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Posts posted by jenn_gorski

  1. Ask your doctor. If you are doing it strictly to get more sleep, then I would not. You are already breast feeding and supplementing with formula. My kids ate every 2 hours in the beginning. It was exhausting, but that is what they do. Get sleep when the baby sleeps (forget about cleaning and anything else except you and baby care!!). Take help whenever it is offered! And good luck!

  2. We have a couple different ones. and they never seem to come at the same time. Which I think would be better for business, then you know when to wait for them. It isn't every day either. And they creep me out. I just always think Chester the Molester. Not fair I know, but ours seem to be foreign, you can barely understand them and they just grin at you as you point at what you want.

  3. Wonderful teen looking for her first car, and paying by herself. She is a hard worker, great kid... her parents are truly blessed!


    Anyway, she is looking for a car that still has a couple of years of life in it. She can't spend a bunch, but her range is up to $2K.


    Anyone selling a decent car?

  4. Well even though Benny is only 2, he's a tank. He gives my oldest hell. When they're fighting, its usually my oldest who ends up crying. So that may have something to do with it.




    TV isn't helping. I had no clue about adult cartoons being on either, but you can just block that channel can't you, instead of taking the cable wire? But I bet since Benny is a tank, that he is what is being "viewed" as the badguy.

  5. LMAO!!!


    How old are they?


    My oldest went through that! Except he kept doing it to me and hubby. He'd sneak up behind us when we were bending over to pick up something and stick his finger right "there". :o He'd laugh himself silly afterwards which drove me nuts!!! Lucky for us we always had clothes on so we didn't feel too violated. :p


    I'm so glad he's over that.


    Ok, mental note to self: Do not bend over in front of Justin, especially without clothes!!!


    He is 3. :rolleyes:



    My boys are teaching their sister the "potty" words. She walks around talking about how her "bootyhole" smells, how she is going to stick her finger in her "butthole" etc. We had to stop giving the boys baths together because they were trying to pull each others "goobers" off. Now the big thing to say is they have "butt juice" in their underwear. Lord knows I have heard it all, they are a ton of other things but it's best that I have forgotten most.....


    Oh the other evening, my husband and I invited our Sunday school teacher and his wife over for dinner. We have only known them a couple of months and wanted to get to know them better. We got the kids fed so we could sit down to a decent dinner (without having to stand up and cram food into your mouth!!), wwweelllll, we were sitting there talking and our little "tater tot" came up to the table and said "Mommy, I got crap on my fingers!!". I looked at her hand and she had stuck her hand in her diaper and got a few fingernails full of pooh. Well the boys are running around screaming and laughing that "Sissy has crapola on her!". I was mortified!!!!! I am pretty sure they wont come back!!! :blush:


    I am terrified to invite anyone over anymore.....



  6. You could go Brittney....


    I would call a hair stylist. They will know how to fix it. It will work out ok! And give your hubby credit for telling you it looked nice anyway instead of his asking what the F*ck you did to your hair!

  7. Does anyone know if Sara Babb is booked for swimming lessons yet? Do you know of another option for lessons? I mentioned to someone that we were going to sign up (can't remember who it was now) and they said they had a great swim teacher for me but they never gave me the info. UGH!


    I have got to get these 2 lessons this year!

  8. As a child of a father who only wanted to be bothered when it worked for him, I feel very sad for your children. They are old enough to know what is going on. I would have one long conversation with that man and remind him when this 20 year old fling is long gone, those kids are still going to be there, loving him, regardless of how he has treated them. I have NO respect for parents like this! Sorry that you and your children are living through this.

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