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Posts posted by jenn_gorski

  1. I could talk all day about why our nation is rapidly imploding into a self-centered and self-righteous black hole, but I won't...mostly because I'm a socialist at heart...or communist...depends on who you ask. And also because no one cares :) But, I'm with ya. I'll just keep on trucking and doing the best I can. These things always come full circle, this I know. And I'll have a margarita in hand to watch the festivities.


    I sleep better at night knowing that people can count on me. Knowing that I didn't lie to anyone, even if they didn't want to hear what I had to say. Like it or lump it as the saying goes...least there's no guessing. I hate guessing.



    I think it goes right along with everything else... don't spank your kids or they won't feel loved.... everybody on the team gets a trophy for effort, win or lose.... no respect is given to teachers, authority, etc. When we were kids, a teacher would call and it didn't matter my explanation, mom disciplined me and you could bet I went back and treated that teacher differently. Now, parents BLAME the teacher, most kids aren't accountable for what they do. How often do you notice someone NOT holding a door for a lady? I am always shocked, especially when it is a young man (early teens or before) that will open a door for me. That is a family that raised their child with respect, not just for women, but I bet in all aspects of life. I probably am not wording this right, cos in my brain it is this very philisophical explanation.... LOL

  2. Having a problem in the family. Not the first time. Just wondering if anyone has gone through it, family gone through it, what did you go through? Thought everything was fine, was being closely monitored, but got a cc in their hands and in 3 days, burnt through any sort of emergency money we would have had. So seems we are back to square one and I just don't know what to do. Need advice... and I don't need dump him or her. Because 1) I love this person and 2) we have a family to consider.

  3. Thanks! I have been to Hunter park, but it sooo hot. Maybe early in the a.m. Tanner park looks like fun, with the beaches. I am worried about taking both boys in a pool because they aren't strong swimmers. At least on a beach, they can play in the sand and sit in the shallow end.


    Does Sope Creek have any swimming areas? I didn't see that mentioned.

  4. They ought to make these boys work in the incinerator room of a local animal shelter. Let them see that, breathe that, day in and day out. 60 days in not a long enough punishment, but you can bet if that was my child, the punishment would go on right when their little butts made it back to my house. Unreal.

  5. I don't think respect and common courtesy are a standard taught lesson in some homes... I think that is the start of it. You see it in interactions all day long, but it seems more so in the younger set to me.

  6. Funny that she is talking about her arrest record.


    I met someone over the weekend that knows this family. Really weird. We were talking about Monkey Joes, and the insurance costs that must be associated... then we got into frivolous lawsuits. Which brought me to the $5000 bond on the babysitter accused of this. He knew immediately who I was talking about. Says he knows a close member of the family for 30 years... he said the reason that her bond was so low, is because the sitter has documentation that Kaleb was like that when he was dropped off. He says there are many rumors where he works (which I don't want to mention) that it is a family member. The father's history is kind of rocky, high temper, etc etc.


    Not that any of it really matters. Baby Kaleb is the only thing that matters. Just thought how interesting and easy it is to form an opinion about someone based on what you hear in the media, without having access to everything. It will be real interesting when the story is able to be told in its entirety.

  7. Sunday, June 17, 2007


    Kaleb Today



    Kaleb had a good day today. He has been kind of sleepy but is still reacting to our voices. We got to the hospital a little bit later today because we went and had a Father's Day Lunch with my whole family. I am exhausted now!!!!! They lowered his feeds today to see way he continues to throw up. He also has a little bit of a rash on his forehead now. He is maintaining his body tempeture too!!




    I gave Josh a card with Kaleb's handprint in it for Father's Day. Josh loved it. Kaleb also got him World's Best Daddy T shirts too. Josh is wearing one right now. I love how Josh is so faithful and how much he believes that Kaleb will be alright. He doesn't even have to say it, I see it in his eyes. It makes me fall in love with him all over again. Kaleb is strong just like he is and he couldn't have a Better Daddy.




    I want to say thank you for all of the cards, letters and gifts for Kaleb from everyone!!! Almost all of his walls are covered in them. I keep saying that I am going to post up pictures but by the time that I get home I am SOOOOO TIRED. I have noticed that I am much more tired now than I have ever been in my entire life! I just continue to ask God to give me strength... that is all I can do.




    Thank you for supporting me in my last blog. I figured that I would be upfront with things because I have nothing to hide. Please continue to pray for my baby boy! Please pray that Justice will be served. Please pray for me as I am feeling kind of weak right now.



    2:18 PM - 3188 Comments - 3549 Kudos - Add Comment



    Up Front



    There has been something that has been brought to my attention that I would like to clear up. First off let me say that if I EVER was a Suspect in what happened to my son then there would be no way that I would've ever been allowed to be near Kaleb. There was a week long investigation into who did this to my son involving forensics doctors and well trained child abuse investigators. There are logistics to the story that I unfortunately cannot share with you that make it impossible that I or anyone in my family did this to Kaleb. Kaleb is my Baby boy and it takes someone VERY SICK and EVIL to do this to a child and I am neither of those two things. When the suspect has her arraingment the details of the case will be made public. My son was not cholicy, he was a happy baby and loved to be with Josh and I and we adore him.


    Some have looked up the fact that I have an arrest record. "ARREST". Yes unfortunately this is true. I was arrested when I was 19 for "domestic battery". My Husband (before we were married) and I were having an argument in our new apartment(We just moved in 2 days prior) and our nosey neighbors called the cops. In Florida Law in a domestic situation one of the two must go to Jail. Again I would like to say that I was completely innocent and that it was a bad judgement on the Cops part. There were never any charges drawn up and it was over as quick as it started. I would rather bring it to everyone's attention then for a couple of stupid people on message boards to bring it up and say that this implies that I did this to my son. Stop and Think... Obviously the detectives who investigated the case knew this information... and still I never was a suspect. I wish I could go into detail and explain what exactly happened on May 9, but I have been instructed not to by the State's Attorney Office. WHat I can say is that they have an extremely good case against the suspect...




    Every one is free to their opinion... and I hope this clears up any suspicion...





    8:17 AM - 7526 Comments - 7987 Kudos - Add Comment




    Saturday, June 16, 2007


    A small step back...



    Kaleb is still fighting hard. We got a call on the way to the hospital that Kaleb's blood count was low, so they are going to give him a blood transfusion, infact they are doing that right now. He has been slowing down on his movement in the last 24 hours and they think that it could be a result from the low blood count. He is also having some stridor when he breathes too. When I walked into his room, I got a little scared because of how loud he was breathing. He also had som spit up around his mouth too. So I cleaned it all up and I saw that there was a tiny, tiny amount of blood in the spit up. The nurses don't seemed too concerned about it, so I guess that is a good sign.




    Tomorrow will be Josh's first Fathers Day. I think we will end celebrating it here at the hospital for my Dad too. That is what we did for Mother's Day. Maybe I will bake a cake when I get home tonight.




    We have received an very LARGE amount of pakages. I took a picture of all of the stuff we got today and I have been trying to upload them, but for some reason my camera is acting weird. I will try to post it up later tonight. We rcv'd so many packages that my ENTIRE couch is filled and stacks up about 4 feet high all the way accross!!! WOW! WE ARE SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU.




    Kaleb just threw up, alot. He looks like he feels really sick today. The throw up was kind of brownish...This is the color that blood is when It is old. Hopefully it is brown just from the last bleed that he had. This just happened while I was in the middle of typing this. He started throwing up on his back and luckily the nurse was standing right by him to turn him to his back. I am so afraid that he is going to aspirate and then develope pneumonia (sp)... That would be horrible!




    Tomorrow I am excited to go to church. I feel like there is something that I need to hear tomorrow that is going speak to my heart. I will be saying an extra special prayer tonight for all you Dads out there.



    10:53 AM - 4248 Comments - 4671 Kudos - Add Comment




    Friday, June 15, 2007


    June 15,2007



    Kaleb had an Ok day today. The doctors have ordered speech therepy to start coming in daily and I was told the the lady who does it that this was a good sign. Today we focused on stimulization. I talked directly into Kaleb's ear and he responded by slightly moving his head to my direction. His breathing also increased. Then we played the lullaby glo worm and his arms shot right up in the air!!!!!!!!!! I mean STRAIGHT UP! I was so happy to see that. Then we focused on his mouth. We took a soft rubber thing and rubbed it against his lips and he would kind of smack his lips together. The speech lady thought that he did REALLY GOOD today. I was so happy to hear this! He is making leaps and bounds and I pray that this just continues. There has been a problem with his breathing pattern today though.... It has been kind of lower than normal. So I hope that this is nothing serious. His o2 sats are perfect though so I am sure that it is nothing serious.




    This weekend is Father's Day... so I went out and got Josh something small. I had to run a couple of errands today. So I haven't been at the hospital too much today =( But Grandpa was! Now we are all here Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa.




    Tonight Josh and I are going out on our date! We were told in one of the letters that we rcv'd to go out on a date... so we are going to celebrate fathers day tonight. Thank you to that special someone who made this possible.




    The Arraignment to coming up VERY SOON. I am anxious for this... I need to pray about this.




    Please continue to pray for my little man, Pray for his breathing to improve and pray that justice will be served for him.



    3:54 PM - 4988 Comments - 6307 Kudos - Add Comment

  8. YUM The orange freeze is YUMMY!!


    But the rest, just kills my tummy. It is good going down, but after..... it's not worth it! There is a lot of history though, so if you go, don't do the drive thru. Go inside and look at the famous people that used to work there. Nipsy Russell is the one I remember....

  9. I am taking July 4th week off to spend with the kiddos.


    I already know I want to go to Sun Valley Beach and to a free movie depending on what is showing that week, but what else can we do that won't cost a fortune?


    I am going to check Coot's Lake to see if their open, cos that would be good.


    Otherwise, I am thinking buy the season pass for Sun Valley and we'll be there every day. It is too hot to do much else if there is no water involved.

  10. I got to talk with Rebekkah (dallasgirl, I think) and someone from the CASA booth came by, but I have blanked on the name. I stuck to my booth though. The one time I walked around the bikes, my booth was swamped, so I had to run back.


    It was a very moving event, especially the end. I wish I had my boys with me, they (especially Justin) LOVE motorcycles (boom boom cycies as Justin calls them) and the reving of teh engines would have made their day!

  11. There is that new one I heard about on the news.. you know the one that says wear dark clothing and have a change of clothes, just in case. That sounds like a pill I would try! NOT


    I was referred to a dr in Gwinnett by some co-workers that go once a month. They get some sort of pill from him. I haven't had a chance to go yet. Apparently, you go for a physical at $75, then once a month you go and get a B12 shot and some pill. He said he and his wife both have done it. He has not altered his eating/exercise at all and lost 20 lbs. I haven't had a chance to go yet.


    I try to watch what I eat and I don't really exercise, and yes I'll use the excuse of there is no time, but I have 3 boys, under the age of 5 1/2 and I figure chasing them is exercise enough! But until I started skipping meals, I didn't lose anything. It could be a combination of baby weight finally fading and that, but I lost 20 lbs recently.

  12. Since you all were so helpful on the primary doctor question, I've got another one.


    The boys are patients of Dr. Saade up off of 1-20 across from the West Cobb shopping plaza. I work in Atlanta. So anytime I have to take the kids for an appointment, I have to take an afternoon off due to drive time from Atlanta and then pick up kids and then drive another 20-30 minutes to the doctors office. Every time I do it, I think I need to find a closer doctor. I was just there last week and decided I really need to do it now!


    So, who do you recommend as a peditrician (preferrably in Paulding)? Thanks!

  13. I agree. I love Dr. Goolsby. He has been our PCP for 7 years and his nurse practitioner, Glenda has always been very nice as well. I am not sure who the doctor was in this case but I hope it was not Goolsby. :unsure:


    It was and I am not sure if Glenda was the NP (if she is the tiny nurse with dark hair, I have seen her and she was always sweet). <_<


    Thanks everyone, seems I have some researching to do!!

  14. Wow, poor guy. I am sure the surgery will make him a whole new toddler!


    You know I wonder if this is what my guy has. He has been sick since he was an infant. He seems he constantly has a cold, runny nose, which then aggravates his throat with all the drainage. It is easier for me to tell people his healthy dates then his sick times because they don't seem to go away. I had him back in a week ago and they just decided he is a bad teether. He teeths, it infects his sinus, which drain, which then cause the croop cough, etc etc. I should probably get him into an ENT.

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