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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Thank you for not hurting me. (And yeah, he wuz purty.)
  2. I am one of those strange birds. You know the type - doesn't see the big deal in Jim Morrison, doesn't like the Beatles, don't like the Wizard of Oz... (Don't hurt me.)
  3. Hmmm. Well, ok, you have redeemed yourself. Thank you for the new and complete information.
  4. When I was a kid, I dreamt of that. Now the thought of eating a whole bag kinda makes me queasy, but I could sure put away a few handfuls.
  5. I have a problem with that chart. What year is the chart from? Is it from 2007, or 2010, or today? I mean, you could be showing data from 1952 for all we know. FAIL.
  6. OK, I finally finished pondering the issue...I agree with you and weird jenilyn that this thread is the best. Even if people did diss my choice of the word muddled vs. their preference of the word befuddled. :sniffingdisdainfully:
  7. I believe the issue there would be the sugar in many chocolates; dark chocolate is very healthy. Which is probably why I don't like it.
  8. Well, now you've got me all muddled again...Imma sit and ponder this for awhile to see if I agree with you. I'll let you know.
  9. Both those movies are great. MacMurray was a good actor...it's good to know all that about him. He and Barbara Stanwyck are one of my favorite teams in old Hollywood...but I didn't realize he had made so many films with Claudette Colbert.
  10. Wow. These are the three best threads ever.
  11. Ooh, thanks for the reminder - I meant to include that in my response to him...the one thing I disagreed with was location. Make it Calgary and we have a deal.
  12. Get outta my head!!! Of course, you and Blondie, and me, and that strange woman you gave your ducks to are gonna live side by side by side on 500+ acres/ea., with the aforesaid fences, mines, moat, dangerous animals, etc. We'll be happy hermit neighbors.
  13. As an Alabama fan and sometimes Georgia fan, that game was frickin' AWESOME. I was really proud of Dogs, and not just because it helped Alabama. Georgia's a good solid team, and I like Richt. They played just beautifully, and I'm really proud of young Mr. Chubb, too. Well done, gentlemen!!!
  14. If I could get the fam to go with me, I'd move to Calgary. Canada's been looking very good to me for a good while now. But if I couldn't get them to go with, NE Tennessee.
  15. Well, it's been my lifelong dream to take an extended luxury vacation in Ferguson, Missouri. But I suppose I could put my hopes and dreams on hold until all this blows over.
  16. Same here...I've gotten to where I never go off and leave anything running...I just wait till I know I'm going to be home to run whichever appliance it is. A friend went on vacation and came back to a flooded house...her toilet had not stopped running the last time somebody used it, but they left on vacation without being sure and bammo. Another thing I do is turn off the water at the main shutoff if I'm going to be gone for more than two or three days. My brother had a water heater fail while he was on vacation, and his plumber gave him that tip. Momof3 - yeah, I'd sure contact SQ now,
  17. Yeah, I think it was some amendment requiring all insurances to cover all autism stuff, or something.
  18. Pornography is evil. Child pornography is unspeakable evil.
  19. Good for Micah. Geez Louise - why is it so hard for people to see that it has actual MEDICAL uses???
  20. My mom is in PT for a broken (shattered, the dr said) upper arm bone). Thankfully, her shoulder wasn't damaged, but the PT is the same as if it were for a shoulder. Hers hasn't been bad because the joint isn't involved, but the muscles surrounding the injury are similar to the shoulder problem you're discussing. The therapy has worked WONDERS. Another thing to ask the dr./PT - she has this chair she sits in and puts her arm into an arm rest thing. Then she turns on the machine, and it raises and lowers her arm slowly to whatever degree it's set for. It's like those machines they put p
  21. I must acknowledge it as a religion, but you make a VERY compelling case for viewing your way. Very well said. All the Jews I know put up Christmas trees (next to their menorrah for Hannukah) and exchange gifts.
  22. I wouldn't open carry, but that's just me. I prefer to hide in plain sight. My WitSec handlers like that about me, too.
  23. Coming out of Cartersville on 41 headed towards Emerson there where the railroad runs right next to the road for a little ways, I saw a complete rainbow awhile back - end ot end. Most amazing one I've ever seen.
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