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Posts posted by Sinister

  1. If they are 15 with a learner's permit and the cycles are 50cc they are legal to be ridden on the street. That is for moped and scooters. I don't know how a dirt bike is classifed.



    I have a relative with a bike, he said in order to be street legal (for surface streets 45mph and under) the vehicle must have between a 50cc and a 125cc engine and must be able to go at least 35 mph, in which case the vehicle qualifies as a moped and can be driven on surface streets by anyone 16 years of age or older without anykind of license. once above 125cc engine and can go faster than 55mph then you must be at least 15 years old and have at least a motorcycle permit to operate the vehicle on any roadway.


    so if thosekids are younger than 15 I guess, they have to keep the vehicle on dirt and not use the road. if they are older than maybe put in a noise complaint.

  2. What can I do to make money quickly? My mom took us to Helen and didn't pay us back for the part she said she would pay us back for. The only reason we did these things was because 1) she told us to and 2) she told us she would pay us back. On top of that, I was out of work and so sick I went to the ER last week. On top of THAT, hubby has, yet again, not kept up with his debit card usage. He has automatic deposit, and doesn't write down what he spends. He just goes by what he 'thinks' we have, but always forgets things or writes a check for a bill and then thinks it has cleared when it hasn't. As of tomorrow, I have total control of the money. I'm really good about putting aside the money for the bills as SOON as we get paid, and dividing up the rest for gas, groceries, etc. I know how much I have at all times, and will now know how much 'we' have also.

    This doesn't help us now. We're negative at the bank, two weeks to go until payday (which is when rent is due), AND Dd's birthday is the same week. Help?!? I'm not asking for handouts or financial help...I'm asking for ideas.


    lots and lots of babysitting im sure there are plenty of moms in paulding who could use it.

  3. Mine is set so that if I hit it accidentally, it goes to my husband, not the last caller. Of course, he's the main one I talk with on the direct connect anyway. He just needs to learn that if I don't answer, there's usually a good reason why. <_<

    And, no, we would harass you toooo bad. B)


    My brother has one of those darn beeper phones that his work gave him, keeps me up all freakin night. THERE IT GOES AGAIN!!! He might be more responsible than me but hes a darned sight more annoying to. I think he derives pleasure from paining me with that phone of his.

  4. January 7th, Mmm I wonder if i should use you to take baby pictures of us. Since my wife hates when i use my sync cord lolWHAT DOES EVERYONE THINK OF:CALEB PATRICK KORNFIELD


    I think of dueling banjos....

  5. I dont really mean protective I guess, but like how nosey is he. Does he have to know every place you went in a Day or every penny you spend, does he check you Bank account to see how much money you spent at every store??


    Does he care which girlfriend you eat lunch with and where you eat lunch at???

    My husband could care less what I do in a days time, how much money I spend out of our JOINT bank account, or where I spent it. HE could care less which girlfriend I ate luch with where and which day.


    I went to the Brad Paisley concert with another girlfriend and he said "Have a great time"!!!


    Some of my friends husbands, check their Bank account online all day long to see where they went and what they spent. One in particular her hubby wants to know where she is going and with who and when she will be home, and if she is a minute late he is pissed.




    Dont get me wrong my hubby cares, and is intrested in my day but he isnt nosey and picky about what I do. It just seems so weird to me when I see husbands acting like this.


    Another thing is my husband isnt picky about the house, If I laid on my Booty all dayin my PJ's and ate Bon Bons when he came home he wouldnt care. Now if the house was torn upside down he might say "WHAT HAPPENED" but never "HAVE YOU SAT THERE ALL DAY AND DID NOTHING" he is just not that way.


    IS it not weird for husbands to be this way to anyone else but me??



    Reading into checkbooks and seeing who your hanging out with could go eitherway to an extent. however it should also be noted that if it gets a little extreme, something more than likely happened to that man to make him that way. And chances are he doesnt want it to happen again. Not defending the behavior im just saying there more than likely a reason for it. You could just as easily monitor him. now if he doesnt care chances are he thinks he has nothing to hide and therefore doesnt understand why it may bother you because he is thinking "why should it bother her if shes got nothing to hide?" its a logical fallacy to be sure, but an understandable one.

  6. We like the first one, my parents are wanting us to use "P" in memory of my grandmother Pearl. Any suggestions.



    Well President Harry Truman's middle name was the letter "s" because his parents wanted to name him after two people whose names started with S. so really there was no need for the period when he signed his name Harry S. Truman since it was not an abbreviation (though he did so anyway) so why not name him Caleb P. of course personally i dont much care for the name caleb but if its a family name then go for it you can always call him CP, or C3P0 for fun. or if you need ideas for names that egine with P.....


















  7. you were distracted from your sickness. much like a headache goes away during sex. you want to not feel sick then do something that will preoccupy you. more specifically something you wish to do. if you work while sick youre gonna be miserable.

  8. Military is something different.


    By all means, if you can prove you are in the Military, you should be able to go to ANY bar.


    If you are old enough to die for your country, then you are old enough to have a drink.


    yeah but Os do you really want a bunch of drunks to be issued firearms?


    wait, this is paulding county we already have that problem,nevermind.

  9. My friend has an earache and she is taking antibiotics but still having pain. Does anyone have a home remedy that will ease the pain until the antibiotic does the trick?


    Witch hazel always worked wonders for me.

  10. I'm trying to start this resource type thing for single parents. I would love to see it go national, but right now I'm just working on Paulding County. :) I'd like to know what you think about what I wrote as my objectives for the group. And if you are a single parent, feel free to join! :)


    Thanks a bunch!



    Theres already a resource its called SunTzu's "The Art of WAR"

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