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Posts posted by gog8tors

  1. Unfortunately, I think I was responsible for the wrong turn in this thread. I noted the connection that I know exists between Howard, Virginia, Glen, Paulette, and Theresa. That, along with knowledge I have from when they first became active in the Paulding County Republican Party, turns me off. I truly don't want to sling mud but these connections make me uncomfortable. Sorry for the wrong turn... -_-

    It's OK, I just wanted to know why I should vote for Theresa, but instead I got a whole lot of why I shouldn't vote for Steve. Also this started out about Maxwell, and Liberty, and his very much lie filled mailers. However it has digressed into what it is

    • Like 1

    Perhaps you should tell your wife to do the same. As for me using my screen name, and others as well...... the kicker is a lot of people already know who we are IRL.

    The difference being one is using a screen name to perpetrate lies. I'm asking questions not perpetrating lies. Your the one who keeps on with the whole "use your real name, just asking you to be constant even with your wife."

    I have discussed this thread with people in the know. No you didn’t. You’ve discussed this with people who have all heard the story second hand but have no direct knowledge that any of this happened. If you ask you’ll find that they heard it from someone who heard it from someone else. It will all lead to one person who told them the story. Yeah, seems like he was asking questions that y'all didn't want to answer. Every single question was answered…..multiple times. Every person who has bothered to sit down and listen and review the numbers has voted to keep selling the fireworks and not a single one of them has found that any wrong doing took place. You don't know who I have talked to, so that would be a false statement. As far as him not being there for whatever, was that before or after y'all didn't give him the correct contact information for the sponsors? COMPLETE FABRICATION. That never happened. You’ll find that this story all leads back to one person as well. The great thing about being involved with the organization is that when the emails and documentation is passed around you can see the time line and the multiple times the sponsor information was addressed and, presented and confirmed. Again…TOTAL FABRICATION.

    Don’t take my word for it. Talk to Amanda Harmon. She’s the one accused of doing it. She has all the emails showing that the story is false. Speak to Reverend Morgan as well.

    What happened with your touch down club is a damn shame, and as long as it is on your touch down club that's fine, but when you want the taxpayers to pay for something that should never have been done then it becomes everybody's business. No one has suggested that the tax payers do anything. The members voted to pay off the loan and no other recommendation has been approved or discussed. Again, False information.. No taxpayer I know I wouldn't have put my name on a loan that was made in someone else name. I'm sure there are other people who are glad your wife did.. it was do that or disband the booster club. according to Dr. Fraker.

    I never said it had been asked, however because you seem to not say why I should vote FOR Theresa over Steve, I made the jump to that POSSIBLITY.

    So 50.000 was the boy scouts cut of the fireworks sale? What is so wrong about asking where that much money went to? Sounds like the fireworks stand was quite lucrative.

    There is NO $50,000. No donation to the Boy Scouts. Never was at all. That’s ridiculous. I have no idea where that lie came from. Don’t take my word for it though. All fund raisers have to be approved by the school. Talk to Mr. Freeman and Mr. Daws. They had to review the books because of one person making that allegation. And guess what? Not a penny was out of place, nothing untoward happened. The entire project was clean as a whistle. The numbers were presented to the membership and every aspect of it was explained in detail. The membership voted to do it again.

    OK, where did this alleged donation come from? Truthfully if the BS helped out and the TD club gave them a cut, I don't see that as a problem. However if they didn't help and there was no donation then where did this come from?

    I also understand that you have a personal beef with Steve that goes beyond this. As adults most of us are able to look at the big picture. I have an issue with someone wanting a public office that makes false accusations and spreads rumors and gossip that aren’t even close to being true. THAT is a big picture issue.

    I understand that, however I don't know that either of you are being as honest as you say. My concern isn't with the EP TD club, my concern is am I voting for the right person, does that person have all of our students interest at heart.

    RaidersRock, Tundra, and I are not in any way trying to bring down the booster club, or those boys. They deserve so much better. I also don't think that anyone has accused anyone of stealing anything. Yeah? Tell that to the long list of school administrators who were dragged into meetings to review the books on this fund raiser time and again because one person kept insisting that there MUST be something illegal going on. Each time it was cleared, another administrator was called and asked to meet. Each time nothing untoward was found and everything cleared. To the point that the school will no longer hear any accusations on the subject. Now that same person is spreading the story around P.com. I was referring to Tundra and myself, not anything or anyone else. There have been questions asked and not really answered. False. Every question has been answered multiple times. No it hasn't From what I understand there were several fundraisers offered and none were agreed upon. FALSE. The only plans that were not put into place weren’t feasible or wouldn’t be approved by the administration. Some were put into play that failed miserably.So there were fundraisers offered and either turned down or just didn't bring in what y'all hoped they would, Hence my statement was not FALSE The program is in a really really bad spot, but if the school board was to vote to give y'all the money to satisfy the loan, then they would have to give the same amount to all the other schools. ???? No one has asked the school system to pay the loan. They ARE NOT paying anything off. That's not being fiscally responsible to all of the tax payers.

    I just want to know why we should vote for someone who may or may not be at the meetings, doesn't ask questions, and just goes along with whatever the yes vote is. I have yet to have an answer to that question. Theresa asks questions. When the agenda is presented before the meetings and is prepared to discuss the facts. NOT as a show in front of people. She wasn’t at the janitor vote. I never said she was there. You held that vote out as one she voted on, and that's not true.

    Can you point to an instance where she “went along”? Or is that just a repeated story?


  3. It's being lady like to threaten to out personal information about a friend? You and I must have different dictionaries. That's just a lack of character right there. I don't know anything about this Kirsten, and have no opinion one way or the other on her beliefs.

    What threat? You must have problems with reading comprehension.

    "I really like her as a person. I am not going to tear her to pieces on p.com. You really should stop while you are ahead if you care for her too."

    I don't see a threat there at all. "

    Your post (#79 in this thread) was "yikes" I was just wondering why? I posted two links about home schooling, and asked what is the problem with Kerstin home schooling her kids, after all she still pays school tax.

    What is my connection to Theresa Lyons and why do I want her reelected. She's been part of the progress and has been integral in several changes for the better of everyone, not just one or two families. But, didn't you say she voted for the janitor outsourcing? How much money has been saved, besides in workers comp and insurance? How many janitors have quit since Aramark took over? Why are our schools not as clean? BTW, she wasn't there when this was voted on.




    Joe Watson - Yes

    Kim Curl - Yes

    Nick Chester - Yes

    Kim Cobb - No

    Richard Manous - Yes

    Sammy McClure - No


    More importantly I'm very familiar with her opponent. Someone who will tell you what you want to hear but falter when it comes to results. When he took on the responsibility to manage fund raising for the booster club and promised to help pay the $30,000 a year that owed he managed to sign the program up for one online rewards program that netted less than $500. He never. Not once, participated in a fund raiser or workday. Never he's taken advantage of the contribution that everyone else made but never put any effort into it himself. Sound like the kind of representative you want? Contributed nothing but managed to create an estimated 120 hours of work in unnecessary work and research for a volunteer organization. He actually COST the program money. When his total lack of commitment was discussed, (and yet you have no problem with Theresa not being at the school board meetings. I don't want to drive in the dark?? Come on, she is supposed to represent us all.) he quit. "Took his ball and went home" leaving the bill for the rest of the program to pay. He's a salesman. No matter what you want out of a board member , THAT is what you are going to be promised. As far as googling my name. Have at it. At least I'm not using a fake name. If you want to appear brave and forthcoming, if you want to appear to be telling the truth, use your real name. That Google search you people are drooling over is very old and has already been discussed and dismissed here. Pubby deleted it because it was vile and unproven, feel free to try and prove something though. But use your real name if you want to be taken seriously.

    Perhaps you should tell your wife to do the same. As for me using my screen name, and others as well...... the kicker is a lot of people already know who we are IRL.

    What goole search are you talking about?

    I have discussed this thread with people in the know. Yeah, seems like he was asking questions that y'all didn't want to answer. As far as him not being there for whatever, was that before or after y'all didn't give him the correct contact information for the sponsors?

    What happened with your touch down club is a damn shame, and as long as it is on your touch down club that's fine, but when you want the taxpayers to pay for something that should never have been done then it becomes everybody's business. I know I wouldn't have put my name on a loan that was made in someone else name. I'm sure there are other people who are glad your wife did.


    Vote for who you want. An adult looks at both sides of an option and chooses. Some of you seem to have bought a sales pitch. Good luck. I've been there. If you want to make points come after me with your real name. If you have to spread rumors about someone to appear smart, at least do it face to face instead of being a coward. Everything I've said has been public.

    Do you happen to have Mrs. Lyons phone number? I didn't see it on her brand new face book page.


    You don't know what the problem is? Have you read anything I've written? THERE'S the problem.


    $50,000? BoyScouts? It would "behoove" you to follow your own advice, Tundra. Keep quiet on a subject that you know nothing about. LOL. I'm involved with every aspect of that program and this $50K to the Boy Scouts is exhibit one in the trial of a troll using a fake name trying to stir the pot. That's completely ignorant and outrageous. We are talking about a program that scrapes together change to feed the boys PB&J after a workout. $50K???? You people need to get serious. Whoever brought that to the table needs to post their real name or site something other than an accusation. That's the most moronic thing I've heard on the Internet in weeks. LOL. Research it all you want. Call the BSA headquarters on Circle 75. Call the Texas National HQ. Doesn't matter. That crap is just petty, ignorant people spreading petty stupid rumors. LOL. I'd love to hear the whole story. Booster club records are open to any member. They are openly discussed and distributed at every meeting. Don't be an idiot Tundra. It's a GREAT thing that everyone in the booster club knows what's going on with the finances. They all have access to the books and are free to question anything. Everything is open. It's all above board and has been voted on by every member. ANYONE that says otherwise is sadly is informed (surprise! There are people who are happy to lie to you here) and is welcome to talk to me at any one of the meetings. Any other brilliant observations? Tundra? Would you care to make direct accusations or are you good with the sideways comments?

    So 50.000 was the boy scouts cut of the fireworks sale? What is so wrong about asking where that much money went to? Sounds like the fireworks stand was quite lucrative.

    I also understand that you have a personal beef with Steve that goes beyond this. As adults most of us are able to look at the big picture.


    RaidersRock, Tundra, and I are not in any way trying to bring down the booster club, or those boys. They deserve so much better. I also don't think that anyone has accused anyone of stealing anything. There have been questions asked and not really answered. From what I understand there were several fundraisers offered and none were agreed upon. The program is in a really really bad spot, but if the school board was to vote to give y'all the money to satisfy the loan, then they would have to give the same amount to all the other schools. That's not being fiscally responsible to all of the tax payers.


    I just want to know why we should vote for someone who may or may not be at the meetings, doesn't ask questions, and just goes along with whatever the yes vote is. I have yet to have an answer to that question.

    • Like 2
  4. Just about the response that expected. I don't know her on a personal level as you claim to. I know what results she's been a part of as a board member.


    So, you'd be willing to slander a friend on a public forum (under a fake name, of course) over someone you claim to only have just met?


    Interesting. Damn glad I don't have to count on YOU as a friend. What kind of passive aggressive personality disorder would prompt you to threaten to slander a friend that you claim to like just to justify your political ideals? Who does that? Well......not using your real name must really help in the decision to be THAT hypocritical.

    Just because she is/was ONE person on the board doesn't mean she should stay on the board. What was her vote in reference to the janitors? The schools aren't nearly as clean as they used to be. How many janitors lost their jobs because of outsourcing the work to a company?

    Why have you not answered my question about Kerstin home schooling her kids, and why you think it's a bad thing?

    Do you have a familial relationship with Theresa Lyons? Besides the fact that she is on the board now, why should we vote for her?

    What is your personal intent to get her reelected? Having spoken with Steve Dutton on several occasions and asking him questions that I think are important, I truly think he has the schools (ALL of the schools) best interest at heart. Sometimes when one asks the right questions, and the ones who don't want to answer them squirm, it becomes time to take your ball and go to a bigger playground.


    As for News Junky, I am very proud to her call her friend. She won't air someone else's personal laundry, you see she is a real lady.

    I however may not be so lady like. I googled your name.

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  5. You really like her as a person but are willing to tear her to pieces on a public forum (under a fake name, no less) because your logic is being challenged? Hypocrite much? Why you identify with Dutton is becoming more and more clear. So, you have no rebuttal to the boards performance and have to resort to personal attacks to justify your decisions? Interesting. Maybe you should quit while you are behind.

    You have no clue.

    She is one of the most informed people in all of Paulding Co.


    Still want to what the problem is with Kerstin home schooling her kids.

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    Hmm interesting. Yea, I'm not a fan of vouchers, if you want your kids to get a better education, get involved with their school!!


    All three of mine went to public school and they did fine. If you make them work at it, there are a lot of ways to get ahead in the county system.

    Some of us want our kids to do more then "just be fine."


    I don’t know about the rest of you, but that is downright scary. Liberty homeschools her children and is supported by a group that calls for the dismantling of the public school system. Wacky weed is the least of my concerns with Liberty.







    I'm not sure what the problem is with her home schooling her own children, she still pays the school tax.

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  7. Oh come on, it would be funny to see what kind of laws a bunch of doped up politicians could think up. A lot better than the one's they do now.. lol...

    Ok, you don't know her either.

    Why don't you and Glassdogs get back to us when you have actually spoken with her, and have actually listened to her.


    See that's what's really cool about local elections, you can actually talk to (well some) of the candidates. Now isn't that the coolest thing?

  8. Well they got Nick's age wrong. He turned 18 yesterday.


    I have always hated that intersection.

    They did get his age correct. I thought my friend said he turned 18.

    This is the account from the eye witness (gone you posted on her FB status on Wed.) Just so we know that the "news" isn't always correct.




    On Wednesday as I was driving home from a trail run in Cartersville I traveled on highway 61 south. As I passed through the intersection at 278-61 at the gas station on the right there, I ended up behind two vehicles that at first I thought were just punk teens driving badly. One was a black mustang and one was what I discovered was a camry. The camry was dangerously tailing the mustang and the mustang was speeding up and slamming on brakes while the camry aggressively tailed the mustang. All the while both cars picked up speed very quickly. The camry then attempted to pass on double yellow lines and the mustang sped up very quickly to stop her from passing so both lanes were taken up as they raced along. At that point, another small sedan was turning left out of a side road and that moment the camry had attempted to jerk over in front of the mustang and smashed into the turning vehicle. Both the camry and mustang were going at exceptional speeds. I was attempting to call 911 on them racing and road raging but was too late. As a result of the Camry and Mustang's road rage, two people died. I was literally right behind them. No matter what 'news story' you read on this accident, this is the truth of what happened. I felt it necessary to post this because NO news outlet has gotten it right. It was a horrific thing but the fact they are blaming the deceased people makes me furious. Oh, and 911 never did answer when I was able to call. Very reassuring. ETA: The mustang was completely undamaged. The camry was totaled but the driver came away with a busted ankle. The other sedan had the fatalities.Also, the camry driver just kept sobbing how it was all her fault, she did it, it was her fault. I agree.
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  9. Patrick Brian Noll, age 46, of Dallas, GA passed away suddenly on August 3, 2013. He was born on March 23, 1967 in Homestead, PA.

    He was retired after 20 years service in the United States Marine Corp and was presently employed with the CDC as an Inventory Specialist. Patrick was a family oriented husband and father and will be greatly missed. He was preceded in death by his step-brother, Brian Brest.

    Survivors include his wife, Reiko Noll of Dallas, GA; two sons, Cody Noll of Kennesaw, GA and Elliot Noll of Dallas, GA.; his father Harry Noll of Pennsylvania and mother Patrica Brest of Indiana; sisters, Mickey and Randy Ball of Indiana, Reenie and Sam Warne of North Carolina, Jill and Shawn Harpst of Pennsylvania and Tiffany Garland of Pennsylvania.

    Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel of Clark Funeral Home with Dr. Curtis Turner officiating. Interment will follow at 1:30 p.m. at the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton, GA. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

    Clark Funeral Home in Hiram, GA, is in charge of arrangements.


    You will be missed coach.

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  10. My son is new to the football world. He got 5 tickets to sell. Does he get anything from selling these tickets? Like with cub scouts my younger son gets a % put in his personal acct. Just wondering, I have no idea what to expect with all of this football stuff

    Sending you a PM

  11. Probably not the best choice of timing and descriptive terms, given the events of the past week.


    I thought this was going to be another terrorism thread.....:rofl:


    Yeah I know :blush:

    I really tried to come up with something different. Did you want to get one or more?

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