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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Thank you, and thank you NJ, and all of you who are keeping us in your prayers. I have come to understand "living like you are dying." There are so many things we hope to do before it is too late. And yes, if this will make it so that he can enjoy what time is left, I will find some for him. I wanted to add that I knew (God rest their souls) a couple that both had cancer, they both smoked marijuana so that they could enjoy trips to Stone Mountain, and to other places I know that marijuana helped their quality of life.
  2. Funny but alcohol seems to be the gateway drug in my experience. I have seen more homes, and lives destroyed because of alcohol then because of pot. Seems that you and Angel Eyes/Capt. Rett neither have a dog in this fight. I sincerely hope you never do. Perhaps I should have stated that s/he were ignorant as s/he apparently didn't even touch any pain meds for h/is cancer. I truly find that too hard to believe. I don't know if you have had to and watch as your husband is in such pain that the meds aren't helping, and you are helpless to make it better. I don't know if you have been woken fr
  3. It will be a great day when the VA supports getting service dogs for our vets. My husband's doctor told him years ago that our little dog was very good for him (he also has PTSD.) It is amazing how dogs are so much more then "man's best friend."
  4. Maybe the Animal shelter can use them, or your Vet.
  5. Yeah we can thank all the "pain clinics" for making it so that the terminally ill can't get the meds before 30 days, and they have to have a new script every time. I know that my husband hates taking pills, and he says he feels like that's all he does.
  6. YOU ARE A FREAKING IDIOT!!!! I would love to get some for my husband right now. If you ever have a loved one wake up in the middle of the night from the pain of cancer because the pain meds aren't quite strong enough, then you tell me how freaking bad this is. Oh and you have no clue about "gateway" drugs.
  7. gog8tors


    I won't tell him that just yet....
  8. Are you mad because you have to pay for something you didn't pay for before??? Are there not any dumpsters in Cherokee Co. (BTW somebody pays for those to be dumped) that you can put your trash in? I'm not sure why you care what the garbage company charges. Especilly since you just dump your trash in someone else's trash type can.
  9. gog8tors


    DS doesn't want snow, and I'm sure there are other kids that don't want it as well. They don't want to lose any of their Easter break. As for me........ I'll believe it when I see it.
  10. Then you haven't lived in the inner city, or in South Florida, and many other places. I have been taught (like all scouts) and I have also taught my kids to always leave where you were cleaner then you found it. Please don't lump a few in with the most. After all we all know how much you hate the broad brush......
  11. I just now compared both the app and the online info. They matched for my son. IDK Again I live in a bubble.
  12. To bad she chooses to hide her talent. She really doesn't need all the flamboyance.
  13. Nope, not unless there's something in it for us. We need to stop being the world's police force.
  14. I complaetly (sp) agree. Sad that the under 30 crowd will never know what real music is. You would think with all the money they make they could afford to hire a voice coach.
  15. I would point that out, and provide the link. Yes, I know that they know. But, sometimes some people don't think that you know. Be polite, but firm. You can PM me your number if you want. My son goes to the same school as yours. I may be able to get you in touch with the right people, or help you work around them.
  16. Don't try to understand. The fact that they are at least doing something now is what you need to focus on. You keep pressing to get things done, and they will get done. I have no explanation for the teachers being unhelpful. But, don't worry about that, you keep sending the emails, cc everybody to get what you need. Even to the point of stating if it is too much trouble for you (the teacher) to do X, I will come to the school and help you complete X. Your child is in high school correct? If that is the case, it may just be that these things are done (usually) at the elementary level. No
  17. Don't blow your top. Take another deep breath, now let it out. I assume you know who the teacher is that they need the work from. Contact them directly. Offer to take the work to who ever yourself. (I know s/he should do it, but at this point every thing you can do to push things along will help) If you have contacted this person via email, cc everyone so that they can't say they didn't know. Unfortunately yes the testing does take a while to get set up. Ask for a date (give them some random "I have to know for work/family/personal medical" schedule excuse. That makes them pin down some k
  18. Which would make sense, with the noise being mostly on the weekends.
  19. That is an intersting hypothis. However why does it only seem to happen on the weekends? Or, it could happen during the week, but none are around to hear it......
  20. Sounds like they are going off all over. Question: Why does it seem like it is only on the weekend? I'm home all/most of the day all week, and haven't heard them during the week. http://paulding.com/forum/topic/313930-loud-boom-in-yorkville/?do=findComment&comment=3961855
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