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Posts posted by jenn_gorski

  1. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/myfox/pages/H...mp;pageId=1.1.1


    Fox news in Tampa did a report on Kaleb and the myspace page.



    Tuesday, June 12, 2007


    ANother Step back



    We have hit a bump in the road.




    This AM Kaleb threw up blood... a lot of blood. He has internal bleeding. So they have stopped his feeds and replaced the feeding tube with a vacuum like tube that is suctioning out his stomach to see if the bleeding stops on its own. If it doesn't, the next step would be a endoscopy (like a video camera that goes down through his mouth into his stomach) to see what the problem is and how they can fix it. Kaleb is pretty unresponsive today... just sleeping. It makes me sad, this emotional rollercoaster. I was so happy yesterday and he was doing well and than what-do-ya-know, another problem... My poor Kaleb. They say it could possibly be a stress ulcer or the lining of the stomach got irratated by the feeding tube. Whatever it is I hope it is minor.




    Kaleb also had a fever this AM. 101.3 temp. So they took off his little outfit and took the covers off of him... and now at this moment he is too cold. So now the Bairhugger (Heater) is on him. It is so funny, down here in Florida they do not sell little beanie hats for babies and all of the hats that we are attempting to put on him are WAY too small. So luckly they have found some newborn hats that fit him... But they are kinda girly... But that is ok. He looks really pale today too. I guess this just goes to show that cases like these def. have UPs and DOWNS... and unfortunately today seems to be Down Day.




    Last night we got to experience a hospital fire alarm... Funny that is the second one since we have been here. Today thankfully the college aged group at our church is bringing us dinner... I am looking forward to that. I am hoping that Kaleb will wake up a little bit tonight so I can see his beautiful eyes. He looks like he is getting taller. All of the outfits that I brought up to the hospital don't even fit him... =0)




    I am going to get going... I need to go buy better tape to tape up all the letters and cards that we got today. To all of you who are waiting for me to accept your friend request... I am sorry... I have 2500 pages of friend request and I am trying to work out a way to get through them all.




    This is just another trial that Kaleb has to go through for some reason... a reasont that I don't understand, but God does. I trust that this will only make him stronger.

  2. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do if you don't live in an HOA ran subdivision. All I can do is keep my yard looking nice and hope my neighbors do the same. Thankfully, our neighborhood still looks very nice and it is coming up on 10 years, I believe. My DH will spend any spare time he has on the yard, it is his pride and joy. Sometimes, I wouldn't care if the grass got a little long if he would spend more of that time with us as a family....

  3. Yes you are rich! We are all rich when we have healthy children and love of a spouse! :D



    The lesson is to treasure it all, every single minute of every aggravating thing they do, because in a heartbeat, it can all change. After watching the video on Friday, I could not shake Kaleb's image from my brain. I spent all day on his mothers blog and the others that have been set up for him. I cried all day long and went home and loved on my 3 little boys in a way that they just didn't understand. My heart aches for that family and that precious little boy!

  4. An article in the paper:




    Baby's hospital tale grips MySpace


    Published June 8, 2007




    A screen grab of the top left portion of Kristy Reynolds MySpace page, which shows her with her baby, who deputies say was abused by a day care worker.




    Breaking News Video


    TAMPA - The Sheriff's Office never named the 5-month-old boy they say suffered a brain injury when shaken by a day care worker in May.


    But thousands of MySpace readers know all about young Kaleb Schwade.


    His 21-year-old mother, Kristy Schwade, has elicited national sympathy and donations by posting daily updates to her blog. Thursday, MySpace ranked her blog as its most popular among 150-million such online journals.


    "Kaleb opened his eyes!!!" she wrote that morning.


    Her blog has become an Internet phenomenon. People write to her from Missoula, Mont., and Anderson, Calif., and Tok, Alaska. Readers, many of them young mothers, find her through links on craigslist and cafemom.com. They send her prayers and poems. Sites have sprung up in support; among them, a "Help Kaleb" MySpace page.


    So many people have asked to be Schwade's online "friend, " that she has 359 pages of friend requests she hasn't yet answered, she writes.


    More than 4, 700 people have left comments on her page since Kaleb was admitted May 9 to Tampa General Hospital. Thousands more have sent her electronic nods of support, called "kudos."


    Her blog, set in the intensive care unit, stands in grim contrast to other popular MySpace pages. No. 2-ranked "Be Plies 'Shawty' For A Day!!" contains explicit language and photos. Another blogger, "Lil Mama, " got to No. 4 by asking, "If you were a lip gloss, what flavor would you be and why?"


    It's unclear how MySpace ranks blogs, and a spokeswoman didn't respond to questions Thursday.


    Schwade and her husband, Joshua Schwade, declined to be interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times.


    But on MySpace.com, Schwade says plenty.


    Her first post after Kaleb's injuries complained that person suspected of abusing her son was released on bail.


    "This woman gets out jail on a $5, 000.00 bond?!?!? What is wrong with our judicial system?"


    Rebecca Saunders, 35, was arrested on suspicion of aggravated child abuse. A prosecutor is reviewing the case, and Saunders, declared indigent, was assigned a public defender.


    The Sheriff's Office alleges that Kaleb's parents delivered him to Saunders' day care on May 9, only to return that afternoon and find him asleep and breathing unusually. On examination, he was diagnosed with bilateral hemorrhaging and subdural hematoma - bleeding on the brain.


    Saunders, too, declined interview requests. Attorney Leon Jones, who briefly represented her, said no abuse occurred in her care. He said Saunders first met the baby a day or two earlier, and that Kaleb seemed overly fussy, couldn't stop crying and had breathing problems.


    The day before the alleged abuse, Kaleb's mother referred to illness in a MySpace post to a woman on her "friends" list.


    "So I just got a call from the Babysitter and Kaleb is SICK... 102 fever and throwing up... WHEN WILL IT END! I am so tired of DRAMA, " she wrote.


    Diane Queto, a family friend, said Schwade took Kaleb to a doctor for a respiratory infection after the call from Saunders.


    A day later, he was in the hospital for a brain injury.


    In the weeks that followed, Schwade began using MySpace to tell what was then a small group of friends how Kaleb was doing. But, soon, total strangers were viewing her page, and by Thursday, it reflected 9, 250 "friends."


    She told them the injury had blinded Kaleb. He also acquired bacterial meningitis. A noncontagious form may occur after head surgery, a Health Department epidemiologist said. Schwade told her readers that Kaleb might end up in a vegetative state, as much as she didn't want to believe it.


    The injury also left him with seizures, she wrote.


    "He had a good night, " she posted Thursday. "He threw up 2 times but no seizures. I just pray that eventually my beautiful baby boy can see again."


    On her blog, Schwade details Kaleb's medications. She tells of touching moments when he grips her hand. Sentences in capital letters punctuate her feelings, and her somber messages on Kaleb's long-term prognosis usually end with religious optimism.


    She describes a steak house first-anniversary dinner that she and her husband managed to make during a hospital break. She posts her address online and reports that people have sent donations and cards.


    She takes hospital bedside pictures of Kaleb and updates them often on her page, writing little captions beneath: "The site where the tube was." "The 2nd day in ICU." "You can see that his eyes are open a little bit."


    Readers have posted more than 1, 300 comments on the photos. The most popular one, which has drawn about 500 posts, is a closeup of Kaleb with a breathing tube and heart monitor.


    "So precious and innocent, " wrote one reader. "I just don't understand."

  5. What I don't understand is why the bond was so low? I mean I am looking at an article about a nanny doing this to a 3 mo old litle girl in the same area, and her bond was $50,000.

  6. I shared this video with a friend of mine and keep in mind she has no kids. After seeing it, she doesn't understand why they don't just let him go.


    As a parent, reading that blog and watching that video was heartbreaking, btu I would be there too. I wouldn't stop the fight until I knew every possible chance had been taken. This little boy looks like an angel laying there. My heart just breaks and I can't stop the tears. I will say this, that woman would not be found if that was my son laying there.


    I hope that Oprah does get on this, and that this family gets the medical help and prayers they need.

  7. My husband has had this happen 3 times now, about every 1 1/2 years it happens. He knows the symptoms much earlier now, so it doesn't have to get that bad before we head to the ER. He had the same thing. The first time we had my mother in town, had just eaten a big steak and crab leg dinner at home when he disappeared. I found him bent over in the bathroom, puking and tears running down his face. He laid down for a bit and then we were off to the ER. Who would have known how fast you can make that trip to Paulding Hospital when you need to. It scared me to death, cos I had no clue what was happening. They say it is the pain equivilent of child birth, so we are even, I birthed 3 babies, he birthed 3 kidney stones!!

  8. Mine does it at night. As he goes to sleep he likes to listen to the sirius on Dish. He has it so loud. But if I happen to stay up and watch tv in bed and I can barely hear it, he'll complain. MEN!

  9. The men in my life!! They drive me nuts, but I wouldn't trade them for anything! My 5 (almost 6) year old graduating from Kindergarten and making tournament for t-ball New Hope Scorpions especially!!




  10. Having a Tastefully Simple open house June 12 at 7:00 p.m. Lancaster Subdivision.


    Fun, friends and fabulous food … that’s what Tastefully Simple parties are all about! From main dishes to desserts, we offer a wide variety of gourmet foods and gifts for every day and every occasion. Best of all, our products can be enjoyed right out of the package or prepared within minutes, with just addition of one or two items! And talk about YUMMY!! For those of you who have already tasted Tastefully Simple products, you know how easy and great tasting they are. For those of you who haven't experienced Tastefully Simple yet, what are you waiting for??


    Come and sample a vast array of Tastefully Simple products, which include Breads, Soups, Dip Mixes, Spices, Salsas, Condiments, Spreads, Oils and Dressings, Beverages and let's not forget DESSERTS! I promise you will leave wanting more!!


    RSVP me

  11. Probaby Taco Hell, have to run to Home Depot for play sand. Finally found some, home depot in Hiram and Douglasville and Lowes were all out yesterday. Thankfully there is one close to work.

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