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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Praying for you today!
  2. Former future husband. Here's one of my all-time favorites:
  3. This talk about gestational diabetes (which sounds like it could be the root of the problem) and her expecting a 7-lb. baby also leads me to wonder - did she not have any prenatal care? I HATE shoddy reporting.
  4. I think merging the two schools is a completely stupid thing to do, and I think they will regret it. I feel really badly for the Southern Tech people.
  5. BTW - I do agree with yathink's comment about this not being racial. This was pure stupidity.
  6. Well, thanks for telling me in time to watch it, since I was too busy to check pcom. But I'll file it away in my memory banks...it'll be on again, I'm sure. Sounds marvy! MST3000 all over again!
  7. How on God's green earth was he approved for active duty after being distracted, weepy, and incommunicative at a firearms training session?!?!? YE FRICKIN' GODS!!! :smh:
  8. Pathetic reporting, as usual...why was the mother expecting a 7-lb. baby? She has four other kids...didn't this pregnancy feel any different from the others (if those were 7-lb. babies)? As to the original question - possibly judgmental, but not cruel.
  9. I have read that the stepfather, Louis Head, is or was in a leadership position with the Bloods gang. I can't find any non-blog reporting on that fact, but neither have I read any denials of same.
  10. I read that something like 60% of the cigarettes sold in NYC now are black market. !!! That is huge! And Chester/Greatma - obviously a person should comply with what police tell them to do; HOWEVER, the fact remains that this entire episode and this man's death is due to his selling a handful of loose cigarettes. Surely there should be some sort of remedy short of what happened. I watched the video - he said he wasn't even selling the cigarettes. Also, the original reason they came to be there anyway was that he had broken up a fight. The other thing I noticed is there's like a doze
  11. They all four had dreadful records on illegal immigration. One of my biggest complaints about the three Republicans. I'm finding lfewer and fewer things to complain about Clinton every day.
  12. I'm holdin' out for the Bubble Guppies "A Very Guppy Christmas". Oh, I did watch the Grumpy Cat Christmas movie on Lifetime last week...much to my surprise, it was actually cute and well-done! Sort of a cross between Home Alone and Paul Blart Mall Cop. And Grumpy Cat was simply adorbs, as usual.
  13. Emory, St. Joseph's, or Redmond in Rome (a very well-respected heart center...as good as St. Joseph's).
  14. This one bothers me muchly. Srsly? A man is dead on account of a handful of loose cigarettes? I get that his health issues probably played a part in the whole thing, but good Lord - why was he in a hold like that in the first place? I swear. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Interesting takes on the situation. Please do not discount the Breitbart one as conservative blather...he makes some great points and explains step by step what actually took place, and does not defend the police. Reason Magazine is libertarian, so no conservative there. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/
  15. That is a true story - NYC is FANTASTIC at Christmas time. I have had the most fun in cold weather just walking the streets window shopping in chichi stores and not spending a dime, and then stopping in some little cafe and having a hot chocolate.
  16. Trust me - stradial's sense of humor covers a lot of territory (as does mine). RE: stradial being smart - at least he married the ex many moons ago and did WAY WAY WAY better with current wife. She's a peach. So he's heading in the right direction. Not sure he's trainable, though. BTW - I think NYers have a totally funny sense of humor. I would be a NYer if I were a yankee.
  17. Oh, those things are sweet. And not nearly so much trouble since Ford fixed them when they owned it.
  18. I don't like him a-tall, but he's right about this. I don't watch any news on TV, unless it's iTV out of Israel, BBC, or (occasionally) Al-Jazeera (it's actually not a terrible newscast). I get my news as close as I can from the original sources. I generally have read about whatever the stories are anyway, before they air on TV news. That's one reason I like those news orgs...they air stories I'm less likely to have read. The Israeli TV news is utterly fascinating.
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