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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's because he is just a big ol' girl. Major whiner.
  2. Well done, girlie! I had to look that one up. Oh, and a big thank you to Dana for giving me a stupid earworm today! Doggone you, girl! GAH!!!!!!!
  3. mei lan


    Ditto here. I like you, Lucky, because you are honest. I value honesty above all other character qualities. I will keep you in my prayers.
  4. I'm thinking they also use female ones - I should think it would be based on aptitude, etc. I was using "dudes" in the generic sense.
  5. This is entirely true; however, it is not the reason they ignore us mere humans. The real reason is that royalty never stoops to converse with common staff, and they understand their royal role perfectly.
  6. My brother had 2" this morning in NE TN.
  7. I'll be there! Mark me down for 84 lbs.! OK, maybe not, but in my mind, that's how many I'd like. These are some gooooood pecans. :smackingmylips:
  8. I think David Brooks is a weenie, but he makes some good points here. The Wired article is also quite interesting: http://www.wired.com/2014/10/future-of-artificial-intelligence/ All of this is why I prefer to disconnect myself whenever possible.
  9. The ship is definitely sinking; however, if this were part of a religion overview and covered all major religions, I don't have a problem with it. If it was just about Islam and not an elective study, I'd probably want some answers from the school.
  10. Here are a couple of old threads about it: http://paulding.com/forum/topic/282833-tate-execution-date-set/?hl=+tate%20+and%20+murder http://paulding.com/forum/topic/245721-death-sentence-being-upheld-in-tate-murder-case/?hl=%2Btate+%2Band+%2Bmurder http://paulding.com/forum/topic/239278-tate-brothers-3-brothers-murders-in-new-hope-01/?hl=%2Btate+%2Band+%2Bmurder&do=findComment&comment=3102394 http://paulding.com/forum/topic/170724-murder-and-paulding-county/?hl=tate
  11. Oh, absolutely!!! What a great guy. I think in any other game that Bochy would have left him in longer. But he already had a strategy to go with Affeldt early, and I'm pretty sure Tim would have said go for it. Great game. Happy for other former Braves as well - the great Ned Yost and Omar Infante. No ring but they sure gave it their all.
  12. All the best people have black cats - me, you, Blondiega1...
  13. I am a baseball fan. That is to say, I LOVE BASEBALL, pretty much no matter who is playing. And I'm a purist and old-school...I like day games, and I like teams with good fundamentals. A fantastic game to me is a one-run game with no more than 3 runs by the winning team. In spite of that moron Bud Selig (baseball commish), this Series was OUTSTANDING!!! The Giants beat the Royals 4 games to 3. Both teams were spectacular. WOW - what a post-season. The teams in the Series were both wild cards. Both teams played fundamentally-sound, hell-for-leather baseball. Both managers managed i
  14. Oh, and thanks, twin - now I have that stupid song stuck in my head. (Those wacky young kids these days call them earworms.) I hate you, you earworm-giver.
  15. low, I'm getting a message that you cannot receive any new PMs. Clean outcher box!
  16. I'm one of those who wishes it would stay DST all year round. :sigh: BUT - the shortest day of the year will be here before you know it, and then the days will be getting longer again. Also, at least we're not in Barrow, Alaska, where it's dark from November to February. GAH!!!
  17. Well, if Pubby would quit pickin' on me, I'd quit pickin' on him. Oh, wait... nm
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