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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I love the creative people...like the dude some years back in Avondale Estates or Decatur who ran afoul of the neighborhood architectural/historical/whatever association. He wanted to change his front stoop (literally a small stoop) from a square to a round one, and they denied it. After much appeal, he painted his house green with giant purple polka dots in protest. I don't remember what happened...seems like they caved.
  2. Yeah - the people who got beat up a lot in school.
  3. Yeah, I liked the little Danbo dude, too.
  4. You are correct...she's been a goner for a good while now. The first thing she did after the general election was to attack her runoff opponent, Bill Cassidy. She held a big news conference with printed signs and everything and said where was Cassidy during Katrina. Well, Cassidy wasn't even in government then...he was doing his regular job, which is being a dr. So his response was I was setting up a field hospital for Katrina refugees during Katrina. :smh: http://www.westernjournalism.com/mary-landrieu-accuses-bill-cassidy-nothing-katrina-setting-hospital/
  5. Well, I'd sure give that dealer an earful. The Rome dealer (Allen Murphy Appliances) services the ones they sell...I know this because they serviced our 12yo Whirlpool recently when the lid switch went out. (Yes, I know I could have fixed it for way less money, but he did it in less than 15 minutes, literally, and it would have taken me like 4 days. And I am not kidding.) Anyhoo, he said this washer is a good one, but when we need another one to call them and look at their SQs.
  6. Awwww!!! I thought about her the other day and wondered how she's doing, but wasn't where I could start a topic.
  7. Mary Landrieu cannot help the Democrats now - nobody's giving her money, and this just put the final nail in her coffin. 54-46 (46 including two independents who caucus with Democrats) come January. Meanwhile, Canada is laughing all the way to the bank, because if the US doesn't approve it, they have an alternate route planned to take it across Canada to the east coast. So they're sittin' pretty.
  8. 's ok. The sweet dog on the ambulance was marvelous, but I just about lost it when I read about the soldier getting his dog back. I had been following the story of how he had been stolen last week in the NY Post. The soldier was even threatened by higher-ups at Ft. Campbell with possible prison time at Leavenworth for talking to the Post. SRSLY?!?!? This man has a traumatic brain injury, a severe back injury, PTSD (duh), and his dog is stolen (which he had first rights to and had filled out all the proper paperwork), and you're threatening him???: Ye gods. I'm so glad his father didn't
  9. Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, I do. Thank you for this. And folks, stradial knows his stuff about these things.
  10. Amen and amen to you and Chester.
  11. Yeah, a lot of them (ok, maybe the vast majority) are run by little nazi-wannabes. Never been subject to one, and don't intend to be.
  12. Hey, sweetie pie - what is the status of the washer?
  13. I knew you didn't see it...I was just messin' with you. That is a sweet picture of him, isn't it?
  14. Oh, stop yer whinin'. JUST FOR YOU, I recorded Arsenic and Old Lace when it was on last, and I shall watch it beginning to end to see if I like it any better than I did years ago.
  15. OH NO YOU DI'UNT!!! Somebody slap juleebella, please. :shakingmyhead:
  16. Gee, I wish I'd thought to do that.
  17. You can help making us look at it every day. (OH, that hurt, didn't it? Are you crying yet?)
  18. mei lan


    My guess is they need to do another biopsy to find out if the new cancer is a different kind, requiring different treatment. Some cancers grow faster than others, etc. Praying for you...
  19. The first is about a dog who hitched a ride on the back of an ambulance to go with his human to the hospital. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Love the understatement of the owner at the end.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texas-ranchers-dog-hitches-ride-on-ambulance/2014/11/14/10564bf8-6c62-11e4-bafd-6598192a448d_story.html The second is about a dog who was stolen (by someone in the military!) from a soldier returning from Iraq/Afg. I, along with many people, was LIVID at this story, and apparently the media exposure prompted whoever had him to make things right. WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  20. Would you change that goofy avatar? it's getting on my nerves.
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