Someone saw me kicking a can down the street, and when asked what I was doing I said, "Moving."
I ain't broke, but I'm severely bent
•I'm so broke me and my girlfriend got married for the rice.
that was an amazing episode, Russell is so dang funny to watch. I think he is the ultimate Reality star. Betcha money they do another all star soon, cuz they are going to want to put him back on tv
I need a good recipe. I make a pecan cake for thanksgiving and Christmas but the icing recipe I have seems to turn out a bit runny. If you have a good recipe you use please share it with me.
I need to get over there, I looked at their gallery today...........big mistake It all looks so yummy and they are way over yonder and I have a sick kid at home sigh, maybe tomorrow!!
they are open tomorrow right
Heck yes, I love the big gay guy He should have a show featuring him cuz he is good!!! The show where they take the baby to the babygroup class thingie was so dern funny. Al Bundy is awesome I have always enjoyed him (Remeber the movie he was in I think Dutch? Loved it) Anyhow it is funny