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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Tell him thanks and to stay safe. I always worry about my son at times like this. Dangerous time for power people.
  2. Dang I am coming to your house.
  3. green wood is harder to burn but it will burn
  4. I have heard 3 calls today on the scanner about people cutting down trees that did not belong to them.
  5. The second time it would be my dog that came out the front door and I HOPE he would tear someone ass up.
  6. LPPT it may help to read what in legal terms they are talking about. http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/p084.htm
  7. well if you drop IT IT will run away and who knows what will happen next
  8. is IT wild??? I know S can calm It down then..after NG stops IT.
  9. IT is not covered? If IT has been shaved then IT may be cold ,short and stubby so I bet if IT spits it would not be much. She could toss a cover over IT. Then she can hold IT till you can get there to slap IT for her.
  10. I thought Rumor had IT???? When did you get IT?....isITspitting??.....
  11. IT will not happen because if you have been reading Rumor has IT..unless IT gets loose and can start some s*IT then no bad weather. By the way keep Sadie away from IT if IT does start to spit or anything because she may just slap IT.
  12. I wonder about IT too If IT spits YOU can slap IT
  13. Does IT know where the tunnels are? Will we be safe from IT there?
  14. IT may turn out to be short and stubby.
  15. I may just stomp IT next time IT comes by.
  16. OK just the thought was enough to give me a big laugh. But I bet I could name a few who would/will pass the mustard.
  17. ooops sorry my bad. IT did IT again....tricky little thing.
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