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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I have been blessed to still have both of my parents.. I am dreading the day when the cancer gets the best of my Daddy... My prayers are with you today... that you have good loving memories of your mom to help you through the day
  2. she has won the battle now, and has no more pain... I am sure she is doing things now that she has not gotten to do in a long time... My prayers will be with her parents, and friends. Victory is sweet
  3. Happy Birthday Shad... I am sure you would have been a great person, if given the chance..
  4. I am so sorry for your loss... is there anything we can do? Prayers will be with you during this time...
  5. Is this wanda's nephew? I know wanda... I pray the family finds peace about this very sad situation...
  6. There is another topic about life flight landing at Northside school...
  7. I think there are way to many kids dropped off there, that do not go in the movies, they hang around out side.. Hubby and I went to see a movie there, and will never go back, that place is over run by young kids and young teenagers who are just turned a loose... If the teenagers ar going in to the see the movies and the parents are there to pick them up after th movies is over that is fine... but most of the teenagers do not go in the movies... and that parking lot is a mess!
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