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Posts posted by Jamieg

  1. Fantasy...................................Reality.



    There's a difference between the two.



    NOWAY I thought these stories were based on true crimes Anyway it was just a point I was tring to make to SlugPug

  2. The right thing? No. The RIGHT thing would have been telling a responsible adult and getting proper care BEFORE the baby was born. I think it is horrible people are patting her on the back and saying how good of a mother she will be just because she chose to SAVE the baby instead of dumping it in a trash can someplace. That does not make her the saint the media is making her out to be. As far as her "excuse" for not telling someone, that's a load of crap, and once she figured out she was pregnant, she needed to step up to the plate THEN and take responsibility for having sex at 15 y/o, not nine months later. If she was kicked out her house, the law could have sent her parents to jail, she could have sought out home in a shelter. There are many other options other than the one she chose. Being responsible one time out of fifty chances to do so does cure stupidity, and IMO this girl acted with tons of stupidity. There are millions of women in this world who can not have children, and it makes me sick to see cases like this, where the child is not really even "wanted" (for lack of a better term).



    Oh and btw, don't you think it is a possibility the mom responded in the way she did because of media coverage? just a theory........


    Just saying it was a good thing of her going to the hospital after that fact. The girl was obviosly not educated on safe sex nor the possiblity of becoming pregnant Call her stupid maybe she is but in the end she DID save herself and the baby. Most likely her mom was just very happy that her daughter was ok as most mothers would be...

    Oh and CSI NY just last night A teen became pregnant scared to death of her father decided not to tell him and persue getting an aboortzion on her know The Doctor lied to her and told her she had a temp so therefore she was unable to through with it Unfortuanly she decided to beat her belly with the help of her boyfriend and killed the fetus How sad is that?

  3. AWE She's Precious! My baby girl just got one tooth on top and one on bottom and tried to stand up from sitting on the kitchen floor last night I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I know she'll be walking very soon

  4. I just wish that parents would let their daughters know that if they ever get pregnant, it will not just "go away" (most of the time). Too many young girls are getting pregnant, then going secretly into labor, just to either (a)kill the baby, ( b ) die after poor care (ie. not realizing that after birth has to come out too), or © "surprise" their parents with something new..... I read a story just the other day about a Hispanic girl who had a baby in her shower, then WALKED/JOGGED to the hospital, placenta, umbilical cord,and baby all attached (she carried the baby). I mean, for real, how stupid can someone be? I know it's a scary thing for such young girls, but they need to be told that if something did happen, they need to tell a responsible adult, so the appopriate actions can be taken. Bottom line, unless they miscarry, a pregnancy will not just "disappear".


    she hid the fact that she was pregnant from her parents only being 15 yr old she said she was afraid of being kicked out of her home. Regardless this girl did the right thing walking to the hospital 4 blocks from her house She's now a mommy and from the looks of things her mother is grateful and very proud of her daughter for thinking of the baby the way she did and getting the care they needed.


  5. God Bless you and your family What a happy day it must have been and I pray they only get better.

    little Ashton stays in my thoughts and is always in my prayers

  6. My children do not get allowance They get get get all the time Alway needing money for this and that with my 12 yrs anyway I reward my 7 yr old with a toy monthly for keeping his room clean and doing great in school.

  7. spray a lil hair spray into your hand and smooth fly a way hair...



    A dryersheet works wonders on fly a way hair and it smeels good. Also rub a dryer sheet on skin before going outside keeps away the mosqitoes..


    Use Olay w/sunscreen before applying make up. Use sunscreen period

  8. Hi My name is Jamie

    I have a goofy husband

    I have 3 beautiful children 2 boys 7-12 and a baby girl 8 months

    Don't Ask Why is my sister I ve always thought she was the milk mans baby I was wrong she has way to much of my Dad in her- The Harley thing and being carefree Got to love her!

    I am an Insurance agent

    I love to sing Only my kids would know that

    I am afraid of height yet I love the rollercosters

    The ocean scares me

    I love to clean

    I only rest when I sleep Hell I have three kids and a husband

  9. Every day I have to remind myself that my baby girl is only 8 months old She did all of the things your baby is doing. She will be fine! Must be something in the great formula they make today... :)

  10. He officially started eating cereal today. I had been giving it to him on and off an he just was not ready, but today he finally had the swallowing actions needed to eat a bowl of cereal.


    He is only 3 months old, but he is eating like 5-6 oz every 2-3 hours so the doctor and I agreed to give him a bowl of cereal once a day. He is almost 15lbs. I don't even my 4 1/2 year old growing this fast. I would never of have given my oldest solids until he was over a year old. it is amazing how different they are



    I know My Addy was eating cereal at 3 months Now at almost 8 months and just 18 lbs she's eating stage 2 foods with her bottles and grauates toast. She got her first tooth yesterday guess were going to be going to stage 3 soon.

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