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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Well being you are so all knowing I will not go down this road with you but will take the high road. Good Luck..best wishes..whatever you seem to think is the correct term is. I am in no mood to deal with this junk right now.
  2. She is at the hospital today with someone who is having surgery. I know she is very worried so if you have a second to spare send good wishes and thoughts her way. I am waiting now to hear how things went.
  3. RIGGHHT............................ Maybe you need to READ. "If you think it's bad luck, why even bother with the tree in the first place? If you believe in such a thing, I'm surprised that you celebrate a Christian holiday at all." That statement was RUDE and uncalled for. NOTHING very Christian like in it. Lip service only. So yes I stand by what I said. I am sorry for people who are so judgmental. I do not know what you were taught but I was taught manners and judging others for their family traditions at this time of year especially has got to be a person with big problems. Sor
  4. Poor thing I guess you have LOTS of problems don't you.
  5. Something about bringing in old to the new year.We have always done this in my family.
  6. I always take mine down Christmas night. NEVER would I carry it over to the new year..bad luck.
  7. My son and his wife got all new stuff from there when they built their house. Not sure if they deliver or if you have to pick it up. Prices were well woth the drive.
  8. Traffic Message has been issued by the Paulding County E-911 Communications Center. Saturday December 25, 2010 7:48 PM EST Please be advised that Paulding County Roadways are not safe for travel. Please stay off roadways for your safety. Please be advised that Paulding County roadways are not safe for travel. Paulding County 911 advises you stay home or where you are for your own safety. Per the National Weather Service conditions will not be improving over the next 24 hours, but will in fact be worsening. For full details, go to https://local.nixle.com/alert/4430644/?sub_id=20
  9. I have not heard any calls for there YET.
  10. This is a great place. http://www.akinsfurniture.com/
  11. SOOOO not worth wrecking my car much less getting hurt. I have to wonder about people.
  12. Another wreck at Cedarcrest Blvd. and Cedarcrest RD. another on Holly Springs with injuries
  13. Due West Road 2 vehicles wreck
  14. HWY 61 and High Shaols...2 vehicles stuck on Road Cedarcest Rd 1 vehicle over turned
  15. Roads are starting to ice over. Wreck on Cedarcrest Blv. one on Holly Springs
  16. 1800 Block of gold mine has one in the ditch.
  17. Mullberry Rock Rd starting to ice over.
  18. I just got back home and yes the roads are getting icy. Turn scanner on and the wrecks are being reported.
  19. You can listen to it here. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=492
  20. I thought she was great..except she said he weighed 365 pounds...LOL She better watch out he may not like her telling everyone that. Tell her great job for me.
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