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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. I agree. The officer was wrong for what he did and deserved to be fired. But homeboy did look like he was diving back into his truck. Lesson. Don't do anything the cop doesn't tell you to do and make double sure if you do make a move the cop knows exactly what you are doing and why. How was the cop to know that he was just reaching for his drivers license? He may have a pistol on the seat and come out firing.
  2. Because she wanted to turn off guys.......right. One to suck on and two to pinch......just sayin. Motorboating to a whole new level.
  3. Born to an alien. Explains a lot actually.
  4. Me, Blondie and the girl child were all quesy sick yesterday, but fine today as far as I know, at least I am.
  5. I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning. It smells like.........victory.
  6. We need to make the entire region a parking lot. Piss on em.
  7. Just a guess but I think the sound guy was behind him, he didn't want to get smacked with the door and possibly hurt. Just a natural reaction. My .02.
  8. The Buccaneers look like they stayed in the bucking locker room.
  9. As long as they don't bring him to the lake! We have too many of the nasty bastards already! I wish Mrs. Gates wanted more, I'd bring her all she can stand!
  10. I didn't ask. Head down, butt up that is how they like to duck!
  11. Machete Machete Kills The Green Mile Shawshank Redemption Forrest Gump Men in Black 1 & 2. 3 sucks Independence Day Pretty much anytime any of those are on, I will watch them. Again and again. The fun part is I know most the words through the whole movie, so I'll watch them on the Latin channels just for kicks! There are plenty of others, these just stuck out right away. ANY of the bad Sci Fi movies. Shakenado, Croctopuss. Mega Croc vs, Super Shark! Nothing better on a craptacular rainy Saturday than watching really bad Sci Fi movies
  12. Here is another easy fix. Crown Royal. Just sayin... You can buy filtered ice.
  13. I told her she should ride the golf cart over there raising hell about the cut internet line. She should wear her PJ's (like she ever gets out of them ) put her hair up in curlers and to take a rolling pin! THAT should get her on TV. Probably the evening news though.
  14. They match. Money can buy a lot of paper bags.
  15. Welcome to the land of the paper mill. Next time go to a nice beach. Orange Beach, Al. We are actually staying four blocks from there for Thanksgiving when we go down to spend it with Blondies parents. We are staying at Beach Blvd and Shark Ln.
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2561492/Liberal-men-masculine-How-millionaire-women-prefer-conservative-partners-wear-pants-relationship.html 'Simply put, conservative men are real men. They are the breadwinners, they wear the pants and they treat you like a lady,' So sorry for you panty waste liberal men. Not every one can be as lucky as John Kerry and score a rich woman and still be a candy ass.
  17. Days of Thunder. Yes, it was bad. Pretty much everything with Tom Cruise is bad. Another one relating to current events. Django Unchained. I tried to watch it and just could not make it through the first half hour.
  18. Them Banks county folks are fer serious! Voted for SP.
  19. I'm in Marvelous Mableton. She is at home in Dallas. We do talk at home though. Don't you have some Carbunkle and Goats video to watch? You did nail it though when we are talking at home she is usually to my right so I have to turn to the right to talk to her and I to her left.
  20. Bobo needs to a Gogo! As long as he keeps playing field goal ball, that is exactly what he is going to get. The defenses asses should be sucking buttermilk this afternoon.. They looked horrible.
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