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Posts posted by jenn_gorski

  1. Uh Oh, Go Blue is in here! JennGmom2threeboys, look out girl! :lol:



    Maybe he can explain why boys do this?? :mellow:


    My best friend has an English Bulldog and a 2 yr old, and she says he has tried to do the same thing to the bulldog. EWWWW, I couldn't deal w/ that. Makes me cringe thinking about it.....



    Oh my, I'll tell Ginger to beware!!! :lol:

  2. I heard my husband yelling at the kids one time because the oldest had called out in that sing-songy "I'm telling" voice, "Daaaaaddddddyyyyy, Cole won't kiss my buuuuuuuttttttttttt."




  3. Last night, have my middle and youngest sons in the bath together. I am washing up the baby when Justin tells me he put his finger in his butt! WHY?????? :blink:

  4. Let me say this also, my husband gets paid by commission. If he doesn't work, we get no money for that day. If I stay home, I get paid, I have sick time, vacation etc. If he misses a day of work, we feel that struggle money wise for weeks to come.


    We have no family here, and while I have good friends, no one is willing to watch a sick child, especially with something like strep or pink eye and risk their family getting it. I don't blame them.

  5. how big is the company you work for?


    if they have 50 or more employees, your absences were covered under FMLA




    Total, probably around 400. But we have a corporate office and then many jobsite offices. I am on a jobsite office. At this office there is 15 of us. And while the easy question is why can't they answer the phones, they don't like to. But when they are in meetings with the owner, and have to leave to get the phone, the owner doesn't like it. I understand that. I offered to call in temps, but they don't want to do that either because the owner is griping that he is paying for a full time admin, and doesn't want to pay for a temp too.

  6. A little history.... I work in construction. I have been doing one project full time and assisting on 3 others part time, which required me to leave the full time site and go to the other sites a couple times a week. This has been going on since January. My understanding was my "old" boss (on the 3 part times) had an agreement with my "new" boss for me to do this. Nobody told me otherwise. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. I come in on a Monday and my new boss tells me that the other jobs have to stop, the Owner is not happy, phones aren't being answered when I'm gone, etc. Fine, I send an email to the old boss and tell him, I can help with computer work only but no more traveling. That Thursday I had an all day seminar. That Friday I had scheduled vacation day to go see Thomas the Train in TN. Saturday night, baby has fever, go to walk in clinic, he has strep. Get the medicine started Sunday a.m. Sunday p.m. has 104.7 fever, which thank god we got down without a trip to the ER. I stay with him on Monday. Drop my other son off at daycare and ask what the policy is. 24 hours without a fever before he can come back. So I go home and let work know, I will be out Tuesday also. Wednesday, he is better, I am sick. Come to work for 3 hours, go to the doctor. I have strep. I call and tell one guy that I won't be in Thursday either, I am contagious. Friday I came in for 5 hours and then went home. MOnday come into work to be called into a closed door meeting where I am basically told if I can't be depended on to be here at work, I need to find another project that is more flexible, yada yada, that being out 7 days in a row wasn't good. First of all, the first 2 days were approved days out, second of all, I attempted to come in both Wednesday (where I had several people complain that if I think I have strep, I shouldn't be there at all) and Friday for part of the days. Then they start telling me that there has to be something or someone who will keep sick kids. They hand me an Employee Assistance card. I am po'd by this. I reiterate that 90% of the absenses are related to the other projects, and that I was doing company work, not home with sick kids. Other than that week, I had only left a couple of times to run to doctor appointments. That seems to go in one ear and out the other. I am really peeved and feel completely self-conscious about my job, scared to death that something is going to happen to one of the kids and I am going to have to leave and lose my job. Well today that call comes. It's been 2 weeks since our closed door meeting. One boss (who was in the meeting) is standing there when I get the call. Ryan has pink eye, he has to be picked up. I call my husband several times, no answer. I just put my head in my hands and started crying. Boss proceeds to tell me to go get my son and do what I have to do. I refuse to, I can't lose my job. End up getting hubby to go pick him up and I am skipping lunch and leaving at 3:00 to go home so hubby can go back out and work this evening instead.


    So after all that, my question is when your kids are sick, what do you do with them? If your out, how is your company about that? Do you know of any daycares or places that allow sick kids to be brought in?

  7. GREAT! Still waiting on my certificate from GA Spay and over the weekend, she is now in heat! It is one thing to diaper my child, but I feel like a moron diapering a dog!! And to top it off, she sits right down, so you have to wrestle with her to get it on. I sent hubby to get products, should have known better! He got extra large diapers, which say up to 90lbs but they don't fit her. THe redneck solution? Duct tape!! Ginger was a living Jeff Foxworthy joke!! I have to go tonight and buy the "pants" they wear that you put pads in instead.


    How often do they go in heat? How long does it last?

  8. My hubby's clothes get like that too! GROSS!! He actually puts pine-sol in the wash, and it works! I just don't let him do mine or the kids clothes. Hey if he wants to smell all piney fresh, who am I to complain? Especially when he washes them himself!

  9. I know how you feel! I work in Atlanta, I do the at least hour drive both ways. We have to be up at 5:00 to get going in the morning. And because I am mom, when the kids are sick, who has to stay home with them? MOM. Mine don't want daddy, they want me. As much as companies tell you they are "family first" blah blah that is so not true. (but that's another post). By the time I get home in the evenings after daycare pickups, it is almost 6. You get dinner, baths and such done and before you know it they are in bed. There isn't much time with them. Unfortunately for me, I can't get paid what I do working in Atlanta by finding a job close to home. And since we live paycheck to paycheck now, I don't have the choice!


    I wish you lots of luck in finding a job nearby!!!

  10. The 15 year old that watched them last summer is a GREAT girl, one of the most responsible kids I have ever met. So is her now 14 year old sister. I don't know how their parents did it, but they raised great girls. And they have both known my kids since they were born. My two older boys are not high-maintenance. Yes, they are rambunkous (sp) and have lots of energy, but they play by themselves wonderfully. They are usually outside playing trucks or upstairs playing trains. They always behave for other people (why they can't for us, is another question!) so I had no doubt that they were in good hands. The baby is more hands on, but he is 14 months right now and can play by himself at times too. And if there was ever an emergency, I have neighbors home all around us that would be there in 30 seconds.


    At any rate, thanks again for everyones comments and advice, but I have found the sitters I need.

  11. First of all, there is a big difference between being flirty and what this guy is doing. That is just completely inappropriate, especially the boob comments. I wonder how his wife would like to know what he says to his female employees or better yet, what he would think if his wife came home saying some guy talked to her like that. My husband would flip his lid! I am sure the owner of the company is happy that you told him instead of you or someone else, filing suit against them for sexual harrassment. And if he gives you a hard time, to where you think you need to find a new job, I would go back to the owner. He has been there 3 weeks, he should be the one to go.

  12. A big thank you to JoFlo for hooking me up with the family that gave us our forever dog!


    I'd like to think we "saved" her as I think the gentlemen wasn't very truthful in trying to get rid of her. He had said she was pure Golden, 1 yr old. I believe she is mixed with Lab, more lab than golden to me, she was covered in ticks, hadn't been spayed or had any shots. According to him, she had recently had 11 puppies. He didn't give me any details... I had to keep calling back to ask questions as I thought of them.


    We took her to the vet and got all the shots. They estimate her age at 2-3 years of age. In my opinion, if she is that age, I am betting she had more than one litter. Especially because she was left outside, I am sure other dogs got to her. I sent away for my certificate to get her spayed, so that will happen in the next 2 weeks. She is a normal goofy playful golden/lab personality, very friendly. We think she wasn't treated so nice at times, because when you go to pet her at times, she crouches down to the ground. She has adapted well to us, mostly attached to me. The boys are enjoying her, my 3 year old has a blast with her. The baby just giggles every time she comes around, especially if she licks him. She hasn't had one accident in the house. Although she likes to bolt. She has gotten out of the house a couple of times and just takes off. Man, is she fast!! She comes back to the house, so I have learned to stop chasing her. It is like a bad comedy... I get close enough, barely touch her and off she goes again. Trying to make the kids understand doors HAVE to be closed.


    She was originally named Hiccups, but we have renamed her Ginger.


    So here she is...




  13. If you know of anyone who is looking for a BEAUTIFUL female boxer dog.

    The pup is seven months old and is house broken. She is comfortable with children and cats.

    The owner has just had another infant and does not feel he can give full attention to the dog.

    Please contact Julie if you are interested.

    Please forward if you know anyone who might be interested.



    Contact: Julie at Jparham@holder.com


  14. Right, um excuse me, is that a tattoo? Can you send someone else to put out my fire? That offends me.




    I think there are so many other more important things to be worried about in the world today then whether they are tattoed or not.

  15. I appreciate the helpful advice and suggestions that have been provided.


    I know the money isn't great, I know the hours are long. Money is negotiable... that is a starting point. My two youngest are in daycare now. My oldest goes to Kindergarten. If I add my oldest to daycare, it is outrageously expensive. So I was hoping to not only save some money, but have the kids be home, with their own stuff, with someone I can trust and have a good summer. I don't think it is a hard job, the 2 older keep themselves busy, they play with each other and by themselves, so other than checking on them, they do not need to be stood over for 10 hours a day. The baby is a little different, but he is 14 months, and mobile. He loves to be outside, loves the sandbox etc. He also naps 2 times a day. The other 2 also nap. I don't think it is a hard job, but I also think it would be fun for someone who doesn't need to survive on the salary, but enjoys spending time with kids.

  16. First of all, my kids are my life. So I would never hire anyone that I felt wouldn't be a good caretaker. I had a great sitter last year, a 15 year old who watched them for that amount of money. For a 15 year old, sitting at my house and watching the kids, who are pretty self sufficient (as in play with each other and keep themselves occupied). So if they watch TV, that is fine. If they are on the computer, that is fine. As long as they are aware of where they are and that they are ok. I know this is not a get-rich job for anyone.

    Yeah your funny

    I want it in my house for that reason. We have a huge backyard, with swingset and all kinds of things for them, slipnslide, blow up pool, toys galore.

  17. My point is you gotta be careful when it comes to your children, and 4/hr isn't gonna get you much more than someone watching jerry springer all day, chain smokin and wavin' a hot wheel track




    First of all, my kids are my life. So I would never hire anyone that I felt wouldn't be a good caretaker. I had a great sitter last year, a 15 year old who watched them for that amount of money. For a 15 year old, sitting at my house and watching the kids, who are pretty self sufficient (as in play with each other and keep themselves occupied). So if they watch TV, that is fine. If they are on the computer, that is fine. As long as they are aware of where they are and that they are ok. I know this is not a get-rich job for anyone.



    I just asked my dog and she said she'd take the job :ninja: I think my neighbors 10 yr old would be interested too.


    Yeah your funny


    That was going to be my suggestion. Go back through the archives. There were alot of college and high school students looking for summer work. You may be able to have them come to your house, then you wouldn't even have to wake the kids up before you left, and you know their environment. Just make sure you have enough at your home to keep them all from getting too bored. Movies, games(video or board), water toys for the yard, etc.


    I want it in my house for that reason. We have a huge backyard, with swingset and all kinds of things for them, slipnslide, blow up pool, toys galore.

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