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Posts posted by ejjlj

  1. I wanted to thank all of the wonderful people who stopped to help my daughter after her car wreck on Bakers Bridge Road today. She was alone and very scared. So many people stopped and stayed with her until her father and I could get there. Several of them even stayed until after we left for the hospital. Someone gave her a blanket and another man went and bought her water and Ibuprofen. The care and concern shown to her was overwhelming. A special thanks to the woman who stayed with her and called her. She is a little banged up but will be fine. My family and I really appreciate the kindness we witnessed today.

  2. I also take my children to Roger Sisk. I have known him professionally for 20+ years and have used him as my children's pediatrician for 17+ years. He and his staff are wonderful! He is located in the Kroger shopping center across from the avenue.

  3. After what I saw for the past two days...sadly this does not suprise me at all.we left there today about 4:10.Yesterday was our first time there in about 10 years..My hubby & I both noticed sat. & today that alot of the life guards do not even pay attention to what's going on.The docks out in the deep end are crazy at times.We had a bunch of teen boys jumping off without even looking if anyone was in the water.After my 7yr. old son was almost jumped on,I yelled a few choice words at them since the lifeguards were not paying attention.I sat near the big slides for about an hour yesterday & a girl life guard that is beside the slides only looked at them about 3-4 times in an hour.Every time I heard a child cry at the slides I would look & she just kept sitting there zoned out.As for the water,it is very murky in the deeper areas,but I do not know if it is suppose to be clear.I know parents are suppose to watch their children,but the life guards are getting paid to watch out also.


    I'm surprised that you had the experience you described. I have been going to Sun Valley 3-4 times a week for the last 7-8 summers. I have always been impressed with the lifeguards. I have seen lifeguards pull children out of the water when the parent was sitting 20 feet away and never knew the child was in trouble. This summer I watched as a lifeguard pulled the same child out twice in one day. Don't get me wrong, I feel terribly sorry for this family, but should a 5 year old even be in 5 feet deep water?


  4. That's SOOOOO COOOL!!! My husband and I enjoyed everyone we worked with. The boys (or should I say young men) really worked so hard and NEVER complained about the heat. Keep in mind that they had about 4 supervisors that were so vigilant and patient with the up-and-coming carpenters. I can't tell you how much that I personally got out of this experience. I know that sounds a bit selfish. We just had a blast! I'll link you guys to the pictures when I find them posted.


    My son was one of the "up and coming carpenters". He really enjoyed himself. He loves to help people and learn along the way!


  5. with Connie, Melissa, Roxy, Debbie L. etc?? I can't remember who all was on the squad with you. I was not one of the popular kids. Backwards, shy, family didn't have much. Didn't "fit" with anyone in particular, but usually ended up with the smoke hole girls just because they were always nice to me where the popular kids weren't. Got a bad rap due to hanging out with them. Like many girls, I had a BAD crush on Jeff for a while.....He never knew.


    I wasn't so popular either. I cheered because I loved it, not to be popular like some did. I know a lot of girls had liked Jeff. Ya know, it's funny now because he has never married. Just never found the right girl. Who would've lot, huh? I remember being scared of a lot of the smoke hole girls! Who are you?



    Jeri, were you Kim's older sibling?


  6. Oh man-some of my team leaders reported back to me the most amazing transformations both internally and externally this weekend-just so fantastic. I absolutely cannot wait until next year-- :D


    LL - Thanks so much for all of your hard work in getting the teams put together. My husband worked on Ashton's ramp and brought an unchurched friend with him to help. His wife told me today that they are planning to come to CATR now. Lives were touched this weekend!


  7. This year, it's 77, 78 and 79 getting together. I (wife of davidj6) went to the 10 year class of 79 reunion. Would prefer to go to class of 80 as that is who I grew up with......I picked up summer school credits to graduate early with class of 79 so I could get MARRIED.......How stupid was that??? Married in 80.....divorced in 83.....oh well. If class of 80 has a reunion that you do hear of, please post on pcom!!!



    My brother, Jeff Hughes, graduated in 1979.

  8. Yep, I think her name was Lois.


    What about Mrs. Gates, Mr. Darnell, Mr. Adair, Mr. Hodoroski(sp) :D , Coach Collins, Coach Kidd :wub: , Coach Moore, Coach Brown,(why do I remember all of the coaches?)


    I also graduated with Ken Rodriguez on Channel 5 sports. He was a super athlete, but very friendly, not like most of the other jocks.



    Then you graduated with my brother, Jeff Hughes.


    Did you know Keith Bearden? He was and is a really great guy. I am sure others here will attest?? :good:


    Yes, I know you. Lynn Hughes here. Say hello to Rhonda for me.


  9. I'm class of '79. We have a thirty year reunion in August. It will include '78,'79, and '80. My bro graduated in 1981 and little bro in '91, I think. My hubby graduated from South Cobb in 1980. Yep, I'm old!!


    I graduated in 1980, I haven't heard anything about a reunion with the classes of '78 and '79. When and where?


  10. Know any Eidsons or Beardens?


    Would that be Teri, Joey, or Bobby? Teri was my best friend through elementary and middle school. I knew Scott Bearden. I graduated from McEachern in 1980.


    Who was the principal there when you were? Was Appleton still there as Asst. Principal? My wife Graduated there in 1984.


    I gradutated in 1980. Appleton was still there. My brother graduated in 1984.


  11. Tommy is my cuz, as well as his sister Donna. Alan and Mark grew up across the street from them. Did you also know Denise Jordon or Trevor Jordon?


    I was good friends with Donna. We ran around Powder Springs ballpark most of our younger years. I do know Denise and Trevor. Denise and I cheered together at McEachern and Trevor was and is still my younger brother's best friend.


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