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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. Okay, I say let him out under this condition. He can only see his freedom after crossing the Pumpkinvine Creek rail trestle, by foot, with 200 of Paulding county residents walking with him. I am just hoping that in such crowded conditions that he does not fall off and see if is really, in fact, 126 feet high.
  2. Question before I answer - can I account for Oboma-bucks in my response?
  3. NG, if you are looking at being put out on the street, don't buy the car - fall back on those scouting skills and use the tent!
  4. Actually, I just did this exercise for a friend a few weeks ago. There are "free clinics" around that are not really worth the hasstle of getting the free services. As someone else suggested, the Kennesaw Urgent care is the best deal - $49 for a doctor's visit.
  5. the only numbers that I believe is the balance in my checking account and if that translates into paying the bills
  6. one that I just can't stand when it is used - "Lifeflight" - an air rescue transport service
  7. glad to be of help. I think your knowledge from 2007 to 2010 will transfer just fine. 2010 menu structure took a little for me to get used to after moving from 2003.
  8. I downloaded it and it is the sofware - just skip the key input string.
  9. surepip, are you pointing out another failed Oboma policy?
  10. but if the economy is improving, meaning people are finding jobs, then wouldn't they be able avoid foreclosure today????
  11. try this one - seems to work http://www.freedownl...7-Trial-Version
  12. this appears to be a trial version: http://www.freedownl...7-Trial-Version can you just do in 2010 and save in 2007 format?
  13. I read another article talking about 2011 being a record for foreclosures. Is that a good or bad sign?
  14. oh, blue, do we need to put a little drinkin' money on the game Saturday? GO STEELERS!!!!!
  15. There is a "top 100 QBs" Elway is #5.
  16. most overrated QBs: http://bleacherrepor...referral#page/1 and the best offences: http://bleacherrepor...l-time#headline
  17. Bartow line to Mack Dobbs area on 41 was fine yesterday. During the day you should have no problems. There was build up between lanes so you just have to watch where you are going.
  18. I enjoy hearing the word treacherous. I don't think they can do a newcast without the T word.
  19. getting ready to fire up the grill now...
  20. I drove one while in college - they aren't cheap. We'd make $100 from McDonalds and places like that. This was back in the 80s and easy money.
  21. it will be interesting to see if you actually turn another year older before it all ends - or I guess your birthday won't matter much... Double up this year so you don't feel ripped off in 2012.
  22. I've been running mine on home-brew corn liquor for a while now and have not had any problems. Crows seem to like sitting on my truck. Do you have any tips for dealing with crows?
  23. oh my - you don't know that the end of the world is just around the corner?
  24. FreeBird


    Just hit me that today is 1/11/11. I guess not as impressive as 11/11/11, 12/12/12 and then the big one 12/21/12 .
  25. an inside joke - stay tuned - let's see if LR plays along....
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