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Everything posted by adult.

  1. I would say stuff like this makes me wonder why so many people around the world hate us, but we do it to ourselves too.
  2. If you stick out your tongue and act like you're shaking salt on it, you will taste salt.
  3. If you want Journey's "Any Way You Want It" ruined forever, there's a site for that.
  4. Great! I was just thinking to myself, "You know what I really need to do right this second? I need to go pick up that Rush album that came out twenty-nine years ago!" And now, thanks to this review, I know it's "worth the bucks!" All sarcasm aside, 6:09 is "outrageous"?
  5. Is it safe to assume you'd say the same of a student sleeping with her teacher?
  6. There are way too many kids in our country. Maybe a stipulation of adopting should be that you have to get it spayed or neutered.
  7. Albert Collins - Alive and Cool Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds The Beatles - The Beatles Beck - Midnite Vultures The Black Keys - Magic Potion Cream - Live Cream Volume II Daft Punk - Alive 2007, Discovery Deerhunter - Microcastle Flying Lotus - Los Angeles George Michael - Faith Growing - All the Way Hercules and Love Affair - Hercules and Love Affair Jimi Hendrix - Blues LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening Led Zeppelin - I Love is All - Two Thousand and Ten Injuries Muddy Waters - Hard Again Panda Bear - Person Pitch Pill Wonder - Jungle/Sur
  8. In loving memory of Joshua Lee Paschal?
  9. This one's better: Butts Arrested in Boob Murder Case
  10. As I said, those who are attempting to build the mosque. They have every right to build there. If the president were to step in and prevent them from building, he would be infringing upon their rights. To be clear, I don't believe that anyone's rights are being violated, but I do believe that you and Jack Reacher insinuated that they should be.
  11. Perhaps I misunderstood "just say no," but you didn't give me much to go on. I presume you mean that you'd want to president to "just say no" to those attempting to build this mosque. Again, as you haven't given me much, I have to presume that this means you would like him to step in to prevent the construction. How would this not be denying them their rights? If I misunderstood you, I apologize.
  12. You would want him to deny rights?
  13. Again, what more would you want the president to do?
  14. You want the president to object to this... at the very least? What more would you want the president do?
  15. Maybe you have a book about the kid who cried wolf?
  16. Do you ever think you get carried away with these titles?
  17. I don't wear hats. But you're correct to presume I neither cover my heart nor bow my head. As for the rest of it, I'm not sure how you made the connection. How does it follow from my apathy for symbols that I go around being a dick to everyone I see? No, that wouldn't be my family. While I don't participate in the Pledge or prayer, I was taught not to interrupt others who choose to participate. PM me?
  18. They probably held a lot of beliefs and cherished a lot of things that you and I both don't.
  19. If you believe that a symbol matters as much as what it represents, that is your prerogative.
  20. Personally, I don't care about much of that. I don't care about our anthem, our pledge, or our flag. I'm proud of our freedom.
  21. My girlfriend's father was born and raised Muslim in Egypt. He's now married to a Christian (doesn't even push his religion on his kids) and works for the government.
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