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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Anybody closer, like Publix, not do it, either? Still, can't go wrong with Whole Foods...
  2. Well, I won't disagree with you about the need for a clean, self-sustainable energy source. I would have thought any number of them would have been developed by now. However, the fact remains that the US operates in a free-market economy, and apparently the demand for such energy has not been enough to incentivize (is that even a word?) companies to put the resources to it. You KNOW solar and wind and other sustainable energy sources can be produced, but for some reason, the cost-effectiveness of doing same hasn't been figured out yet. This has NOT been helped by the government shoveling m
  3. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought that would be an issue. Blondie used to work for them...maybe she'll have an idea.
  4. I am a nerd. I cannot help myself. I don't know what happened to that link, but here it is again, and the benzene issue is addressed: http://keystone-xl.com/does-the-oil-to-be-shipped-on-keystone-xl-contain-benzene-what-chemicals-are-added/ From what I can gather, the amount of benzene in the pipeline will be less than in gasoline or diesel pipelines.
  5. All oil is a filthy source, by definition. In looking at several web sites, the main complain appears to be destruction of the environment in Canada (not our problem), energy used to extract it, possible contamination of freshwater supplies in the US, and increase pollution at refineries at the Gulf Coast. http://www.nrdc.org/energy/dirtyfuels_tar.asp Starting with the last and going backward, we already have regulations in place to prevent undue pollution in such areas by such facilities. RE: contamination of water - the Alaska Pipeline was built in the 70s and while there have been a
  6. No, it only moves crude oil. As will the Keystone Pipeline, as shown on their web site: http://keystone-xl.com/about/the-keystone-xl-oil-pipeline-project/ As I'm learning, extracting oil from tar sands is done pretty much on site (either by mining, or hauling the sands to an extraction plant nearby). The only thing transported via the Keystone Pipeline will be crude oil and bitumen which has been diluted with lighter oils: http://keystone-xl.com/does-the-oil-to-be-shipped-on-keystone-xl-contain-benzene-what-chemicals-are-added/ Here's another piece on transporting heavy crude oil
  7. That was a great headline by Piers Morgan (now the Daily Mail editor, IIRC).
  8. Huh. Who did you talk to? I mean, was it the meat dept., or customer service?
  9. I like you. I can't answer for Lucky, but I like clean air and water. SOME guidelines are necessary to prevent us from being like China, where air pollution is vastly worse than here. But my issue with environmentalists comes when they go from wanting basic common sense goodness for the earth and our quality of life to running our entire lives. As far as pipelines go, the maps above paint an excellent picture. I remember when the Alaska pipeline was being discussed, oh, it's gonna kill all the caribou. Oh, turns out, the caribou don't mind it, and their numbers have vastl
  10. This shows the Keystone Pipeline proposed route(s): http://keystone-xl.com/keystone-xl-pipeline-overall-route-map/
  11. Here's a more interesting link to the information posted above...it shows other information besides the map. http://www.theodora.com/pipelines/north_america_oil_gas_and_products_pipelines.html
  12. I think it's up to 15 now? The Daily Mail (at Blondie's link) has a half dozen stories on the issue. Geez.
  13. Not to sound a little insane or anything, but I agree somewhat with all three of the above statements. CC is correct - EVERY rape victim should report, get a rape kit done in the ER, etc. However, that is a little bit simplistic, because each situation has its own complexities. Low has a good point; however, I will disagree with her just a little bit. Just because someone doesn't - or cannot, in this case, for men simply cannot understand first-hand the vulnerability every woman feels every day in some manner - understand something first-hand does not mean, IMHO, that they cannot unders
  14. It's a story about a company that will ship a container of excrement to someone you don't like with a nasty message. The author of the piece had ordered one sent to himself to see if it was real, and was unhappy that it didn't have any smell to it. Wait...WHAT?!?!? You're scared of a hyperlink? You're a MARINE, for crying out loud!!! :smh:
  15. Money paid to someone to cut a problem area like that is WELL SPENT, IMHO.
  16. No ideas, but way cool that he received a purple heart. Well, not cool that he was injured, but you know what I mean.
  17. (Mild language) http://pando.com/2014/11/18/i-am-not-100-satisfied-with-the-box-of-sheeze-i-received-in-the-mail/
  18. Will someone volunteer to monitor stradial? I'm afraid he is going ot spontaneously combust from sheer excitement.
  19. She looks like Julia Roberts playing a serial killer. :shudder:
  20. Clem Kadiddlehopper. Grammar nazi out... Also, Red Skelton was awesome.
  21. I do love me some Mike Rowe. Not only a dishy exterior (hubba, hubba!) but a keen mind and sense of humor as well!
  22. YES, that's it!!! I could see it so clearly in my mind. Thanks! Here's the story summary, and I was right - they did cave. And you can see why he wanted a rounded front stoop: https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=protest+paint+house+green+purple+polka+dots&h=242&w=220&th=176&tw=160&fn=polka.jpeg&fs=8.6%20k&el=boss_pics_2,boss_pics_1&tu=http:%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DHN.608008807875675174%26pid%3D15.1%26H%3D176%26W%3D160&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.liberty1st.org%2Fforum%2Ftopic.asp%3FTOP
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