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Everything posted by raegweed

  1. My brother in law has terminal cancer. Though it would take an absolute miracle for recovery, I ask that you send good vibes, thoughts, prayers, juju to him for relief from his pain AND also to my sister for being courageous/strong for being supportive to him, but inside her heart is breaking. I hate living so far away from them.
  2. Perfection may elude us all, but you know what is really nice? The fact that each and every day gives us the ability to make choices in our lives (good or bad, you be the judge).
  3. I purchased a large book that had copies of the maps during the Civil War. I would start there as you can pinpoint more specific locations and then research to see if there is more information. Lucky me the book was only $20.
  4. BTW, it IS photo-shopped. The arm on the right in the 1st pic is different from Michelle's arm in the third pic.
  5. Yup. First pond on left under the tree.
  6. You aren't the only one, I notice that too. Perhaps they wish they could wear it too?
  7. Take this advice and give it to Mrs.Blue as well: After checking EVERY known reason for the screaming, do NOT be afraid to swaddle that baby, place him in his crib and close the door for 15 minutes. Step outside, take a breath of fresh air, perhaps a sip of beer and let the "crazy bells" fade away. Ear plugs are a life-saver!
  8. May I add that the non-tanners will age much more gracefully than those who want to turn their skin to leather? Fair skin is beautiful.
  9. The current administration is almost over. We can only hope for a brighter future.
  10. Can I put it to you from another perspective? People who are successful (even remotely successful) are used to relatives coming from no-where looking for help. Perhaps he has helped relatives one too many times and has gotten burned. Just a thought. ETA: If he is treating this scenario like "business", then you need to set aside your emotions and also treat this as business.
  11. Tune in at 11:26 a.m. Full Story: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/07/08/137685660/sts-135-the-shuttle-programs-final-space-odyssey
  12. We may be doing this: http://www.historicbanningmills.com/ on our anniversary. Looks fun!!
  13. That thar's funny right thar. I don't care who you are!
  14. It wouldn't surprise me if an interviewer got a confession out of her. People don't remember lies very well. She's not smart enough to keep her trap shut.
  15. Not good for all those pools.
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