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Posts posted by Hannah025

  1. Ok, so who out there in P.com land can ID this young snake? I admit it -- I'm horrible at snake identification.





    Excuse the working man's hands --- hubby had just come in from work on a greasy install, and hadn't even had time to wash his hands!!! :blush:



    COPPERHEAD!!!!!!!!! We live in the woods, and we killed 5 in 2wks this summer. I have 3 kids, and I rather kill them than them get one of mine. ;)

  2. I personally am not a fan of the cry it out method, luckily my husband isn't either. I think you just have a high maintenance baby, my 19 month old was like that, still is but is MUCH better. Pick your battles, choose a time of day to let her cry some things out, let her know you are there and she is OK, and do it at a time when you KNOW she isn't sleepy, hungry, sick, but just being a turd. Then let her cry for a few minutes, then lengthen it each time, but again, let her know you are there, tell her she is ok, and mommy is there. I have to still do that with my son, he is walking now so he will follow me, but I won't give in and hold him every time.

    But don't let her get so upset that she is unable to calm herself or that she gets sick. Nothing is worth that. Do you have an exersaucer? walker? johnny jump up? The combo of those things helped mine become more independent and not be so damn clingy!



    I totally agree with Ash!! My little girl was a premmie, and was ahead of most kids her age. The Dr. was very suprised.

    So it doesn't matter how tiny she is, it is a matter of if she wants to do it or not. Some kids do things early and some don't, it is according to the child. I think all girls are a mess. I know mine are, I have two a 2yr. old & a 6m old. So don't worry you are not alone. ;)

  3. Yep, right after I tell them to drive slow, pay attention to other drivers, don't be talking on their cell phones or playing with the radio, and to call me as soon as they reach their destination :D



    My mom did the same thing :D :D

  4. I am a stay at home mom of 2. :wub: One is 4 yrs old and in pre-k and the other is 1. I am local in Dallas about 3 miles away from courthouse. I have flexible hours and reasonable rates. Your child will be in a loving, non-smoking, christian environment. I am in the northside school district. We have inside and outside play(weather permitting) arts and crafts, movie time, reading etc. I provide breakfast, lunch and a snack. If you are interested please let me know. I look forward to speaking with you.



    I have 2, do you want them from 8:00am-8:00pm? :D :D

  5. 126774.gif





    I went to NYC in 2000 for my senior trip, it is amazing how close everything was. The hieght of those biuldings from the ground right below them is unreal. Unless you have been there, it is unreal how much territory it covered. My thoughts and prayers are with the families, and all of NYC!!!!!


    Thanks for the pics.

  6. If I had of lost a family member on 9/11, I don't think I would turn my tv on the whole week. It is a constant in your face reminder. However, I really don't know what I would do.

  7. I was at home asleep cause I worked third shift for Atlanta Journal. My mom was ringing my phone frantically and when I answered she told me to turn on the news. I sat there and watched in disbelief, i couldn't believe that something that planned got by our security.


    I do believe there should be a day for so many people to mourn. I myself didn't have any relation to anyone that was killed that day but the tragedy was so awful i feel for the people that do. i have many many friends that have family that are fireman and policeman and you think what if that was one of them. i hate that it has happened to this nation but I do believe that reality has smacked some of us in the face. i pray that god will shine his grace down on the people that are mourning the loss of a loved one or friend.



    My brother and my cousin are both firefighters, and I couldn't imagine it either.

  8. I was just thinking about what I was doing when I found out we were under attack, and was wondering who else remembers.

    I was working at a in-home daycare, and parents were calling us frantic. I will never forget the feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach. After the first parent called I went upstairs and turned on the news it wasn't but a few moments later I watched the 2nd plane hit. My thoughts and prayers go out to every family that lost a loved one on that day. May God pour all of his grace on them on this horrible anniversary. :( :(

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