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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Probably mostly used for animals adopted from official organizations that rescue the animals from the pound or wherever, like say, Greyhound Rescues...most of them are put down after their racing careers are over, as I understand it, so that org seeks to get those dogs and adopt them into good homes. Some of the rescue orgs are very strict as to whom they allow to adopt their animules. Tired of BS or somebody else prolly knows more about this than I do.
  2. I would recuse myself and hand it off to a different judge.
  3. Didn't I say I don't care about building a fence? I'm pretty sure I did. But your comment about fighting the last war is a valid one as well. We DO need to look forward.
  4. Awww...the dog thing is hilarious and the kitten thing is adorable...has his banky and pillow and everything. Yes, I feel like the dog many days. :sigh:
  5. Ooh - I'll have to check that one out. Interesting. Duh - everybody knows that Kansans have the best grasp of the Mandarin language. I'm sure you know that Camrys are made in Georgetown, Kentucky, and if I'm not mistaken, a lot of the parts are made in North America as well. But I really won't buy a car made in or owned by China if I can at all help it.
  6. Yeah, that creeps me out, too. Yes, the country of origin information is very hard to read. On the Simply Orange (it was on sale!) plastic oj container, it's printed in light green around the neck of the container. A lot of things say "Distributed by Kroger" or whoever. IDK how they get around the country of origin in those cases. Of course, maybe I missed it if it was printed on there.
  7. I must agree with cmorg...I don't care if they build a fence or not. (My thoughts on the fence are basically if they build a good fence, somebody will build a better ladder. We need enforcement (and reform?) of immigration laws, not just throw money at it. Those who come here illegally do a huge disservice to those who stood in line (and are still standing in line) to do things in the proper way to come to this country. That's not even including those who would cross the border with nefarious plans in mind. Oh, and it was an interesting article. It's always good to look ahead and pl
  8. Unions, yes. But also the EPA with manufacturing restrictions, and the burdensome corporate tax rate. Apple is sitting on something like $6B in profits overseas because the taxes would kill them if they brought it home. How pathetic is that?
  9. Sad, sad. He made the fatal mistake of getting out of his car to confront kids who had attacked them. Never, EVER get out of your car in such a situation is my motto. Not blaming the vic here...just sayin'. Still an awful thing.
  10. Does it bug you when you run across items that are made in China? It does me. I absolutely will not buy a big ticket item that's made there or owned by them (Lenovo computer products, Volvo, et al)...I might have to eat those words one day, but so far, I have avoided doing so. I am not a “nativist isolationist” as Pubby says conservatives are (see World Bank thread), so the fact that something is made in a foreign country isn't what bugs me. For instance, I will buy from a South Korean company any day of the week and twice on Sunday...they make fantastic products. Ditto places like Taiwan, Isr
  11. I'm a conservative and I'm not a nativist isolationist.
  12. You can also buy the equivalent of Thin Mints all year long at Dollar General; they are called Mint Thins.
  13. Both statements are true. I do wish that before people hit the default divorce button, they would think for just two minutes about the long-term impacts of same on their kids. :sigh:
  14. Yeah, I can totally see him finding it, or trading something to another kid for it. The thought of a 10yo being a latchkey kid makes me break out in a cold sweat. I'm glad you made it through to become the fun (and sometimes sarcastic) person we all know and love.
  15. Williamson Brothers isn't good. It's GREAT. Good heavens, just thinking about walking past that open pit with all the meat smoking makes my mouth water. Srs bidness...it's good food.
  16. Ah, cattle auctions...memories from my childhood. :happysigh: WR is correct - grass-fed beef is WAY leaner than anything you can buy in the store. We like lots of ground beef, a fair amount of cube steak (more tender), and some nice cuts of steak, like porterhouse and sirloin. If you have the freezer space (WR is right about that as well), you will make out like a bandit. What you can also do is go in halvsies with another person/family. I neglected to mention that I was in college before I ever had a steak in a restaurant. I was appalled. I had been used to this marvelous beef,
  17. 51 items, huh? Never run up against that one, but have hit over 20 a few times, I'm sure. I always shop online. I HATE shopping in person. HATE. IT.
  18. I hate that. I didn't know him, but spoke to him about an estimate once and he could not have been nicer. Condolences to the family...
  19. I have heard this from other folks. We went in late spring, so we weren't bombarded. But geez...I would have me a skeeter suit if I lived there. Wait a minute - I thought Alaska was in the USA!
  20. Well, obviously they had photographs from that time period, and the moviemakers did not do justice to the era by that omission.
  21. Which means it'll gross billions of dollars. :sigh:
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