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Posts posted by mlips70

  1. My daughter goes to SPMS and she said that an administrator came into her room and told the teacher to hold everyone in class untill they received word to allow them to change to their next class. She was not overly upset by the incident for which I am thankful...that said when I read the letter I felt like I wanted to throw up!! :wacko: All these images flashed through my mind of what could have happened. I for one am very glad that my daughter and all the other children are home safe tonight. I would like to say a very heartfelt "THANK YOU" to the child/children who came forward with this information to the administrators too often this is not the case. We did receive a call from the school it just says the same thing as was sent home in the letter.

    I asked my daughter and my 1st grader some important questions tonight. What exits are in your class rooms and what would you do if you heard shooting? My daughter said scream and freak out of course...OK what would you do after that I asked and we discussed the options. This is what is important in todays crazy world communication!!! Teaching our children right from wrong and being involved in all aspects of their life. Yes I would like to see metal detectors in the schools we have to change with the times if it means my child would be safer I am all for it.

    Yes I think the parent/owner of the weapon should be held responsible along with the boys.

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