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Everything posted by amanda_rip

  1. We have some of that too...but I quickly passed it up for Cocoa!
  2. Uh...yeah...Me. You said 'post in this thread' in the video. Fine. *~AJ~*
  3. So Kaiser Permanente is picky about who you use, so I can't go to the Dr. Office hubby's family has been going to for years. Does anyone who is on Kaiser see an Internal Medicine or Family Dr that they really like? I have never needed a PCP before now, and I don't want to just pick a name from a list.
  4. I had to close the windows bc of me being so congested. We slept with them open for 2 weeks....it was so nice...especially when it rained a steady rain all night....so soothing.
  5. Aaaahhh.....well...the ninja mask didn't work....I can see you.
  6. Where'd you come from!? I haven't seen you on here during the day in ages!!!
  7. What color/style ya lookin for?
  8. I don't mind it being cold....and snowy. If it isn't going to snow...there's no reason for it to be cold IMO. I HATE cold and rainy....that's just double bad. Oh...and I found some Hot Chocolate!
  9. I *think* it's open mic night tonight...
  10. We don't have a game with running on it...is it on the Wii fit? If it is...I'm not getting that until after Ava is born. I don't wanna get on that thing to do yoga and it blow me up fat on my little person....then again....when I get on after Ava is here, it will seem as if I've magically slimmed down...
  11. She gets so into the boxing she actually hits DH.
  12. Awww...my 5 yo loves our wii...she's good at it too.
  13. We DID...until we bought our home, and then we paid cash for most of what we needed. We held off on buying a lot because we still had wedding showers....etc...but we needed a refrigerator, furniture...expensive items. We built it back up, and now we're paying to have a bedroom and bathroom finished in our basement before the arrival of our little girl. So we're going to have to build it back up again. We still haven't gotten a FIRM hold on our financial plan, but we're working on it.
  14. I'm cold. I want hot chocolate with marshmallows...but there's none here at work.
  15. I'm still debating whether to get either of the flu shots or not. Little A and Hubby will not be getting the H1N1. They recommend it for pregnant women, but there's just not enough research or evidence to prove whether it's safe or not. I mean...look at the Guardasil shot...it's been on the market for years now and they're just now saying it's dangerous. I just don't feel like there has been enough data collected to sufficiently prove that it is 100% safe.
  16. OK...changed my mind...too much to do tonight...can't drive all the way to church. Probably mini-meatloaf (thanks, KRM!) or something else quick.
  17. We're doing a mini Halloween party for Little A and some friends and then Trick-or-Treating on Halloween. Not very quiet...but mainly outdoors.
  18. If I could afford it, I would have a lot of children. I can't say a number, because I don't know what that number would be for me. I wouldn't want to have so many that I couldn't give them each individual attention on a regular basis, but I love children and I come from a VERY large family, so I wouldn't mind having a whole bunch of 'em!
  19. Oh...I have so much to do today....
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