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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Aaaannnnnndddd another thread goes down the rabbit hole. Straidel it WAS a great OP.
  2. Just someone out getting Thanksgiving dinner. Those were shotgun retorts.
  3. Thank you for this post. My son called me earlier today about some stuff going on with him and his supervisor. Suffice it to say I am copying/stealing this to my Facebook page and tagging him in it. I think this is what he needs to read to help him deal with his supervisor. Personally I don't hate anyone, mainly because I know it is a fault in the other person, and has nothing to do with me. Hate, and holding grudges will just eat at your soul, and turn it black.
  4. That's how we have our washing machine run.
  5. The guy who owned the house before us, said it was in the front yard, Where he didn't tell us. The other owners I have no clue how to get in touch with them.
  6. Heck I would just like to know where ours is. Yes, I had skyline out, and they couldn't find it, no the county doesn't have a plan/plot drawing thingy to show where it is either. Our house is 43 years old.
  7. Facing some things this Christmas season, we may get ours up this weekend. There is a loved one who this may be his last Christmas. Praying that it's not, but.........
  8. I'm out of likes. History will be repeated. Unfortunately I'm starting to think it will be right here on our soil.
  9. Not really, but wonder what is happening while we are focused on this?
  10. Has nothing to do with disagreeing with him. You are very wrong about that. Yes, I will question anyone who claims service to our country if to ME h/er statements or story doesn't add up. Back in the 80s it was a thing to claim you were in Vietnam, (much like today some claiming to be veterans of the recent wars) that was when people started with the welcome home comments. That was also when the Rambo movies came out. Thank you Sylvester Stallone. The movies showed a new generation the horrors of war, and the fact that we still had POWs in Vietnam. So, you are a vet. Ok, welcome h
  11. Well from what little I know of him, he is someone to consider.
  12. Dude there is more to the whole war. You know no more than anyone else. I can pull the same pictures off the web too. But thanks for keeping this topic up on top.
  13. "Calley was given a life sentence for his role in directing the killings at My Lai. Many saw Calley as a scapegoat, and his sentence was reduced upon appeal to 20 years and later to 10; he was paroled in 1974." http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/my-lai-massacre What about the men that came home before that? To whom should they send their thanks? What about the men that died because some troublemaker over here was telling them this is a "white mans war" who should the families thank? To whom should the POWs send their thanks? I'm not debating him on this. I have an ex b
  14. Actually you keep harping on the history. It has been proven that the commander of that was a patsy. By no means is that all of my collection. Do you have any of the listed books? If not I would suggest that your collection isn't complete
  15. I am posting this in a new topic for people who want the rest of the story. Warning you may come away more educated then you or the powers that be want you to be. You might shed your sheeps clothing. Don't say I didn't warn ya. I would suggest you start with History of the Vietnam War, by Douglas Welsh. Then read A thousand Tears falling. http://www.amazon.com/Brennans-War-Vietnam-1965-1969/dp/0671705954 http://www.amazon.com/Mad-Minutes-Vietnam-Months-Soldiers/dp/0786467258 http://www.amazon.com/Killing-Zone-True-Story-Vietnam/dp/0425065340 http://www.amazon.com/Everything-We
  16. I assume nothing. You clearly implied.Wrong again.
  17. Yeah it does matter in the context of what you were implying. Yeah it matters, because when history is twisted like you like to do then it gets repeated. You were wrong. Period.
  18. Ooops try again. "Fact: As stated by the photographer himself, Nick Ut, and clearly shown on film, the Viet Nam Air Force (VNAF) dropped the bombs that hurt Kim. This was witnessed and reported by UPI television correspondent Christopher Wain, and also reported at the time, by noted correspondent Peter Arnett. Other journalists who were not there, through assumption, sloppy work, or malice, have since reported that the attack was by US aircraft, and have further embellished the story with time. Most of the commercials for the recent A&E documentary, and indeed, the host on the broadcas
  19. Yeah it does. That has been a thing since Vietnam. This could lead me down a different path, but suffice it to say, some don't have a problem killing babies right here in America. Why would they have a problem with a change in targets in another country?
  20. From a blog post a friend of mine posted today. We already know that the bad guys slip in with the actual refugees. Merrill boat lift? Unaccompanied minors? Either one of those ring a bell? I'm sure there were some North Vietnamese that came in with the 75 dust off. Among others. The difference with these people is that cutting off your head is just fine with them. The Crusades were in response (there's you history repeating its self) to the muslim invasion. You all know (with the exception of a few) that your not going to do anything when the cheeze hits the fan here. You got one person on
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