to be offended, or to be the center of attention, or whatever. The immigrants of old were proud to be Americans. They might be Italian-Americans, but they were Americans, first and foremost.
  8. OK, yes, I see what you are saying. Man, they do push the fancy lights and button crap on stuff like this. Doesn't work on me, but it doesn't stop them from pushing it.
  9. I believe this is incorrect. I have looked and looked and cannot find anything that says this is the case. The issue isn't the agitators - it's the high efficiency requirements by the government. Now top-loading machines are also HE. I looked through dozens of links and only found the follow two to be helpful: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_machine#United_States http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704662604576202212717670514 Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
  10. Oh, praise the Lord. I had been praying for the little feller.
  11. Here's my question - say we stop travel from the affected countries. What about travelers from those countries who enter the US via other countries (England, Spain, France, Canada)? It'll still get here. I still say if a mega story broke (on the scale of 9/11, say), ebola would be relegated to page 44 of the WaPo and NYT.
  12. Dang it - I still need to sign onto Twitter and find you. I don't have FB or Instagram. Perhaps I need to put a big in her ear that being coy is not the best move for her right now, and that you would like some loving encouragement.
  13. Interesting! Glenn is/was one of the best guitar players ever. Good singer, too.
  14. I couldn't do it, either. We support Samaritan's Purse and Salvation Army throughout the year, and as stradial, give privately when we recognize a need. We will do multiple shoe boxes; would like to do more personal stuff like volunteering at a shelter but this year's events and physical limitations put a kibosh on that.
  15. Awww...condolences to his family, woh I'm sure are grieving. American Police Hall of Fame...well done, Bosco! Bless his big ol' heart...
  16. I completely agree about the graduation stuff. What a racket.
  17. 7yo nephew is perpetually in that stage. He's clean, but you couldn't tell it by the mussed hair, the crooked clothes, etc. It's a battle to get him to stand still so I can get him halfway straightened up. My 18yo nephew went through that stage as well. And THEN - Lord have mercy...he went through a stage where Every. Hair. Had. To. Be. Perfect. or he would not leave the house. Took him like two hours to get ready to go anywhere. Thankfully, both those stages are in the past.
  18. Wow - they are getting so BIG!!! How precious. Hmmm...I wonder if I could marry both lowrider's grandson and your son? Yeah, that's the ticket! And that grin of Addie's...I just want to squeeze her and love on her! Precious.
  19. I keep up with this stuff, and even I didn't think about the public charging stations. Off to read the latest article...
  20. 70 ain't old. 70 is the new 50, baby! (And I am not kidding there.) My mother is 73, and if you saw her, you'd say she's 60 or under. Age is a STATE OF MIND.
  21. Hey, there! How are those babies? Prolly grown now.
  22. Maybe he's tired of the G&O videos, like Mrs. stradial suggested.
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